Best movie corrections of 1991

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Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country picture

Corrected entry: Right before Kirk beams aboard the Klingon vessel, Spock pats him on the back. He turns around and you can see the large black tracking device that Spock has stuck to his back. Throughout the film they use this device to track Kirk. Kirk was arrested, sentenced, and sent to a prison. Kirk wears his uniform throughout this entire process and the tracking device is blatantly obvious on him. Why didn't any Of his many Klingon guards frisk him and remove it?


Correction: This is not a tracking device, it is simply a patch made of viridium. The Klingons might not have known what is was or, if they did, that the Enterprise's scanners were capable of detecting this substance across a great distance.


More Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country corrections

Correction: How can something that was reported in every newspaper (and on every television news programme) in the world possibly be 'trivia'?

More Thelma and Louise corrections
Hook picture

Corrected entry: During the food fight, Peter is hit in the face with the food constantly, yet when it shows him at the end of the food fight, the area around his eyes is completely untouched as if he were wearing goggles. This is the same with several Lost Boys.

Correction: Since all of the food is imaginary, i.e. you have to imagine it to see it, this technically is not a movie mistake, as they can imagine it anyway they want.


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Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves picture

Corrected entry: Towards the end of the film, Robin climbs on to the catapult, followed by Azeem, who moves his sword as though putting it in a sheath, but you can clearly see he either misses or there is no sheath, and so he just holds it there. When the two are catapulted in the next shot, both of Azeem's hands can be seen flailing and the sword can be seen fixed at his waist.

Correction: There's no sheath, but the sword is in his belt. He simply rests his hand on it, he's not holding it in place.

Phixius Premium member

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The People Under the Stairs picture

Corrected entry: When Fool, Leroy, and their ally are driving around the streets of a suburb near Detroit, there are palm trees along the sides of the road, but there aren't any palm trees in Michigan.

Correction: It is never stated that the film is set in Michigan. I'm pretty sure it is L.A.

More The People Under the Stairs corrections
The Doors picture

Corrected entry: During the part where Jim Morrison is going through the obscenity trial, all these events go through his mind. One of them is the George Wallace assassination attempt. Jim Morrison died in 1971 and the assassination attempt occurred in 1972.

Correction: In many parts of the film Jim has visions of the future, even of his death, and this one too, being part of the future, according to Jim's time.

More The Doors corrections
Terminator 2: Judgment Day picture

Corrected entry: There is no place or process in a steel mill where you have a big open pool of liquid steel. (02:16:30)

Correction: I worked in a foundry for many years and when a heat (a load of steel) is finished, the roof is swung off the furnace - which is a giant open vat of molten steel - and the heat is poured into a ladle. A ladle is a large, open vat of molten steel that is poured from a bottom hole using a linkage, handle, etc., that lifts a stopper from the inside of the ladle and lets it pour from the bottom pouring hole. The point is that there are a few processes where there is a large open vat of molten metal. The foundry I worked in had a furnace capable of melting 60 tons per heat - a lot of molten metal!

More Terminator 2: Judgment Day corrections
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze picture

Corrected entry: At the end, after Shredder has taken the ooze and his suit has changed, look at the 'muscles' he's grown. They're just painted onto the cloth.

Correction: This is so obvious it was almost certainly intended to be just a design on the cloth. If they wanted muscle definition, they'd have just used a muscle suit like they made for the turtles (but leave off the shell...).

Phixius Premium member

"If they wanted", yes. They did not because it was a cost-cutting measure and in a movie like this for a final fight that lasts about a minute they could get away with the Power Rangers look. I am not sure you can say it was a design choice but more like a budget constraint. In the context of the movie the fact that he suddenly has a painted-on shirt does not make any sense.

Sammo Premium member

More Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze corrections
Beauty and the Beast picture

Corrected entry: In the opening sequence of the film it shows the Beast falling into despair. He claws a portrait of himself (in human form). The direction he tears this painting is from the top left to the bottom right. Later, when Belle sneaks into the West Wing and finds this painting, it is torn from the top right to the bottom left. (00:01:50 - 00:43:50)

Correction: The top image shows a frame with square edges. The bottom image shows a frame with rounded edges, and other differences. They are not the same painting - presumably the Beast went around clawing every portrait of himself he could find (and in his precursed condition, would have had as many as possible).

More Beauty and the Beast corrections
The Silence of the Lambs picture

Corrected entry: Author Thomas Harris has never watched the film because he's afraid that it'll influence his writing.

Correction: This is not true. Harris stated that he saw it when it was released and was very pleased with the movie.

White Lock

Correction: As it happens with stories "too good to be true" probably some details changed throughout the years; the idea is that he refused to watch the movie and told director Demme so citing the example of LeCarre and his experience with the adaptation of his books, sparking this 'myth', which was tough based on actual statements. But in the 1991 New York Magazine feature by Phoebe Hoban, Harris is reported to have watched the movie, indeed (even if I don't find the 'when it was released' claim of the correction), and in recent interviews his story has been that he refused to watch it but after the Oscars he just happened to stumble upon it flipping channels on TV.

Sammo Premium member

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New Jack City picture

Corrected entry: When Ice T crashes into Wesley Snipes' apartment window, it's clear that the event is taking place at night. However, shortly after they fight in the apartment, Ice T throws him through the window and onto the fire escape. Suddenly, it's day time. (01:27:15)

Correction: After Ice-T gets the location of Wesley Snipes from the teenager, there's a quick shot of the sun rising before the attack begins on the apartment. It's weird time-wise, but they did try to show that the attack was happening at dawn.

More New Jack City corrections
Backdraft picture

Corrected entry: When Brian visits Stephen in his boat, they sit and talk. On the river behind them, you see a slow boat passing by, but from the camera-angle from the shot before up the river you can't see a boat at all.

Correction: The boat was slowly moving into the shot.

More Backdraft corrections
Rocketeer picture

Corrected entry: In real life, the flame discharged from the rocket would quickly set fire to the rocketeer's pants and boots.

Correction: The first time they set off the rocket engine Cliff touches the housing and comments that it is still cool. All metals are heat conductors - that must be a cool flame. Later, Cliff walks directly in the line of the rocket exhaust (when the statue crashes) without effect. Like I said, a cool flame which doesn't set fire to things. In the science fiction world, such things are possible.

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Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey picture

Corrected entry: When evil Bill and Ted are playing with their robot heads in the bedroom, it can be seen that Ted's head is fake. Its skin colour is slightly different and the eyes or lips cant even be seen.

Correction: How can a robot head not be "fake"?

More Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey corrections
Oscar picture

Corrected entry: During a scene when Anthony and Dr Pool meet in Mr Provalone's living room, Dr Pool tells Anthony that he can tell he's from Middlesex New Jersey (or something like that) from the way he speaks and from his accent and yet Anthony hasn't said a word since he entered the house and they've never met before, so Dr Pool has never heard Anthony speak.

Correction: There's nothing in the movie that indicates that Anthony and Dr. Poole have never met. In fact, the familiarity Dr. Poole shows with the household (knowing Aldo by name, describing Lisa's "nicely rounded diphthongs"), and how both Lisa and Sofia speak of Poole as if they know him, shows he has been a regular guest in the Provolone house. He and Anthony could easily have met at an earlier occasion, but never had the time to sit down and engage in conversation.


More Oscar corrections
Father of the Bride picture

Corrected entry: Two scenes show the young son remembering to walk "right-together-left-together" down the isle at the wedding but then they all just walk left-right down the aisle during the wedding scene.

Correction: Character mistakes, not movie mistake. No matter how much rehearsal is done, nerves can make you forget how you are supposed to walk in a wedding procession.

More Father of the Bride corrections
Child's Play 3 picture

Corrected entry: When Chucky arrives at the military school he is in the box which is wrapped in brown paper, but how did Chucky wrap up his box, put sticky tape on both ends and then get inside it, it's impossible.

Correction: He doesn't have to do it himself. First using the CEO's computer he sets up an order for one Good Guy doll to be sent to Andy Barclay then plonks himself and his box somewhere down in despatch where he will stand out and play 'Good Guy doll'. Some unsuspecting clerk gets despatch notice, wraps the first good guy doll he sees (Chucky), and voilà!


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City Slickers picture

Corrected entry: At the end when Mitch and friends are driving the herd through the river, there is a terrible rainstorm. However, several times, especially when Mitch is in the river, you can see the sun shining and casting shadows all around. That was one crazy rainstorm.

Correction: Yep, and I've been in a few of those crazy rainstorms living on the Prairies. It is really possible to have a downpour one minute, and clear skies another, then back to rain. Just yesterday, within half an hour, the skies were clear, then a hail storm, then cloudy with sunny breaks.

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The Last Boy Scout picture

Corrected entry: Bruce Willis discovers his wife is cheating on him with his best friend. He notices the toilet seat is up and that her hair isn't wet and says "sometimes you forget I'm a detective." If he's such a great detective, how come he didn't notice his best friend's car parked in front of his house?

Correction: This is explained a bit further on in the movie. Joe only "suspected" his wife was cheating on him with his best friend, and he also says during that earlier conversation, "What would you like me to say huh, f**k you Sarah?" He did not want to say anything until he was 100 percent sure.


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Return to the Blue Lagoon picture

Corrected entry: At the start of the movie, when the ship stops and looks in the boat and find the two people and the baby, the captain of the ship asks whether they are alive or not, and the mate says the adults in the small boat are dead, but the child is alive. But at the end of the Blue Lagoon, the mate answers the captain with 'no sir, they are just sleeping.'

Correction: This was the mate's way of breaking the news gently to the captain, who is Richard's father and Em's uncle. Also, a continuation of the 'go to sleep berries' theme.

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