Audio problem: In the scene at the orphanage, when the boy runs down to the other boys reading the pornographic magazine, none of their mouths move when you hear "Look at those knockers".

Audio problem: When Mashkov's men grab Steve, you can hear him say "Come on, Charlie", but his lips aren't moving at all. (01:39:35)

Audio problem: When Constance informs David that he has been put on official "sabbatical" and unofficially released (as a professor), she adds vocally that the vote was "4-2". However, her lips do not move, and the exact vote turnout sounds distorted, because it was edited later.

Audio problem: When Zero and Marcel are fighting over the music near the beginning, the music regularly changes before their fingers reach the buttons.

Audio problem: When Paris goes to get her money from the hotel room and runs into Ed, in one shot Paris is talking, then it changes to Ed's face and Paris is still talking, but her mouth isn't moving. (00:45:55)

Audio problem: At the beginning of the film when Antonio Banderas is playing the guitar on top of the building and there is a helicopter camera panning around him, he is playing something completely different to what the music does.

Audio problem: When Willie listens to his messages, the sound of a tape rewinding can be heard although it's a digital answering machine.

Audio problem: During the scene where B-Rad has to rob the liquor store, the store owner and his wife and kid come out with guns pointed at B-Rad. The kid comes out with a shotgun and a cocking sound is heard even though he doesn't cock it.

Audio problem: The sound is off when Marcus and Mike are in the video store talking about "The Box". It's most visible during the over the shoulder shot of Mike miming putting the word "flaccid" in the box. Mike's mouth is CLEARLY not in sync with the words that you hear. (00:56:35)

Audio problem: Cage and his daughter are being chased by Bruce McGill, and Cage is waiting because the lady won't keep the change. When Cage grabs the change, he says "what, are you insane?". The words don't match his mouth movements.

Audio problem: At the beginning when Nielsen says it must have been an honor to know Sgt. West, Travolta says "Well, that's one way to put it" without moving his mouth.

Audio problem: When Hank tries to get Earl to tell Denise that he didn't beat Earl, the last thing he says to Earl before the shot changes is "Okay, Earl." The shot doesn't change till just after he begins saying the word "Okay." You can see Hank's lips don't move on that part. (00:50:45)

Audio problem: When Bullseye leans in at the end of his conversation with Kingpin and says, 'I want a bloody costume,' read his lips. They don't say 'bloody.' They say 'f***ing'. (01:07:40)

Audio problem: At the end of the movie, Marilyn and Miles have their first "real" kiss. After their lips touch the first time we see a shot of Miles' profile. You can tell that his lips are moving like he's saying something, but no sound comes out of his mouth.

Audio problem: When "The Bride" is cruising through downtown Tokyo, we hear the bike shift gears, but she never presses the clutch or moves the gear shift lever. (01:03:25)

Audio problem: During the girls' follow-up discussion after Tracy has sex with Ravi, Evie laughs and says, "What? We didn't go over that one." However, her lips aren't moving when she speaks the second sentence; the second part was obviously dubbed in later.

Audio problem: When the cops get into the gun shop to buy some weapons you see a police officer on the left loading a M4 (or checking something) but you never hear the sound of this action.