Corrected entry: When the travel pod arrives at the Enterprise with Scotty and Kirk, The computer says "Travel pod available Cargo 6", but the sign above the door says "5".

Corrected entry: When Toecutter smashes into the front of the truck near the end, slow-mo it and carefully watch the front of the truck. It appears there is some sort of shield on the front of the truck painted to look like it's real. Perhaps due to the budget they didn't want to damage the truck, but it's still a mistake. (01:25:50)
Correction: If you have to use slo-mo to see it, and it's not visible in the regular play of the movie, it's not a mistake.

Corrected entry: Several scenes on the story boards and in the script did not make the final cut of the film. Some weren't even filmed at all. Some of these scenes included a sexual encounter between Dallas and Ripley, who have their moment spoiled in horror when Kane's corpse, which they ejected hours before, drifts in front of their view and bangs into the window. The other more controversial scene that was not even filmed, but only hinted at, was a 'rape' scene involving Lambert and the Alien. The Alien sliding its tail between Lambert's legs was originally intended to be the start of a bizarre sodomy/rape sequence, but director Ridley Scott thought better of it and decided not to film that scene. The only inclination of the alien sodomizing or raping Lambert left in the film is the fact that her corpse, which we only get a brief glimpse of hanging from the ceiling, is stark naked.
Correction: When Lambert was killed by the Alien you heard her on the intercom and the sounds she was making certainly sounded like she was being raped.

Corrected entry: In the end of the film when Phil Daniels is about to run over a cliff with his scooter, in the first shot there is a windshield on the scooter. In the second the windshield is gone. In the third the windshield is back again.
Correction: If you notice the windscreen dose not disapere the actual scoter changes , the scooter with the screen is a GS the scooter without the screen is a RALLY.

Corrected entry: Just before Captain Willard shoots the injured Vietnamese woman on the sampan a crew member accidentally moves into the lower part of the shot as he crosses from the sampan into the PBR. (01:38:25)
Correction: It is not a crew member but Mr. Clean. Moments before Willard shoots the woman, Clean is on board the Sampan to assist Chef. Moments after, he is manning the gun on the stern of the ship. He must have moved from sampan to PBR, and this shot shows him doing so.

Corrected entry: In the cable car scene you see Jaws bite the cable in half to stop the cable car, in the next scene you see Jaws climbing on to the other car. After that another villain starts the cable car, for some unknown reason both cars start to move, how is this possible if one of the cables has been bitten in half?
Correction: There are support cables and driving cables, he bit through one of the supporting cables.

Corrected entry: When the yellow space ship crashes, the man with the turban turns to his right to see it. When the camera zooms out, the crashed ship is on his left.
Correction: You do not see what direction he is first facing, but when the ship crashes he is facing it, so he would have had to look to the right to see it coming if he was in the same spot.

Corrected entry: During the battle scene in the toilets, at least one member of the rival gang is seen being thrown through a latched toilet door. This means the door would have to have been locked from the inside. Earlier the warriors had emerged from these toilets, so they are not locked, unless during the battle someone went back in the toilets, locking the doors and climbing back out over the top. If the doors were not locked, surely they would just swing open if someone went through them.
Correction: The stall doors all open outward (as we see in the beginning of the scene when the gang members all burst out through them). So if a person were being thrown into a closed door from outside the stall, the door would logically break because it would be getting forced in the wrong direction - not because it's locked.

Corrected entry: When the big wheel is fired upon by the Japanese submarine it becomes detached and rolls down the pier. The lights on the wheel are still lit even when it falls into the sea. Where is it getting its power from?
Correction: As the Ferris wheel rolls down the pier, there is a brief shot of a cable reeling off as it goes. I could be wrong, but this could be the wheel's power cable.

Corrected entry: When Charley Butts first gets to Alcatraz he is inside his cell and introduces himself to Frank Morris. According to the camera angle, Charley's cell is on the right and Frank's cell is on the left. Later on, it's like they switched cells. Frank's cell is to the right and Charley's cell is to the left. But later their cells are back in their original positions. Video only.
Correction: The reason you see the cells on the other side is because the camera was on top looking out. So there is no mistake here.

Corrected entry: During the gas station shooting scene, the shooter puts several bullets in the trunk of the yellow car. Steve Martin takes this car to get away from the shooter. When he pulls into the lot where the carnival employees are, there are no bullet holes in the trunk of the car.
Correction: Just watched that scene. The bullets are very visible down the side and the back.

Corrected entry: In one scene a Yank is riding in a train through the English countryside during WWII. Through the train window can be seen nuclear power plant cooling towers - obviously not a part of the landscape at that time.
Correction: The smoke towers that look like they belong to a nuclear power plant to Americans, are actually coal burning. They are common in the UK where the film was shot and present at the time of WWII and before.

Corrected entry: Jack the Ripper enters Amy's apartment, kills her friend and severs her arm, spraying blood over all the walls and floor, yet manages to avoid getting any blood on himself.
Correction: He is a gifted surgeon, and has experience cutting up women without getting blood on himself. It's part of the mystique of Jack the Ripper that he is able to do this.

Corrected entry: When the bus crashes through the gas pumps, one shot shows that the bus has traveled far enough for the back of the bus to be midway between the two pumps. The next shot shows the front of the bus where the back was before (the bus is traveling forward).
Correction: Ummmm.I just watched Salem's Lot(1979).Unless my memory is fooling me,there is no bus crash.

Corrected entry: After leaving the gym Rocky goes to the pet shop to walk Adrienne home, and there are a few guys outside of the gym, who are taunting Rocky, calling him an Italian Chicken. After Rocky tells Adrienne that they have him confused with someone else, you can hear one of the guys say off camera, "That's Talia Shire," referring to Adrienne.
Correction: He says something very fast after his buddy says "Italian Chicken", but it is definitely not "That's Talia Shire".

Corrected entry: During the execution scene Telly Savalas uses an AK-47 assault rifle to shoot the German officers, the film is set in 1944 as stated at the beginning, but the gun wasn't in production until 1947,hence the name.
Correction: Telly's rifle in the village square ambush was a German MP44 (1944) assault rifle; the AK47 looks very similar and some say the Soviets copied the design of the earlier rifle. See Wiki.

Corrected entry: The movie opens with a sweeping crane shot into the movie studio where the Muppets will watch the screening of their movie. The movie studio gate is topped with a statue of a movie director with a globe spinning on his finger. The globe is spinning the wrong direction, with the continents moving to the West.
Correction: So the statue with its spinning globe is not accurate in its depiction of Earth's rotation. Even within the context of this movie, it was created by an artist/technician ignorant in these matters and who simply did not know any better. It happens. This is not a movie mistake.

Corrected entry: When V.I.N.CENT uses his inbuilt power drill on Maximilian, you can see that the supposed metal hull is plastic, by the dust thrown up by the drilling and the coloration of the bore hole's edges. Maximillian does have a metallic structure, since Pizer knocks on his head in the parts storage and the sound elicited by his knuckles is metallic.
Correction: Nowhere was it mentioned the robot's body is metal. For all we know, only the head is metal since it's where the actor was knocking but the body could be plastic or something else.

Corrected entry: Whoever did the costumes had no idea of British Army officer badges of rank. Junior officers, LTs, display a crown, the badge of a major. Lt. Col. Pulliene shows 1 'pip', the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. Chelmsford has sword crossed with scabbard plus two pips - no such rank: a Lt. Gen. has sword/scabbard plus a crown. Lt. Col. Durnford is correct: pip surmounted by a crown. But Durnford I think, was actually a full colonel: 2 pips in line surmounted by a crown.
Correction: From 1855 to 1880 British Army rank insignia was somewhat different to what it is now; worn on the collar; ranks were distinguished as follows: a Second Lieutenant wore a single "pip", as now; a Lieutenant wore a single crown, and a Captain wore a pip and a crown. Majors then, also wore a single pip; Lieutenant Colonels, the crown, and full Colonels, a pip and crown. The problem of course is that now we have two ranks wearing identical rank insignia; the distinction then lay in the gold lace worn around the collar and on the cuffs. Junior officers (Subalterns, Lieutenants and Captains had a single row of half-inch gold lace; Majors, Lieutenant Colonels and Colonels had two rows). Suffice to say it was a confusing system (and not helped by the fact that the dark blue patrol jackets often worn in the field had no gold lace whatsoever), and it is probably because of this that in 1880, the year after Isandlwana, the system the British Army still uses to this day was introduced.

Corrected entry: On their escape, a French woman hides Sellinger and Halloran in a barn. We see a man behind a curtain who later makes a phone call to inform the Germans. When they arrive Sellinger says to Halloran that the girl's father must have called them, this in spite of the fact that the woman never mentioned her father. (01:32:25)
Correction: When they met the woman in the barn, and after she kills the German soldier, she mentions that her father is a collaborationist, because he was afraid of the Germans. It's natural to assume that if somebody alerted the Germans, it would only be her father.
Correction: Some systems of the newly-refitted Enterprise were still malfunctioning (such as the Warp Drive and transporters). It's possible whatever subroutine was responsible for announcing shuttlepod availability was malfunctioning as well. Also, this computer voice was removed from the DVD Director's Edition of the movie.