Audio problem: When Arlo (Thorny's Son) is riding along with Ramathorn and Rabbit, in the very beginning when he's saying "Come on dad, Dad." his lips aren't moving.

Audio problem: There is a scene where the mistress of the murderer enters his bureau. You see her push the door closed while hastening through. You can hear the door lock click - but a half second too early. Her push wasn't that strong. (00:47:05)

Audio problem: The guitarists weren't going with the sound of drumming on their guitars. Also the timing of their lips while singing were wrong.

Audio problem: The police officers chase Arthur to the subway. When the subway train starts moving after they just barely got in, the sound resembles the acceleration sound of a R143 subway car, which actually didn't exist until 2001, but it's a much older car, the R32.

Audio problem: At the beginning when Nielsen says it must have been an honor to know Sgt. West, Travolta says "Well, that's one way to put it" without moving his mouth.

Audio problem: When the angry cab driver is yelling at the female cop that stole his taxi, the words you can hear him saying do not match is mouth.

Audio problem: When Diamonds in the Rough are playing there is a point in the song where the guitars a strummed quickly and then abruptly stopped. The sound of the strumming stops and Wayne stops strumming, but J.D. is still strumming. We should hear his continued strumming but do not. (00:06:55)

Audio problem: When Wanda asks Ken if he's heard from George Ken stutters "No, he had to go to the b-b-b", as it cuts we can see his mouth is closed. It's impossible to say "b" with your mouth closed. (00:02:50)

Audio problem: In the beginning of the bedroom scene with Elise and her suspect client, the guy yells out "You let him hit me, I mean how can you let them hit me." But watch his lips when they first cut to him - they don't move until after he turns around. (00:40:00)

Audio problem: When Tango and Cash first meet the Assistant Warden, somebody dubs over his voice and the words don't match his movement - and it is very obvious that it is not his voice. (00:45:00)

Audio problem: In the European version, Taco Bell is replaced by Pizza Hut, however, when Huxley says to John Spartan that they're going to Pizza Hut, we see her lips say "Taco Bell." (00:57:00)

Audio problem: At the beginning of the fight at Kelly's place Cliff steps up to Kelly saying "you hurt me, baby" without moving his lips. (01:24:40)

Audio problem: When Holmes and Watson are about to go out to the Blackhorse Tavern the second time, Holmes answers Watson's question as to where they're going by saying "the Blackhorse Tavern." However, his lips do not move.

Audio problem: When the band is playing, the vocals doesn't fit the singer's lip movements. (00:46:40)

Audio problem: When the biker shows up at the end, Holly Hunter asks Cage what he is, to which Cage replies "Do you see it too?" but his mouth is not in sync with what he is saying.

Audio problem: During the award ceremony when the (supposedly live) crooner sings Spanish eyes his lip syncing and the audio editing is awful.

Audio problem: When Reese is in the chamber waiting to be gassed and singing "Time is on my side", the reflection in the glass shows him sitting totally stone-faced. His lips aren't moving at all.

Audio problem: Sydney is walking towards Jimmy, shooting - there are 4 bangs but only 3 flashes from the gun. (01:34:25)

Audio problem: When Gromit is knocking on his bedroom door to get Feathers McGraw to turn the loud music off, his bangs are out of sync with the sound produced.