Mr. Monk and the Employee of the Month - S3-E7
Audio problem: There is a high-pitched feedback noise that is only audible every time one particular camera is being shown during this scene. (00:10:35)

Audio problem: Season 3, Episode 68, "The Duel". Sometimes the tank's co-axial machine gun is firing, but no gunfire sound is heard.

The Life Against Death Raid - S1-E2
Audio problem: The motorcycle/sidecar and jeeps' tyres sound like they're screeching on asphalt, when the vehicles are actually in deep sand.

Audio problem: When Vince and Mike pull the tabletop out from under the car, while Roy is under there with Mrs. Merkle, we hear the audio of Roy loudly saying, "I'm telling you right now, we're gonna have to brace this thing well, this thing will...," but what's oddly funny is that the dialogue is dubbed right over Roy saying, "Wait, wait, let me check her over...," which is a neat trick that he can say both lines at the same time.

Audio problem: When Michael is forced to do "errands" for Brennen, they stop by Jonathan Carver's house to get numbers from him for a voice key. The code played back at the facility is 71348. He says "3" in a medium pitch (tone) at the house, but it is high pitched when played back at the facility; he says "8" in a medium pitch, and it's also high pitched later. And finally he says "9" in a low pitch and it's played back medium pitch. Also very obvious is the fact that Jonathan never says "1" or "7."

Audio problem: When Martha is talking to everyone on her laptop, we can see her mouth moving from the front view. Yet when the camera cuts behind her, she's still talking but we don't see her mouth move. (00:28:32)

Audio problem: When Reid and Morgan are walking up the stairs to the first victim's apartment they are talking, but their mouths aren't moving. (00:06:05)

Audio problem: The drummer in Oz's band's movements don't match the song that is heard when we first see them performing at Buffy's house.

Audio problem: As Carlos is giving his speech at the barbecue, Julie sees Zach and says to Susan "Oh God". After cutting to a shot of Zach and his father it shows Julie and Susan again. If you look to the right of the shot you will see Carlos' face is just looking in front of him and not speaking, but you can still hear him giving his speech whilst he is in shot.

Audio problem: At the beginning of the episode when Cordelia leaves with Pierce, she says, "Don't mind him". But her lips don't match the words.

Audio problem: In a recent episode where Jane is moving into Ian's place, she accidentally knocks over Ian's daughter's clay vase she made. When you hear the crash, it sounds something like glass shattering on tiles, but it's clay that has fallen on a carpet.

Human Error - S7-E18
Audio problem: When Chakotay comes into Seven's quarters at some stage, the comm badge sound is used, not the standard door chime sound.

My Best Friend's Mistake - S1-E3
Audio problem: When Dr. Cox is yelling at Dr. Reed and he's saying, "For the love of Aisha," he's mouthing the word God, but "Aisha" which was dubbed over. (01:02:40)

Audio problem: 1897: Quentin challenges Barnabas by pulling a decorative sword from a wall display and pointing it at his throat. Unfortunately, the display wasn't all that well attached to the set wall. Though the camera pans away, you can hear a loud clunk as the piece falls, followed by the loud crash of shattering glass as it strikes and breaks a table lamp. You can also see the actors struggling very hard to keep straight faces as they continue with their lines.

The Girl Who Was Death - S1-E15
Audio problem: For some reason, "Londonderry Air" was dubbed over the original song being performed by the actors/singers. Their lips aren't moving in sync with the words at all.

Bushwhacked - S1-E2
Audio problem: When Zoë and Mal find the door to the cargo hold, Zoë checks to see if it's locked. Four beeping sounds can be heard as she does this, but she doesn't press any buttons. She only turns a knob on the door. The four beeping sounds are also heard before she even touches anything.

Audio problem: When Deb tells Angel to "look up" warning him of the security camera, Angel moves his lips as though he's talking but there is no audible dialogue. A few seconds later, his lips stop moving but then his audible lines are spoken. Then, again, there is no dialogue, but his lips move again. (00:07:15)

Audio problem: When Demming writes "Stolen books" on the white board and says, "Killed for a fortune in stolen books, so I'll run the work crews and see if anybody has priors", his lips don't match what he's saying at all.

Audio problem: When Prue is at the dentist, she grabs a guy and he says, "What, what did I do?" to his girlfriend, but his lips do not move.

Audio problem: When Abbie is trying to get Pacey's signature and says, "I'm collecting signatures," the movement of her lips doesn't match the speech. (00:15:05)