Best crime movie audio problems of all time

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The Departed picture

Audio problem: When Colin answers Costello's phone, we hear the girl ask, "Where the hell are you?" but her mouth actually asks, "Where the f*** are you?"

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Nuns on the Run picture

Audio problem: In the shower scene, one of the girls says "today is my birthday" but her lips say "tomorrow is my birthday". This is also noteworthy because other circumstantial evidence suggests that an extra day has been edited out of the film.


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25th Hour picture

Audio problem: When the police officer sits down on Monty's couch he asks if he could sit down and Monty says "Be my guest," but his lips move about a second late. (00:28:00)

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The Gauntlet picture

Audio problem: After the bus crashes to a halt on the courthouse steps, the gunfire stops. A few seconds later, a bullet hole opens up on the side of the bus - but there is no sound.

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Wolf Creek picture

Audio problem: In the end of the movie, when Ben is found by two Swedish backpackers, the subtitles doesn't match with what the the woman is saying. The subtitles say something like "Come on, lets get him out of here", when in fact she says "Herregud hur kom han hit?", which roughly translates as "Oh my god, how did he get here?"

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More Be Cool audio problems
From Hell picture

Audio problem: Near the beginning of the film Katie Eddowes tells Mary Kelley 'There's one over there'. As she walks past Martha Tabram and Annie Chapman, we hear some dialogue between them about not having very much luck that night. If you look at all three women, their mouths are not matching the dialogue. They appear to be saying something completely different.

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Batman Forever picture

Audio problem: When boiling acid starts spraying inside of the bank vault that Batman and a security guard are in, the security guard shouts "It's boiling acid." But his lips does not match with what he is saying. It happens again when the guard yells to Batman, "Don't let go." (00:08:15)

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Identity picture

Audio problem: When Paris goes to get her money from the hotel room and runs into Ed, in one shot Paris is talking, then it changes to Ed's face and Paris is still talking, but her mouth isn't moving. (00:45:55)

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F/X (1986)

F/X picture

Audio problem: After the man is pushed into the pond, the main characters run away. While they are running, pay attention to the panting noises made by the woman. They do not match her mouth.

Jon Nicholas

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The Crimson Rivers picture

Audio problem: When Dahmanne walks away in a huff from Niemans, Dahmanne is in the foreground. Niemans is seen out of focus in the rear and his voice is heard on the soundtrack, trying to smooth Dahmanne's ruffled ego. However, Niemans' lips are not seen to be moving.

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The Protector picture

Audio problem: Just after the long continuous fight scene in the restaurant, one girl pulls out a knife to attack Tony Jaa. The knife makes a sound like it's being pulled from a sheath but it's not touching any other metal.


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The Pink Panther picture

Audio problem: When Sir Charles opens the champagne in the Princess' chalet, the sound effect of the cork popping happens after he has removed the cork.


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Beverly Hills Cop picture

Audio problem: When Axel is first arrested you hear Axel talking to the police officers as they pull up to the station and you hear the police officer talking back to him as he gets out of the car but none of their lips are moving.


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Once Upon a Time in Mexico picture

Audio problem: At the beginning of the film when Antonio Banderas is playing the guitar on top of the building and there is a helicopter camera panning around him, he is playing something completely different to what the music does.

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The Wicker Man picture

Audio problem: In the theatrical cut only, there is a scene where Willow goes into Howie's room and wakes him in the morning. She is heard to say something like "Wake up Sergeant", but her lips do not move.


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Passenger 57 picture

Audio problem: When Cutter rolls and shoots at Vincent, we can hear the distinct sound of his pistol. However, we see a shot of the pistol's slide in the open/locked position, meaning he's run out of ammo, but we can still hear the pistol being fired a few times after that.


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Into the Blue picture

Audio problem: Notice when anything heavy hits the bottom of the ocean it makes a loud thud. The bottom is soft sand and wouldn't make noise.

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R.I.P.D. picture

Audio problem: When Hayes and Nick are fighting at the end, Hayes grabs Nick and says "get over here", but his mouth never moves and his teeth are clenched the whole time.


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Jigsaw picture

Audio problem: When Halloran and Hunt are discussing orders from the commissioner to exhume Jigsaw, it's clear that several of Halloran's lines have been looped in post. His voice is a bit too loud and a bit more forceful than he appears to be speaking, and at least one word doesn't quite line up with his mouth movements. It can be hard to spot the first time, but if you look for it, it's noticeable. (Confirmed in DVD/Blu-Ray commentary - the actor lost his voice and his lines had to be looped).

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