Audio problem: When Mr. Freeze talks about his plan to freeze the city, he yells out "It'll be winter forever here in Gotham," but if you watch, his mouth doesn't match his voice at all through the entire sentence.

Audio problem: Unlike the second movie, the jet engine sound was not dubbed over the piston engine sound. The fact is, the jet engine in the Batmobile is a fake.

Audio problem: In the opening scene, where Johnny and Kamal are arrested and they're making their way to the police station with the cops, notice the cop screaming, the words don't match his mouth.

Audio problem: Right after Det. Corelli finds the limerick in her apartment, she pulls out her gun and there is a distinct sound of what's supposed to be her cocking the hammer on her pistol. However, Det. Corelli (along with all the other cops in the movie) uses a Glock semi-auto pistol, which does not have an external hammer that can be "cocked." The sound is added artificially, likely for dramatic effect. (01:06:30)

Audio problem: After Bruce and Rachel kiss, Rachel says, "But maybe he's still out there somewhere". Her head is seen from behind, but you can see from the motion of her jaw that her mouth is moving before the words are heard. (02:02:35)

Audio problem: When Austin and Mrs. Kensington are shooting at Dr. Evil after he gets into his Cryogenic Freezing Chamber, in the last shot before it shows the Big Boy shooting off of the club, many sounds of gunfire are heard, however, both Austin and Mrs. Kensington have appeared to have stopped shooting. (00:06:25)

Audio problem: When Paul goes to Moore's house after Moore is released, it is implied that classical music is playing really loudly in Moore's house. When Paul breaks the door down, the music is still playing and the turntable is spinning in the foreground, but the needle is already at the end of the record.

Audio problem: During the opening credits, when the bullet's in the factory, the box in front gets a lid put on and then nailed. The box the bullet is in gets a lid on but no hammering is heard, so all the bullets would have fallen off when the box was loaded off the belt.

Audio problem: When Clouseau is in the training facilities and hears footsteps approaching, the feet sound like they are wearing high heels or football boots. However when the Russian trainer appears he is wearing trainers therefore his footsteps could not possibly have made the noise heard on his approach.

Audio problem: When Angel is having a go at Danny in the rain after Tim Messenger has been murdered, there is a shot of Danny over Angel's shoulder. In this shot you can see Angel's mouth isn't moving, but we hear him still shouting at Danny.

Audio problem: When Hooker first meets Gondorff he says "he didn't tell me you were a screw-up." However, when he says 'screw-up' in some versions you can't distinctly see his lips form the letter F, meaning that he actually said another, ruder word that was covered up later.

Audio problem: When Dr. Norton disassembles RoboCop to demonstrate to him the reality of his situation, the movement of his lungs do not match Murphy's speech. (00:33:30)

Audio problem: Harrison hears Ro's phone yet it's on silent mode.

Audio problem: At the end of the movie where Dick Jones is falling from the OCP building. At the end of the shot you can hear the splat sound. But he's not near the ground yet. He is still seen up in the air. (01:36:00)

Audio problem: When Lionel tells the others to lift the button at the center of the compass, you can notice that the music box is still playing, but the drum of the machine is still. (00:08:30)

Audio problem: After Bert is shot in his car, when Bobby pulls up beside him and shouts, "Pop, pull over!" for the first time, in the next tight close-up of Bobby's face he is still shouting, but the only thing we hear is panting, until the next side shot. (01:17:00)

Audio problem: In the beginning, when Murtaugh's daughter comes downstairs in the black dress the dialog is dubbed in. After the spin, she's talking but she doesn't move her mouth (even before the spin she isn't in sync). Her little sister replies and doesn't move her mouth either.

Audio problem: When Horowitz is being taken to Solitary, his lips do not match what he's yelling.

Audio problem: After Driver leaves the bar where he killed the bouncer, the tach on the dash is showing 4500 revs, while the car's engine noise is nowhere near that.

Audio problem: When Hank tries to get Earl to tell Denise that he didn't beat Earl, the last thing he says to Earl before the shot changes is "Okay, Earl." The shot doesn't change till just after he begins saying the word "Okay." You can see Hank's lips don't move on that part. (00:50:45)