Audio problem: When Phillip plays on the piano, the music doesn't match his finger movements.

Audio problem: When the new student nurse arrives and Arthur says, "Over to the desk girls", his mouth is not moving.

Audio problem: When Bob runs from Vanessa, out of the car after being shot, Vanessa shoots her gun, and we see the bullet hit the floor, with the audio of gunfire to match it. Then audibly we hear Vanessa shot the gun two more times, however visibly three bullet-holes appear in Bob's brown coat, so they forgot the audio for one of the bullet-fire, also revealing that Bob was probably wearing squibs.

Audio problem: Towards the end of the movie, Jodie Foster talks to Christopher Plummer in a bathroom. He starts to talk about his past in World War II. His lips say fifty years ago, but the words you hear are sixty years ago.

Audio problem: When Jim has been pushed out of the boat by Sheriff in the church, his voice is heard echoing "no" at exactly the same time that he is spitting water out visually.

Audio problem: Patience and Tom get into a one-on-one basketball game. Before they do, a student urging them was dribbling a ball. While catching it between both his hands (to pass it to Patience), it makes a noise like it hit the ground.

Audio problem: When Campanela orders Vic to clean Mr Tendo's shoes, Vic turns to the guy standing next to him and says 'Do it right away' but his lips don't match what he's saying. (01:20:10)

Audio problem: In the scene when Mr Blonde comes to the warehouse and asks Mr White if he's going to bark all day, Mr Pink rushes in to break them up and right after he says 'calm the f**k down', he says 'hey come on' but his mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: When the bank robbers shoot out the tire on the patrol car right after the second robbery, the police officer goes to call for back up. We hear him start talking before he has the radio in his hand.

Audio problem: When the kids are watching the Dr. Dre and Eminem music video on TV, you can hear the song disappearing and reappearing in the background. Some parts of the song are heard multiple times. Plus when you hear the music off screen the "bad words" aren't edited out, like they are in the shots with the TV screen.

Audio problem: When Jill comes home, takes off her shoes and leaves the living room, Jimmy runs after her shouting "Don't go in there, there is a surprise in there.". However as we see him come running into the room we can see he doesn't move his mouth at all. (00:03:35)

Audio problem: During the dinner scene, when Daryl is imitating Freddy and quotes, " Aint that some sh*t!" and also when he quotes, "You aint representin'!" his mouth isn't moving with the words.

Audio problem: The Jeff Healey Band consists of Jeff Healey on guitar and 2 other musicians however during every song a "fourth" musician can be heard on guitar but not seen.

Audio problem: In the club in which Nancy is dancing (and Keung goes to talk to her), there is dance music playing. This is not a score to the film/scene, but rather an actual song being played in the club. Then why is there also a rock band playing guitars/bass/drums, and why can't we hear it? It's also quite obvious that the band isn't playing in harmony with that dance song in any form, either.

Audio problem: The section of sound effects used as the Trans-Am and the big-rig pull up to the warehouse to get the beer is exactly the same 'loop' as the effects used when the Trans-Am and the big-rig stop by the pond to give 'Fred' his burgers for lunch. Specifically, the Trans-Am's engine idling down to a stop, then the T/A's door closing, then the big-rig's air brakes squealing a very distinctive sound and finally the big-rig's engine rattling to a stop. Exact same 'loop' both times.

Audio problem: When Turner is playing with Hooch in his living room, Hooch is chasing Turner and barking at him. However, the audio of the barking is way out of sync with any movements of Hooch's mouth.

Audio problem: Just after Quentin Hapsburg is accused as a criminal at the president Bush reception by Captain Ed Hocken, Frank opens his mariachi disguise and says "Let's go". In the version dubbed to Spanish, Frank loses his voice when he pronounces this words.

Audio problem: In the shots of Detective John Mackey standing by the window looking out of the blinds at Selena, while he's on the telephone, as he speaks, nothing that we hear matches up with the movements of the side of his mouth. It is very clearly out of sync, and audio is heard when the mouth is still. (00:07:55)

Audio problem: When Langdon is in the Vatican archives for the second time and they are running out of oxygen, He uses the Swiss Guard's gun to shoot the glass. The problem being it takes roughly 0.8 seconds from the time the sound of the gun goes off to have any impact on the glass. He is no further than 5 metres from the glass, but still, this should be instantaneous.

Audio problem: Annoyed at Daniel, a fan storms out of his room, closing the door behind her. The sound of the door closing is heard before the door actually finishes closing. (00:08:25)