Audio problem: In one scene, when Warrick is in the prints lab, Nick claps his hands twice, but the sound track has him clapping three times.

Audio problem: In the pub with Andy, when Les is talking about Graham Norton and Les says "Ooooh, Jackie Collins!", his lips have no relation to what he's saying.

Provenance - S1-E19
Audio problem: When Sarah goes to touch Evelyn's shoulder, you hear Sam's voice telling her to stop, except his mouth isn't moving at the time the phrase is being uttered. (00:23:50)

Audio problem: In the scene where Mr. Eko dies, he starts saying "Psalm 23." He says the first line, but when it cuts to him backing away he's half way through (note: righteousness). (00:38:30)

All Americans - November 6, 1962 - S2-E14
Audio problem: During the speech where Al tells Sam to quit (to force Chewie to play), Sam says he can't quit but his mouth doesn't move for a couple seconds after the words start playing.

Audio problem: The house Kimble and Marcie are holed up in certainly has remarkable soundproofing. There's a 100 mph hurricane raging outside, yet the moment they close the door, it's completely quiet inside. Throughout the episode, the storm sounds are audible only faintly, and only when the hurricane is relevant to the story line. (00:09:00 - 00:20:15)

Audio problem: Right after Helga is standing behind the "ARNOLD" on the pavement, when she says "Hey Arnold", her lips move as if she's saying it slowly (this is fixed in the 4th season).

Audio problem: Clark listens to his father and Earl talking in the hospital through the visitor window. The sound is the same volume and quality as when Earl was using the microphone, which he is not using now. Even if Clark used super-hearing to eavesdrop, it wouldn't sound the same as the microphone. (00:18:35)

Audio problem: When Jerry uses the elevator, the voice of the computer reads out the floors as "twenty-third floor, fourth floor, fifth floor" etc, missing out the "twenty-" prefix until the 29th floor. The DVD subtitles list these numbers with their prefix, so this was not intentional. (00:21:10)

Kill Me Now - S1-E3
Audio problem: When Lorelai and Rory are sitting at a table, with Rory looking at herself in a mirror, they talk about Rory's hair. Right after this, Rory asks, "do you want something to drink?" Her mouth doesn't move at all. (00:30:00)

Earthshock - S19-E6
Audio problem: In episode two, the Cyberleader misses a button on his console, yet we still hear a beep...

Audio problem: When singing "Goodbye little yellow bird" Emma blows a kiss to Oliver offstage, but she is still singing the song when she is blowing the kiss. Although it's possible she was pretending as it was part of the act, her voice wasn't even muffled by her hand.

Audio problem: When Martin arrives at Guy's flat, the first time Guy slaps him, the sound is a fraction of a second late.

All the King's Horses - S2-E10
Audio problem: When McGarrett and Danno pull away from the curb in McGarrett's big black Mercury, the tire-squealing sound effect begins before the car actually starts to move. (Doesn't happen unless you're flooring it and "peeling out," which they're not.) (00:41:50)

The Campout - S2-E5
Audio problem: When Laura and Nellie are on the branch going down the rapids they can be heard talking, but their mouths either don't match with what they are saying or don't move at all.

Audio problem: When Mac and co. enter the basement of the house in Queens (the one where the third woman was found) the record player lifts off its needle and moves to another spot on the record, cutting off the sound for a second. However, the music starts again slightly before the needle hits the record.

Audio problem: At the end of the show, when Trapper is playing his instrument, the music does not match the movements of his hand.

The Quick and the Wed - S2-E15
Audio problem: When Kendal is at the prison talking to Aaron, she says, "Impressive handle," but you can see her reflection in the glass and her mouth isn't moving.

Audio problem: When Aetius first displays the Roman legions to Attila, the soldiers are marching out of step with the beat of the drums. Also, at the wedding of Attila and Ildico, the beat of the music is very much out of sync with the dancing and hand-clapping.

Shibboleth - S2-E8
Audio problem: As Charlie leaves the Oval Office, he pulls the door behind him. When it stops moving, the audio suggests it has been closed fully ("ka-chunk"), yet it's obvious it has not been closed as we can still see the outer office's curtains at the right of the screen, confirmed further when C.J. steps forward and the camera pans right to show the entire door frame area, and the door open quite a bit. (00:37:30)