Audio problem: When Willie listens to his messages, the sound of a tape rewinding can be heard although it's a digital answering machine.

Audio problem: When Hayes and Nick are fighting at the end, Hayes grabs Nick and says "get over here", but his mouth never moves and his teeth are clenched the whole time.

Audio problem: Notice when anything heavy hits the bottom of the ocean it makes a loud thud. The bottom is soft sand and wouldn't make noise.

Audio problem: When Cutter rolls and shoots at Vincent, we can hear the distinct sound of his pistol. However, we see a shot of the pistol's slide in the open/locked position, meaning he's run out of ammo, but we can still hear the pistol being fired a few times after that.

Audio problem: During the scene where B-Rad has to rob the liquor store, the store owner and his wife and kid come out with guns pointed at B-Rad. The kid comes out with a shotgun and a cocking sound is heard even though he doesn't cock it.

Audio problem: Near the beginning of the film Donnie and Lefty are walking down the street and talking. Donnie starts by saying "I ain't got no family". Throughout the whole conversation Donnie's and Lefty's lips are WAY out of sync with what they're saying.

Audio problem: When Effie says on the phone to Archer's widow "no, not yet" her lips do not move.

Audio problem: In one of his most famous movie scenes, Elvis lip syncs the wrong words to Jailhouse Rock. Watch his lips when he sings the words "The (band) was jumpin' down, the joint began to swing." (01:05:00)
Suggested correction: The correct lyrics are: "The band was jumpin' and the joint began to swing." Not sure if this corrects the lip syncing discrepancy though.

Audio problem: When Bovver is helping Pete up on the beach, Pete says, "My mate Bovver, never could turn down a good scrap," but his mouth never moves.

Audio problem: When the policemen are beating Kersey in the interrogation room, the words that they are saying do not at all match their mouths.

Audio problem: When Tony is about to kill Frank, Frank says "Look Tony, please don't kill me." You can see that he is not saying anything. His audio is obviously added in by Post Production.

Audio problem: In the scene where Sharon Stone is talking to Joe Pesci about how De Niro had his guys beat up James Woods, at one point Sharon Stone says, "Oh C'mon." If you look closely her mouth doesn't move at all. Also if you listen closely, that line comes out on surround sound. When she continues her line it comes out on mono. It was obviously recorded.

Audio problem: After Captain Lasard delivers his inspiring speech to "Nail these punks," one of the cops stands up and yells "Let's kick ass." even though his lips aren't moving.
Suggested correction: Looked like his lips were moving to me.
They weren't moving. He had a big smile on his face but for him to say, "Let's kick ass." would be impossible without his lips making the necessary movements to say it or with an enormous smile.
I just watched this movie and his lips WERE moving.
I've seen the scene and the mistake is valid. His mouth doesn't move in any significant way for him to say what is dubbed over. His lips barely move as if he simply took a breath.

Audio problem: In the scene where Lorna pulls the history on the MAC-10, the keystrokes aren't even close to being synced with what is appearing on the computer screen. (00:52:40)

Audio problem: In the scene "By The Throat", After Osmosis goes down the escalator. The red smoke starts to go around them. Osmosis moves his mouth with no sound, but not until a couple seconds later when the shot changes do you hear what is that cherry stench. (00:20:37)

Audio problem: When the other prostitute is run down, in the ensuing crowd chaos you hear a man scream 'Hey you jerk,' or words to that effect. Several seconds later you hear the same shout again, the exact phrase, the exact tone, the same recording.

Audio problem: When Mike and Marcus are driving in Marcus's car, just before they sing Bad Boys, in the shot over Mike's shoulder we see that what he is saying does not match the movement of his mouth. (00:22:40)
Suggested correction: But Will Smith is not speaking in that shot. Martin Lawrence is saying something corny ("I'm a baaad boy") that is the cue for the song. Smith is just mouthing under his breath.

Audio problem: When the Predator is about to shoot Gary Busey, just before Danny Glover blows the door in, listen. The actor playing the Predator is counting to three before the explosion, preparing himself for the effect. Easily heard if you turn your tv up. (01:16:15)

Audio problem: When Claude Kersek is garroted by Max Cady, the 'strangling' sound effect is heard right before the piano wire goes around his neck, and then again when it does.

Audio problem: At the beginning of the show when MJ and Reuben are introduced in the training area. Reuben fires his handgun but the sound does not match the shots.