Corrected entry: How does Darla find time to leave the recital, get changed, and be in the rich kid's pool before Alfalfa can get there running, when he left before the ballet recital was over?

Corrected entry: Dick Goodwin's boss gives him one week in New York to find proof. On the day he meets Charles Van Doren, Van Doren has just appeared on the Today Show where he said that he's been on Twenty-One for 9 weeks. However, by the time Goodwin interviews Herb Stempel; Stempel mentions that Van Doren has been on Twenty-One for 11 weeks. This indicates that Goodwin has been in New York two weeks and would've had to have returned to Washington, D.C. and give up his investigation.
Correction: Exactly as it happened in real life - Goodwin had establsihed a lead within a few days and stayed in New York to follow it through.

Corrected entry: The attorney in the opening sequence waves around and eventually shoots himself with a Ruger SP-101 revolver. The police describe it as a Smith and Wesson. In the United States the police know the difference. If nothing else the brand is inscribed on the frames.
Correction: When do the police call it a Smith & Wesson? All I could find is when FBI Agent Lawrence Truman calls it a "cheap snub-nosed .38", there is no error here.

Corrected entry: As Data pulls his emotion chip from the holder, there is a shot of Geordi, and you can see through the visor (and they're not totally white!) (00:28:50)
Correction: You can sort of see through the VISOR, but you can't see anything distinctly. It may just be a reflection of his irises and pupils (which Geordi still has, though discolored) on the surface of his eyes.

Corrected entry: When Forrest firsts meets Jenny on the bus to school, a girl is sitting behind them, then disappears, then reappears again.. (00:12:55)
Correction: The girl is always there. The little girl's head is blocking her. In one shot you actually see a part of the girl behind her.

Corrected entry: Harry says to Lloyd (about him and Mary going skiing), "Yesterday was one of the best days of my life." Actually it was still the same day, only later at night, because Mary wanted Harry to pick her up that night at 7:45pm, and she left with Lloyd to go get the briefcase, when Harry was in the toilet. They all met up again in Harry and Lloyd's hotel room that night with the gunman there.
Correction: You have to remember the title: Dumb and Dumber. Of course it's the same day, but to Harry, it might seem like the next day as he is supposed to be stupid.

Corrected entry: Near the beginning of Team USA's first game against Iceland, Banks gets the puck after Goldberg makes a save, and the announcer says "Captain Adam Banks" has the puck. But Adam isn't the captain; Charlie is.
Correction: Character mistake on the part of the announcer, but not a movie mistake as he did call out the right player.

Corrected entry: When junior passes to that kid and it gets stuck in his helmet, if you watch it in slow motion you can clearly see that the ball goes right past the kid and he already has a ball stuck in his helmet.
Correction: If it has to be viewed in slow motion to be seen it isn't a valid mistake.

Corrected entry: In the scene at Louis' plantation, Lestat grabs and kills a rat, drains its dead blood into a glass and hands it to Louis to drink. Louis drinks it and suffers none of the effects later shown in the movie that are associated with the drinking of dead blood. More importantly this also contradicts Lestat later who says in the movie 'never drink from the dead', to 'drink before the heart stops' and 'you let me drink dead blood'.
Correction: The rat died after its blood was drained, not before. That means its blood was still alive when Louis drank it.

Corrected entry: Opening shot of the lake shows the water as unfrozen. Then Arnold is cutting through the gate under a frozen lake. He then cuts through the ice with a knife and exits the frozen lake.
Correction: A) He is not cutting through the gate under a frozen lake, it's a much thinner canal next to the boat house (why would you have a gate in the middle of a lake? It's a canal for the boats). b) A canal may freeze much faster than a whole lake, there may be less current/waves on it. If you look how the surface of a major lake freezes, you'll see that the water surfaces in the harbors (behind the levies) freeze first, whilst the water surface in the actual lake is still unfrozen.

Corrected entry: When Heather becomes Nancy, she watches the final clip from the original "Nightmare." In the clip, Nancy says "Fred Krueger did it, Daddy." Her father responds "Yeah, sure." This is not how the dialogue appears in the original "Nightmare." In the original, she says, "Break the door down in exactly twenty minutes. Can you do that?" He then responds, "Yeah, sure." (01:29:20)
Correction: When Heather is watching the clip she has already changed into Nancy. She is already in the dream and what she is seeing is 'her fathers' disbelief, which was witnessed only moments before. This was intentionally done.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Jack Ryan is printing out the evidence before it is deleted, the printer indicates out of paper. Ryan rips open the drawer, sees that there is no paper, turns around, grabs some, then shoves it into the printer...that already has paper in it.
Correction: It is a common fault with feed tray printers - they read the tray as empty when there are still ten of so sheets of paper left. The only way around it is to reload the tray, as Ryan does.
Correction: However, the tray was empty when he pulled it out and yet has paper in it when he attempts to close the drawer. If you notice, after he refills the paper and pushes the drawer in, it actually remains open about an inch and those old spring loaded drawer machines will not feed paper unless they are fully closed.

Corrected entry: When Andy is escaping and breaks a hole in the sewer pipe, the sewage and water erupt out of the pipe. After that, the top inside part of the pipe should have been wet. But when he uses his flashlight to look inside, that section of the pipe is dry.
Correction: It is wet.

Corrected entry: When Mitch is in the caves he falls into a mining car, and while he is riding a car falls off, but then in a later shot the second car is back.
Correction: The 2nd car never reappears in any later shots. There are times when the car Mitch is in casts a shadow that the submitter possibly thinks is a 2nd car.

Corrected entry: When Mia and Vincent are eating at Jack Rabbit Slims, and she returns from the bathroom, she takes a bite out of her hamburger, then we see just a second later that there are a couple of bites out of her hamburger, then it goes back to one bite out of her hamburger. (00:43:58)
Correction: It only looks like the burger has gone back to one bite, when in fact this one bite is a new bite on a different side of the burger (the burger has been rotated). If you look closely you can see the original 2 bites at the bottom of the burger for a couple of frames before the bottom of the burger goes out of view.

Corrected entry: In the beginning of the movie when the gang fire bombs the arcade, when they leave the arcade they drive for a while at a high rate of speed and make some turns before they pass Sgt. Albrecht. But when the bomb goes off and Sgt. Albrecht starts to head toward it, the fire s visible in the shoot and only a few buildings away. Should have been much further.
Correction: The clue here is that they "make some turns". They drive around the block, past the arcade again, and then past the hot dog stand where Albrecht is. Most likely, they did this so they could see as much of the explosion as possible, while at the same time not be hanging around the crime scene too obviously.

Corrected entry: In one of the first scenes where the characters wake up, there is a shot where a breakfast cereal's package is seen in the lower left corner of the screen. The brand image of that package is reversed.
Correction: This is because we see the image of the actor and the cereal box reflected in a mirror.

Corrected entry: When Arnie goes into labour and has locked himself in the room, why do the nurses and doctor not come in to help? Although they don't know the details of the situation, "she" is in a lot of pain and needs medical assistance. There must be a way for getting into the room, otherwise cleaners, room service etc. could not get in. It just seems a little hard to believe that a dozen medical professionals would wait patiently outside a room when a "woman" is in labour inside it.
Correction: The doctors and other staff do not know that 'Alexandra' is in labour. When they first escort her to her room, she says "I'm fine, I just need a lie down". The doctors obviously believe she has pain related to something else less serious than labour.

Corrected entry: The Moscow Police obviously have an English interface on their computers. Why would they need that?
Correction: Moscow is the largest Russian city, and an international port city with tourists and travellers arriving from all over the world. There are hundreds of languages being spoken there, with English being one of the most predominant. Since the police need to communicate with all kinds of foreigners, they have people that speak multiple languages, and have computers with English keyboards and fonts for people that don't read Cyrillic.

Corrected entry: When Susannah arrives at the ranch Pet and Isabel stand by the stairs. However, a bit later Susannah goes to the garden where Isabel Two is and greet her like they were meeting for the first time. It is very unlikely they weren't introduced to each other on arrival. (00:11:45)
Correction: Even though Isabel Two is treated as one of the family, they are all aware that she is the half breed (only using this terminology because it was the term used then) child of the ranch employee. Essentially a servant. They are all very conscious of the fact that Susanna seems to be very proper and well heeled, and may have assumed she may not want to be introduced to a person in that position in front of the family. They all learn that evening that she also regards I2 as family, so the situation could have been avoided, but it obviously wasn't.
Correction: Since the recital was over when the two left, Darla was supposed to have ridden with Waldo. So it seems logical she'd change into her swimsuit there. And it also, during the chase scene, gives you the idea that they have been running for awhile. So it is possible she had time.