Audio problem: At the climax of the film when the Turtles are about to face Shredder for the first time, Raphael says, "I got him" and then runs to fight. When Raphael falls to the ground, his pair of Sai hit the ground but make no noise. There should be a metallic sound against the rooftop. (01:19:00)

Audio problem: When Henry asks Karen who assaulted her, she says "this guy who lives across the street from me that I've known all my life", but when she turns to face toward the camera her lips moving don't match what she's saying.

Audio problem: When Kevin is going through Buzz's private things he finds a picture of his girlfriend. Sickened by her appearance, he smashes the picture. But the smashing sound starts before he hits it. (00:22:05)

Audio problem: Near the end, just as Robocop2 has locked onto Robocop, Lewis holds up a container of nuke, she starts to say something, but the editor decided to cut that bit out and move on.

Audio problem: In the shower scene, one of the girls says "today is my birthday" but her lips say "tomorrow is my birthday". This is also noteworthy because other circumstantial evidence suggests that an extra day has been edited out of the film.

Audio problem: When the Predator is about to shoot Gary Busey, just before Danny Glover blows the door in, listen. The actor playing the Predator is counting to three before the explosion, preparing himself for the effect. Easily heard if you turn your tv up. (01:16:15)

Audio problem: In the beginning, Estevez carelessly chucks an emptied trash can off camera and it never makes a sound to signify that it landed.

Audio problem: When the angry cab driver is yelling at the female cop that stole his taxi, the words you can hear him saying do not match is mouth.

Audio problem: When Reggie threatens the man outside his club, Reggie's boyfriend runs at him shouting "You stupid bastard..." and he is restrained by the gang. His lips never actually say these words.