Corrected entry: Why is there snow in Hogsmeade when the trio gets there and meets Aberforth? Hogsmeade and Hogwarts are within walking distance of each other, yet there is no snow at Hogwarts.

Corrected entry: When the main characters are into the second fantasy (the one about the war with the Germans), they get to the bunker to get the map and the doors of the bunker closes and Babydoll gets stuck with the enemies inside. Then, there is a shot just when she's about to kill the soldiers that are aiming at her with their guns, and you can see in the background that the gates are open and not closed.
Correction: That's not the main bunker gate. It's the side door from which the courier escapes.

Corrected entry: In the movie when Xavier is using CEREBRO for the first time keep an eye out and you can briefly see young versions of Storm (girl with white hair) and Cyclops (boy with soccer ball and dark sunglasses).
Correction: Not likely. The film is set in 1962. If those characters were intended to be Storm and Cyclops, they would be in their mid-40s in 2000, which is when the first X-men film was set. More likely is that they were simply generic mutant children.

Corrected entry: When Liam Neeson opens the multiple passports from his briefcase at the airport, the forenames and surnames of the identities are all the wrong way around.
Correction: The passports are fakes. This is a character mistake on the part of whoever made them.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the team needs Reyes's fingerprints to open the safe, Gisele goes in a bikini towards Reyes on the beach and sits on his lap. He puts his left hand on the thong, and they use the thong to get the fingerprints to open the safe. But actually the safe opens with his Right Hand prints, as one would have noticed in the earlier scene.
Correction: Just because Reyes used his right hand once onscreen doesn't mean the safe isn't set up to use either handprint.
It's impossible to get fingerprints on tissue like that.

Corrected entry: Bradley Cooper calls Stu "Ed" when they are fleeing from Russians with the monkey.
Correction: He actually says "Pull that f*****g monkey IN," not Ed.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Stanley Tucci is interviewing the scrawny Chris Evans, the disease chart behind Evans has diphtheria spelled incorrectly as diptheria. It's noticeable in several shots in the scene.
Correction: Diptheria is an accepted alternate spelling in North America.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Colter looks at Derek Frost's license in his wallet, his city/state are listed as Northfield, ILL. Three-letter state abbreviations are outdated. Later when Goodwin and Rutledge are showing the various passengers' ID's on a computer screen, Frost's license now lists his city/state as Chicago, IL. Different city, and the current style 2-letter state abbreviation.
Correction: My mother has a driver's license from the state of Florida that is LAMINATED PAPER. They stopped making those in the mid-1990s. As long as she renews her license, they send her a sticker, but not a new one. She has updated her address several times since. The new address is in the DMV system.

Corrected entry: In the battle after Sam rescues Carly, she touches multiple dirty spots, yet she never gets a single dirt spot on her white shirt.

Corrected entry: After Eddie stabs and kills Gennady (the gangster), Eddie pushes Gennady's body off him and the body rolls onto its stomach. You can see the prop knife, which is stuck in Gennady's stomach, easily bending under Gennady's weight, as though it is made of rubber.
Correction: No, you see the weight of his body shift the position of the knife imbedded in his abdomen. There aren't any particularly solid parts in there, so as his weight pushed the knife to the side as he was rolling over, the blade was just pushed to the side inside him. Thought the same thing when I watched it last night, but watched again today, and it wasn't what I thought at first.

Corrected entry: Just before Thor returns to Asgard, he and Jane are talking before they kiss, and in this continuous shot they are virtually the same height. However, in the rest of the movie, Jane is significantly shorter than Thor whenever they are pictured together.
Correction: If you look at the horizon throughout that shot, clearly visible between Thor and Jane, it's inclined at a considerable angle. The camera is simply tilted to make a more aesthetically pleasing shot of the two conversing and kissing.

Corrected entry: While singing the song, 'Not Just a Band', a crew member is seen with a microphone just as they're about to jump in the pool. The same crew member is seen again about 20 seconds later with headphones on.
Correction: It's actually Stella's little brother.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Tom Brant shoots Barry Weiss on the roof, the gun Tom is using is a black Glock. But in the next shot where Tom fires the gun, it turns into a silver revolver and then back to the black Glock again in the next shot. (01:30:10)
Correction: In the scene where Tom Brant shoots Barry Weiss on the roof, the gun Tom is using is a black Sig P226. But in the next shot where Tom fires the gun, it turns into a silver revolver and then back to the black Sig P226 again in the next shot.

Corrected entry: Caesar's birthmark moves from his left chest as a child to the right as an adult.
Correction: I've watched the film three times and the birthmark stays on his right upper chest throughout the film. There is one scene where Caesar is looking at himself in the mirror; when they show a close-up it is the image in the mirror, making it look like the birthmark has moved to the left side.

Corrected entry: When Captain Jack is chained to the chair in King George's quarters, his first action is to try to snatch a cream puff from a plate on the table. There are two pastries on the plate when he first sees them, but by the time he slides the chair over to the table, the plate suddenly has about half-a-dozen puffs on it.
Correction: Actually the plate you see from the back has more than two cream puffs (you can see the outline of more faintly behind the first two) and from the front view you see two plates of cream puffs, one with a pile of smaller cream puffs and a plate more to the right with a few larger cream puffs which is the one you see from the back.

Corrected entry: In the scene where they get the idea for Bella to drink blood, Jacob moves to the other side of the couch away from Bella twice.
Correction: Jacob does move twice, but it is not the same shot. First, he is next to Bella (to keep her warm) before moving away. After a brief interval, he moves from that spot to even farther away and then on to an adjacent sofa.

Corrected entry: When, at the Tokyo airport, Mater is driving while pulling McMissile behind him, McMissile fires a rocket from his headlight. You can see that his wheels are spinning in a forward motion even though he is being pulled by Mater.
Correction: This is a naturally occurring effect. Turn a floor fan on hi and switch it off and as it gets slower it appears to slow stop and reverse but continues the same direction until stopped.

Corrected entry: Near the end of the movie, the three main characters are handcuffed behind their heads. In the next shot, there are no handcuffs and they are moving their arms freely.
Correction: In the mentioned scene you can hear what sounds like handcuffs but you dont see the handcuffs been put on. You can even see the left officer reaching for his handcuffs which are on his back and in a following shot where the officer is holding the suspects hands (one the left)but there are no cuffs, just before the navguide voice of "gregory" kicks in. Ergo, they were not cuffed before the shot without handcuffs.

Corrected entry: As Nantz takes cover behind a car at the gas station, a billboard for Resistance 3 is seen in the background, showing a release date of "Holiday 2010." However, the story of Battle LA takes place in mid-August 2011. Also, Resistance 3 is slated to release in early September 2011.
Correction: The film was shot in late 2009 with the game release date 'tentatively' shown for the following year. Yes the film is set in 2011 however old game/movie posters can still exist on billboards. There is a billboard down the road from me that has a (depleted) movie poster for the movie Armageddon which was released in 1997. I can list numerous games that were not released on the initial release date.

Corrected entry: When Johnny helps old cleaner assassin into the lift and looks at the bullet you can see his sidekick talking to someone in the background.
Correction: The person he is talking to lives there.
Correction: According to interviews with Rowling, Hogsmeade is above the snow line, so there would always be snow there, no matter the weather at Hogwarts.