Audio problem: When Mary Jane is about to fall from the balcony and the Green Goblin appears in front of her, we hear him say, "Hello, my dear," but his mouth is not in sync with those words. (01:07:40)

Audio problem: When Handratty is in France telling Frank that there are 20 officers outside, you can see when the camera turns to Frank, Handratty's mouth is still moving despite the fact that he is not talking. (01:55:40)

Audio problem: When Jodie Foster first hears a ring at the front door, Steven says, "The police." and Jodie says, "You called the police?" He responds with, "Of course I did. You scared the s*** out of me." When he says, "You scared the s*** out of me.", his mouth movement does not match what we hear.

Audio problem: At the end of the movie when Tom Hanks is in the lake house, and throughout the whole lake scene, the sound of the lake is not synchoronised to the movement of the waves. Must have added the sound of the waves after.

Audio problem: In the scene where Fook Mi is explaining about her sister and her names, she points to her sister and says "Fook Yu." Then she points to herself and says "Fook Mi. See?" When she says this, you can see that her mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: When the police officer sits down on Monty's couch he asks if he could sit down and Monty says "Be my guest," but his lips move about a second late. (00:28:00)

Audio problem: Near the end, Dennis Farina is sitting in his car outside Homespital. He says something out loud, however, from the side-view of his face as well as the reflection in the rear-view mirror, it is visible that his lips do not match.

Audio problem: When Det. Middlestat is searching the body of Stephen Bracken she says something to the effect of, "He has no wallet, we will need to get his finger prints", buy her lips do not move at all until the last word or 2 of the sentence.

Audio problem: When John Anderton's wife throws John's eyeball (stored in a clear plastic bag) onto Tim Blake Nelson's pipe organ, an ongoing organ note is heard, implying that the weight of the eyeball is depressing a key or two. We then see a shot of the eyeball resting on the organ's keys, none of which are depressed. (02:01:20)

Audio problem: When Richard and Justin are talking you hear Richard say "forensic stuff" but you can tell he actually says "forensic shit" by reading his lips. (01:06:00)