Audio problem: When Tori and Kwon are talking in the hotel lobby, Tori says, "Maybe you shouldn't have let him kick your ass," but as she turns her head, her lips aren't moving.
Audio problem: The man Larusso neglects to sell his dealership to thinks he just got the deal before being punked. He turns around to talk to his assistant but the audio here is off enough to be noticeable. His mouth doesn't match briefly.
Answer: Just like in the original film, some guys want that brutality. Johnny in part opens the dojo because of his past rivalry with Daniel and to train a kid that's being bullied. But also, other kids that are being bullied want to join in order to learn to fight back. Johnny is also teaching the Cobra Kai creed (Strike First. Strike hard. No Mercy.") so that's why he opens his dojo with that name and the old Cobra Kai dojo's past reputation is exactly what he wants to elicit.