Corrected entry: In the car chase, just before the villain's black sedan is lifted off the road by helicopter, to be dumped into the Tokyo bay (that was before environmentalism) there's a shot from behind inside Bonds sports car. They race madly....with the speedometer needle clearly showing zero!

Corrected entry: The events depicted in the film took place in 1959; however, the exterior shot of the courthouse shows several automobiles made in the early to mid-1960's.
Correction: Actually, the trial took place into the spring of 1960, so without more definitive descriptions of the automobiles believed to be out of the time period, this entry is too vague.
There are at least three cars from the mid to late 60's in various scenes driving.

Corrected entry: The character of C.W. Moss's father is referred to by name only once - just before the final ambush, when Bonnie recognizes him and says, "Isn't that Malcolm?". But in the credits his name is Ivan Moss.
Correction: She is asking if that is Malcolm, not stating that it is. The answer is no, it isn't Malcolm, but that is not a movie mistake.

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the scene when Luke's mother comes to visit him, the position of her glass of water changes from one shot to the next. (00:39:26)

Corrected entry: In the airplane before jumping, Major Reisman is asked, "How much longer?" He gets up to ask the pilot and he is not wearing a parachute, although everyone else is already suited up. They jump from the plane seconds later. (01:45:00)
Correction: And we never see the Major talking to the "driver." When the pilot gives the ready light, it's the next scene, and we don't know how much time has past, not a continuous shot. We also see only half jump and then seconds later they're all on the ground talking. They simply skipped showing the Major gearing up before the jump.

Corrected entry: 'Now when you pick a pawpaw, or a prickly pear' is a line from 'Bare Necessities.' It doesn't work though, as neither pawpaws or prickly pears are native to India, where the film is set.
Correction: Neither are any bears except the sloth bear, which is nowhere near as big as Baloo.

Corrected entry: Benjamin runs up to the front door of the church and finds it locked. This may be a deliberate choice of the director because they need a reason to get Benjamin up to the second floor window so they lock the front door of the church. It's not locked when he leaves the church. (01:41:40)
Correction: The church doors were locked from the outside because the wedding is going on, but can be opened up from the inside to allow people to leave when it's over. This is a very common lock system on doors, especially in cities.

Corrected entry: When Bialystock and Bloom are in the boat in the park, the boat has only one oar. Such a rowboat would only go in a circle.
Correction: Leo has his legs over the boat in this shot, dipped in the water. He could have easily removed the oar from the holder in order to dangle his feet over the edge of the boat.

Corrected entry: This film was controversial at the time because it depicted an interracial couple.
Correction: Does re-stating the plot really constitute a "Trivia" entry?

Corrected entry: The location of the Krolock family crypt is at odds: In order to reach it, the castle courtyard must be crossed (which is level with the available ground), and the crypt stairs lead downwards. In order to reach the crypt via a chute, the professor and Alfred sneak their way across the castle's roofs and battlements to the chute opening in the top of a structure high above ground; and the chute descends only one or two feet before depositing Alfred (but not the professor, who gets stuck) in the crypt.
Correction: The crypt position is fine. The castle is up on a hill (as any good movie castle would be), with the "chute side" on the edge of a very steep cliff. Going into the courtyard from the entrance it's all level and you reach the crypt, but the other side has battlements since it's by a cliff. When Alfred drops the professor's case you see it tumbling down this cliff.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Guinevere is dancing and singing with the 3 knights, she places the goblet down on the table. In dancing, she hops up on the table and there in her hand is the goblet within seconds.
Correction: One of the knights hands her the goblet again. It's shown on screen.

Corrected entry: During the car chase at the end of the film the roads vary between being wet and dry between scenes.
Correction: Not unusual when there are rain showers which can affect one part of the road, and not another. I've seen rain showers where it is raining in my front yard, but dry in the back yard.

Corrected entry: Early in the film, James Bond (David Niven) is in the grounds of his mansion with some dignitaries. The army, hidden nearby, attack his house with missiles. The first shell destroys the house, it is then seen in perfect condition, and the next shell destroys it again. (00:11:24)
Correction: There are 2 buildings on James' grounds. The main house (yellow with steps leading to it) and the building with the piano room in it (orange with no steps). The piano building is blown up first and the main house can be seen behind Bond, intact. Then the main house is blown up.

Corrected entry: After a late afternoon ride away from Miami Beach on Elvis' motorcycle, he and Shelley Fares stop at a deserted beach to watch the sun set over the water. Unfortunately, Miami Beach faces east and the sun sets in the west.
Correction: Do not confuse Miami with Miami Beach. Miami Beach has beaches on both its eastern and western shores, the eastern shore being more popular due to its profusion of hotels. You can watch a lovely sunset on the western shore of Miami Beach.
Correction: See similar mistakes in Die Another Day and Sideways. While in reality this means the car is mounted on a wheeled trolley for filming, in this fictional universe it means the car's speedometer is broken.