Corrected entry: At the end of the film when the cop lays out all of the contents of his pockets on the table (gun, handcuffs, etc.) when talking to Cindy, the items change their positions a few seconds later. (01:13:50)

Corrected entry: During the scene where Memphis (Nic Cage) is driving the lovely Shelby GT500 Mustang, and he knocks off the mirror, the car stalls as if it's reacting to the damage. He then leans down and tries to start the car by simply turning the ignition like he has a key, but when he first gets in the car and starts it, he uses 2 thin pieces of metal and he had to use both hands. (01:34:48)
Correction: After the lock is picked you only need the one larger piece of metal to turn the ignition to the start position. That's why it took 2 hands to steal the car, but only one to restart it.

Corrected entry: I'm no explosives expert, but when Chris O'Donnell fills the hole with nitro, he does it in the most dangerous way possible, pouring a stream of it into the centre of the pool from a distance of 1-2 feet up. You should bring the can as close to the target as possible, maybe pouring it down the side of the sloped hole to minimise splashing and agitating the liquid. Or at least tell your girlfriend to not stand right beside you when you do it...
Correction: Well he's no explosives expert either. For a start he is in such a rush to get to his dying sister maybe he just doesn't think straight and pours it the way he thinks is safe enough.

Corrected entry: Throughout the film, Kevin Bacon's character is seen with sticky sensor wires stuck to the top of his head and around his face. But we never see him get his hair cut off, even though we even see he has no hair when they first attempt to make him visible. Also, just a short time later, we see Kevin swimming in a pool, with a full head of hair, and later it is gone again.
Correction: He has hair the entire time, even when they try to reverse the quantum shift. It appears last in the process, but it is briefly visible. The sensors stuck to his head are pretty small, and it would be no problem attaching them to his scalp under his hair (or cut a tiny portion of hair away to attach sensors). The only time his head is completely bald, is at the very end, after he has been set afire and his hair has burned off.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Ethan is fleeing from the old car and the Range Rover, both vehicles are able to keep pace with his "crotch rocket". Any bike of that size could out pace those vehicles by miles. There is no way that the trucks in the big chase scene would have kept up with Tom Cruise on the motorcycle, especially on such a curvy road. Motorcycles have better acceleration, maneuverability, and they can corner better and at faster speeds.
Correction: Actually, the opposite is true. The motorcycle can accelerate much faster, but no motorcycle has the stability of a four wheeled vehicle in corners. I can take corners marked for 50 kmh in my car at 110 kmh in my BMW, but can only take the same corner at about 75 to 80 kmh on my motorcycle. Motorcycles simply don't corner as well as cars.

Corrected entry: After the sensitive guy scene, Elliot magically appears in the fountain. If you look at his trousers, you can see where the water is splashed up from him walking into the water before shooting the scene. (00:44:50)
Correction: No, you can't. Elliott displaces the water he lands in, creating waves, and they soak his trousers above the level of water in the fountain. Do you really think a highly paid actor like Brendan Fraser would stand around in soaking wet trousers waiting for a retake to be set up?

Corrected entry: At the end of the film, when they are floating on the coffin in the flooded valley, there is a current moving from the right to the left. While other objects float away in the current, they stay dead still, obviously they are tied down. (01:39:45)
Correction: No, as noted in a previous correction the characters are swimming against the current, simply by moving their legs underwater.

Corrected entry: Final scene - Leonard pulls out a piece of paper to write the next clue - he starts with "Tattoo Six..." With his "condition" how could he have remembered he was now on tattoo six without stripping down and going through all his other tattoos?
Correction: For the same reason as all the other "with his condition" questions: Leonard's amnesia is psychological, not physical. He chooses the limits of his memory, and so knows what he wants to.

Corrected entry: After Tavington is down by the creek shaving, he comes back up the hill and gets on his horse. He is supposed to be sticking something in his chest pocket, but you can clearly see it miss and fall to the ground.
Correction: That's his straight razor he loses. And people can actually do this in real life, especially with the stress of being under attack and unarmed.

Corrected entry: In the scene when he wants to interrupt the 2nd murderer he uses a Mastercard to open the door - at that time they were still called MasterCharge.
Correction: In frame-by-frame viewing on DVD, it shows as the era-correct "MasterCharge".

Corrected entry: There seems to be a mystery surrounding Hagen. Although he dies by being shot and stabbed at Proximo's home, when Maximus dies, we see someone looking suspiciously like him come forward to carry Maximus. Does he have a long-lost twin, or is he immortal? (02:20:55)
Correction: He certainly looks like Hagen, but it isn't him.

Corrected entry: In the part where they're looking in the memories of the clone of Adam. They see two Adams but on the screen that's on the right it only shows one. (01:35:35)
Correction: The 4 monitors had different angles of the memories. They weren't the same image over all 4 monitors, so there's no mistake for one monitor not showing both Adams, especially since it took Drucker time to realise what was shown.

Corrected entry: When Carter pulls up in his new Nova, he is playing the Nine Inch Nails song, 'Into the Void' and just after he sees Alex he drives on when the song is on the first verse, but 3 seconds later it is right near the end, the song has skipped over 2 minutes.
Correction: Movies don't use real time, it could have been two minutes since he saw Alex.

Corrected entry: When the guys are walking away from the car, you can see a line of rocks laid out on the road signalling where they should stop.
Correction: They stop walking when the car explodes; but the rocks could have been used to signal the demolitions experts when to set off the explosives. However, since they used rocks instead of some marker that would not normally be found in nature this cannot be considered a mistake; an interesting observation, but not a mistake.

Corrected entry: When the firefighters and police are cleaning up the sewage, then a semi slides into the wreck and splashes everyone including Gordy and Shawn, but in the next scene they are all clean.
Correction: Actually, that is the reason they are clean afterwards, it is a deliberate joke. The semi truck carrying the toilet paper smashes into the sewage truck, whereupon the toilet paper goes flying everywhere. When they are clean in the next scene, it is because the toilet paper has soaked up all the sewage off of them, hence Arquette's next line, "What are the odds of that?"

Corrected entry: Towards the end of the movie when Sherrie's ex punches Big Momma (Martin Lawrence) in the face, he punches her on the left side of her face. But the latex comes off the right side of her face. (01:27:50)
Correction: If you are punched on one side of your face and you have a mask stuck on, then the punch would push that mask in the direction of the punch, meaning punching right side, would push mask towards the right, meaning left side is the most likely to come unstuck, and vice versa.

Corrected entry: When Frankie Four Fingers first gets the diamond, he claims that it is 86 carats, but throughout the rest of the film it is referred to as a 84 carat diamond.
Correction: 1. It is referred to as an 84 carat diamond one time, at the end. Not throughout the whole film. 2. Frankie Four Fingers is a gambler, not a jeweler. How should he know anyway?
It's referred to as 84 carat when Boris turns up at the jewellers as well.

Corrected entry: When Roman is exploring the house with Parker Posey right before they leave, he tells Dewey and Gale "I'll be right back," breaking a rule that Randy mentioned in the first movie. Notice the nervous look on their faces.
Correction: The horror movie expert says that all the rules don't apply anymore in a trilogy, which this is, so Roman can't break any rules since they no longer apply.

Corrected entry: When the girl loses her kidney she calls for police, but the dispatcher doesn't believe her and hangs up. This wouldn't happen because no matter what they have to send the police to investigate.
Correction: In most cases, yes, that's true. But there were several cases recently where the dispatcher didn't believe the caller, resulting in death.

Corrected entry: On his pursuit of Mickie and Irene on the decrepit bridge Charlie stops at a rather wide gap between the planks. If he can't pass it, how could Mickie with the struggling Irene in his arms? (01:34:25)
Correction: Charlie is afraid of water, and that's a big part of why he has difficulties crossing the gap. Mickie does not have any such problems, and in addition, he has a gun on Irene. He could have forced Irene to cross first, and followed her later, to regain his hold on her on the other side.
Correction: I've just watched this scene 3 times now and can't see any item that moves.