Audio problem: When Mashkov's men grab Steve, you can hear him say "Come on, Charlie", but his lips aren't moving at all. (01:39:35)

Audio problem: When Handratty is in France telling Frank that there are 20 officers outside, you can see when the camera turns to Frank, Handratty's mouth is still moving despite the fact that he is not talking. (01:55:40)

Audio problem: When they are putting the Cook's body on the sofa, Wadsworth walks by in the background and says "Careful, don't get blood on the sofa" however his mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: When Reacher reverses out of the motel parking lot, a car is seen braking hard to avoid hitting him and honking. The audio sound of the car horn has a "doppler effect", sounding like a passing vehicle, but the car doesn't pass the viewer as it comes to a halt in frame.

Audio problem: Before Bond and Solitaire get into Kanaga's den at the end of the movie, we see two guards running. However, there are only footsteps from one person.

Audio problem: At the beginning of the movie there is a woman riding a motorcycle. It seems to be an adventure bike, but the sound is from a Harley Davidson type of a bike.

Audio problem: During a scene where Donna is exiting her hotel room, she runs into Clair and both scream. However, Clair's scream cannot be heard, but an odd screeching sound is played in place of her scream, which continues even after her mouth has been closed.

Audio problem: More than once Gracie or a member of her entourage is seen watching the distant pirate ship battle from the hotel window. The cannons fire and the blast is heard immediately. In fact, at that range (several thousand feet) there would be a discernable interval between the muzzle flash and the arrival of the weapon report.

Audio problem: In the beginning of the movie when Clark is preparing to light the Bar-B-Q, He squirts charcoal fluid out of a plastic bottle. Then Ellen squirts more fluid onto the coals out of the same plastic bottle. Listen to the sound; it is the distinctive sound of a metal charcoal lighter fluid bottle. (00:07:45)

Audio problem: Regardless of what he has on his feet, every time Gekko walks there is the sound of shoes on the floor, even when it's clear that he has socks/sneakers on.

Audio problem: When Rocco is testing the bomb in the morning in the cabin, when he says, "We're going to detonate it", his mouth isn't moving with the words. (00:50:35)

Audio problem: In the scene inside the bar where Isabella is telling Crockett what happened to her mother (during the over-her-shoulder shot), her mouth doesn't match what we hear her saying.

Audio problem: When Ajax is at the park handcuffed to the bench, he calls the woman a lousy bitch, but his mouth never moves. (00:53:03)

Audio problem: When Williams is checking out the tray of meat he points and says "hmm, No, I really don't think so." His words don't match up to his mouth.

Audio problem: When Dade is typing on Kate's computer at the party and she is leaning over her shoulder, we hear "I hope you don't screw like you type", but Kate doesn't actually say 'screw', she mouths a certain 4-letter word that starts with F.

Audio problem: Near the end of the movie when the parrot is going to light the firecrackers, he is talking perfectly even though he has a match in his mouth. (01:30:35)

Audio problem: In one scene where Jackson is caught by some bad guys you can see (and hear) that a couple of times when Jackson laughs it is badly dubbed over.

Audio problem: Just as the two criminals who robbed Max are walking away, Vincent asks them if that is his briefcase. The guy with the long hair replies, "Yeah it is. Why you want it back?" but his mouth doesn't match what he is saying. It appears he is saying something closer to, "Put up your f**king hands." (00:35:15)

Audio problem: When Bud White goes into the records room to 'handle' Exley, he begins to beat him. When Exley pulls out White's handgun and points it at him you hear him cock it. The next shot is of him holding the gun but the gun isn't cocked.

Audio problem: When Michael bursts through the door at the hospital, Loomis fires his gun and Michael stabs him. He drops his gun on the floor and it makes no sound when it hits.