Corrected entry: In the film, there was a reference to a "French space agency." Unfortunately, there's no such thing, and the closest is the European Space Agency which has its headquarters in Paris.

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, a soldier bends down and takes a piece of paper from Captain Miller. The soldier's helmet has a net on it, but then a far shot shows him wearing a plain helmet.
Correction: There is still net on the helmet, only since it's a far shot you have to look closely to see it. It is there though.

Corrected entry: The movie implies that Mary of Guise was murdered by Walsingham in bed. In reality, she died of dropsy (the collection of fluid in the body cavities and/or tissues).
Correction: The movie implies it was murder, as Mary of Guise died suddenly and nobody really knows of what cause. It was Mary (so as not to confuse which one, daughter of Henry VIII by Catherine of Aragon) who had dropsy. This caused her to become bloated and led her to believe continually that she was pregnant.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the owl comes to Eddie Murphy's cabin, the owl stick has a stick in its arm. Eddie Murphy takes it out and the owl says "Thanks" and flies away, and you can hear its wings beating, but in real life owls make no sound.
Correction: Owls make no noise when gliding. Few birds do. When they flap their wings they make an audible sound, just like every other bird on the planet.

Corrected entry: When the motorcycle rider in the rebel flag jacket gets on the truck behind the sleeper he starts pulling off the air lines. Anytime a part of the braking system on a truck fails, spring loaded braking occurs, thus stopping the truck. Of course, Swayze somehow manages to continue on down the road...
Correction: You are correct about the spring brakes engaging if the brake system fails, but there are two scenarios that might make this possible. First, if only the service gladhand is removed, the supply line will still supply air to the trailer and not engage the brakes. Second, if the trailer was manufactured before 1976, the spring brakes do not operate the same way as newer systems. If the trailer is before the CVSS requirements, it is possible for the brakes not to engage if the brake pots have no air in them. A leaking air supply line, or brake chamber may allow the wheels to still turn in this instance. Finally, while illegal to operate a trailer this way, the trailer brakes may have been caged, which would leave the trailer with no brakes at all. And, the tractor has a separate system, with a trailer protection valve, allowing it to move whether the gladhands are connected or not.

Corrected entry: When Christof touches the huge screen with the image of Truman sleeping, his hand casts a shadow. However, the only light source in the control room is the screen itself. This reveals that the scene was composited using a blue screen.

Corrected entry: While Tiffany is going through her whole "transformation" sequence as a doll, she applies her lipstick and it shows her beauty mark already there. Then it cuts away showing her reapply the beauty mark, when it was already there. (00:34:30 - 00:35:05)
Correction: Tiffany has just outlined the beauty mark, when we see her apply lipstick. She fills in the beauty spot in a later shot.

Corrected entry: When the old guys snags the "big one" and realizes he needs to run his chair disappears from shot to shot. (00:24:40)
Correction: The only time the chair is hard to see is the shot from well behind him, looking at the approaching swell, but the chair is there, tho faintly visible with all the rain in the shot.

Corrected entry: At the end where the killer cuts Natalie's stomach open, she screams through the choker. Later, she shows no signs of pain or even the wound.
Correction: This kind of entry was already corrected before. Paul walks into the room, after Reese is stabbed, and Natalie unties herself and gets up. When she gets up, look at the bottom of the screen, and you'll see some blood on Natalie's stomach. Also, since Reese is close to death, and Brenda threatens to shoot someone, Natalie probably wont be thinking about her cut.

Corrected entry: A little more than half way in, right after the store closes, Tom Hanks' character and girlfriend are getting into an elevator (this is the scene where the elevator gets stuck). As they walk into the elevator, Hanks says "Hello Joe" to the elevator man, whose name is Charlie. It's Hanks' character who is named Joe.
Correction: I listened to this scene carefully and he definitely calls the elevator man Charlie. He just does it very quickly.

Corrected entry: Throughout the fencing scene, Hallie and Annie switch accents. Hallie's wearing the green fencing outfit and speaks with an English accent at certain points, although she was the American girl.
Correction: You must have just been looking at it wrong or hearing it wrong. Sometimes it does sound like it, but they do keep their proper accents.

Corrected entry: As the plane is overturned in the swamp the marshals go to retrieve their guns from the compartment, yet the guns are right side up, they wouldn't be if the plane overturned.
Correction: The guns were stored with the barrels pointed down,so when the plane rolled,the were pointing up when they were removed. its not uncommon to store a gun with the barrel pointing down and lots of gun cabinets are manufactured so the gun is stored that way.

Corrected entry: The first permanent British settlement in the America's was in Jamestown, Virginia. The ships did not land until May of 1607. Why was Viola going to Virginia in the 1590's?
Correction: Perhaps Viola was a member of an earlier attempt to settle in Virginia that did not survive. Therefore, our foreknowledge of her doomed fate enhances the tragedy.

Corrected entry: In the opening scene, we see a group of young amateur astronomers stargazing. As we pan across the group, we see them studying maps with flashlights. The problem here is small: using a flashlight outside at night ruins your dark vision. The eye takes quite a bit of time to get adapted to the darkness; usually twenty minutes to get fully adjusted (less if you are in a light polluted area). Using a white flashlight destroys the very reason you're outside! However, the eye's dark adaption is not ruined by red light, so astronomers use red flashlights (usually modified by the high tech method of taping red cellophane over the business end of the flashlight). This may have been plot-driven; we'd want to be able to see the actor's faces.
Correction: Copied and pasted from www.badastronomy.com.

Corrected entry: As the group of students are heading outside to Zeke's car they pass a classroom with the door open - you can see Gabe (Stan's friend) sitting there. Shortly afterwards when they are outside Gabe and the rest of the football team come over to speak to Stan. Gabe is in two places at once.
Correction: It was not Gabe in the classroom. If you look closely you can tell it is a white football player in the classroom. Gabe is black.

Corrected entry: Zira scratched Kovu across the face and gave him a scar on his left eye earlier in the film. As Zira plummets to her death, they show Kovu choking back tears. Look closely, and you will see that his scar has miraculously disappeared! The next shot shows him with his scar.
Correction: Zira actully slapped him across the face and left a scar on his right eye just like scar had.
Hogwash. I saw this movie several times and his scar was on his left eye.

Corrected entry: During the flashback when Stevo is arguing with his parents about college he has a huge blue mohawk. As he walks by the window the light reveals the lines where the skullcap is attached to his head.
Correction: According to the DVD commentary, the mohawk is entirely real. This was one of the first scenes shot, because when Matthew Lillard showed up on set he had long hair. The film makers merely took advantage of this and gave him a huge mohawk.

Corrected entry: At the beginning, when the Dude is getting pushed into the bathroom by Jackie Treehorn's goon, right before the Dude gets his head dunked into the toilet, you can see that his hair is already wet.
Correction: The Dude's hair is not actually wet - it looks different than in the previous shot because it is a stunt double wearing a wig.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Robert De Niro and the girl are having a car chase, after the girl leaves the tunnel and is swerving through all the construction workers. There is a shot from inside the car where you can see her driving through everyone. The speedometer reads zero mph.
Correction: Considering the damage the car has sustained it's likely the speedometer was broken.

Corrected entry: When he's talking to the psychiatrist, Z says he has never been able to lift more than 10 times his own body weight. Yet a few minutes later he is holding up the several hundred ants that make up the demolition ball. He does drop the ball, but that's because he feels nauseous and loses his grip. He wouldn't be able to hold it.
Correction: Isn't it obvious? He was exaggerating to the psychiatrist.
Correction: There is a "French Space Agency", it's called Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES).