Audio problem: In the scene inside the bar where Isabella is telling Crockett what happened to her mother (during the over-her-shoulder shot), her mouth doesn't match what we hear her saying.

Audio problem: When Jenny makes the cab stop, Matt says something, but his lips never move.

Audio problem: When Jack is in the server room (about half way in the movie) it's pretty quiet. Normally that many servers make a lot of noise, not to mention the air conditioning. But there they are, talking with no background noise whatsoever.

Audio problem: When Colin answers Costello's phone, we hear the girl ask, "Where the hell are you?" but her mouth actually asks, "Where the f*** are you?"

Audio problem: Towards the end of the movie, Jodie Foster talks to Christopher Plummer in a bathroom. He starts to talk about his past in World War II. His lips say fifty years ago, but the words you hear are sixty years ago.

Audio problem: When Clouseau is in the training facilities and hears footsteps approaching, the feet sound like they are wearing high heels or football boots. However when the Russian trainer appears he is wearing trainers therefore his footsteps could not possibly have made the noise heard on his approach.

Audio problem: After Brian and Mary put their packages into six side-by-side (horizontal) lockers, Brian closed five doors then his hand was too far away (and the door off-screen) to be closing the sixth one yet the sound of it slamming shut was made. (00:32:05)