Audio problem: Nick uses the periscope camera through the grate of the basement floor. There is first a shot of the camera poking out and that is followed by a shot of a hand-held screen accompanied by a camera zoom sound as he zooms. Generally the zoom sound would come from the camera itself rather than the screen and a camera that size is not likely to make a electronic zoom sound of that amplitude. (00:43:20)

Audio problem: In the scene where Jack Bondurant is loading jars into the back of the truck, Floyd Banner is driven into town and screeches to a halt nearby. Although the tyres screech which is characteristic of tyres stopping suddenly/losing traction on Tarmac or cement, the car is on a loose dirt road.

Audio problem: When Mahoney and Lt Harris are driving in the car on the dirt road and Harris tells Mahoney to run behind the car, all of the conversation up until that point is done with neither character moving their mouths.

Audio problem: Near the end, Dennis Farina is sitting in his car outside Homespital. He says something out loud, however, from the side-view of his face as well as the reflection in the rear-view mirror, it is visible that his lips do not match.

Audio problem: When the truck is being lifted by the magnet, you can hear the driver talking but when you see him through the driver's side window, his mouth is not moving.

Audio problem: In the beginning, Estevez carelessly chucks an emptied trash can off camera and it never makes a sound to signify that it landed.

Audio problem: The sound is off when Marcus and Mike are in the video store talking about "The Box". It's most visible during the over the shoulder shot of Mike miming putting the word "flaccid" in the box. Mike's mouth is CLEARLY not in sync with the words that you hear. (00:56:35)

Audio problem: When Vinny questions Lisa about the photograph of the tire marks, the soundtrack has been changed to the opposite of what she actually says. When her lips say "left" we hear "right" and when she says "right" we hear "left".

Audio problem: When Miss Jessica Marbles is reading and "finds out" who the murderer is, she closes the book and puts it down saying, "good heavens." But her mouth does not move.

Audio problem: When they go to celebrate Seth passing the Series 7, Richie asks who ordered the beer and another character asks what's up. Richie says, "What's up, I hate Bud" but his lips are saying something else.

Audio problem: When Tim enters Gordon's office, you hear Tim greeting Barbara, but it is Barbara's mouth that is moving. When Barbara replies, her mouth isn't moving.

Audio problem: As Popeye Doyle is chasing the elevated train, he is continually honking his car's horn to warn pedestrians and whoever else to get out of his way. One scene shows him with one hand firmly on the wheel, and he hits the top-most rim of the wheel in frustration, and the horn honks on both hits. That car did not have a rim-blow type horn mechanism - only Fords had those, and this was a Pontiac Le Mans.

Audio problem: In the beginning, when the Blues are at the wedding and Jeff is taking the baby from Jane he says "Dance with me" but his lips don't match.

Audio problem: The Philip Morris bellboy in Jack Rabbit Slim's does the famous "Call for Philip Morris." while walking away from the camera. When he turns to the side and does the call again, we can see that his mouth movement doesn't match the vocal.

Audio problem: When Phil is playing the piano with the jazz group, we hear three glissandos (dragging of the fingers over the keys starting from high to low), yet we see his hands only do one. We hear the first two happen while we see his hands playing something different.

Audio problem: Halsey tries to get the family in the station wagon's attention by honking his horn. After the near-collision with the bus, the horn honks in a different note.

Audio problem: When Det. Middlestat is searching the body of Stephen Bracken she says something to the effect of, "He has no wallet, we will need to get his finger prints", buy her lips do not move at all until the last word or 2 of the sentence.

Audio problem: When the gang are in the club and everybody is trying to persuade Mel to dance, Bobby opens his mouth and says "Dance Mel", but it's Melanie Griffith's voice that says the line.

Audio problem: When "Mickey Mouse" rescues Roark, he says something like "It's gonna be all right," yet his mouth is closed and not moving at all.

Audio problem: Cage and his daughter are being chased by Bruce McGill, and Cage is waiting because the lady won't keep the change. When Cage grabs the change, he says "what, are you insane?". The words don't match his mouth movements.