Corrected entry: While Barbara is praying at the gravesite, Johnny is standing next to her, impatiently waiting for her to finish. At the site of lightning and sound of thunder, he reaches into his coat pockets for his gloves and puts them on. Unfortunately, he left this pair of gloves on the dashboard of their car when they first arrived at the graveyard.
Corrected entry: During the trip to the Moon, the spacecraft's captain makes a friendly call on his passenger, Dr. Floyd. Although they are weightless, the captain leans onto Floyd's chair under his full body weight.
Correction: Microgravity doesn't paralyse your muscles. Someone used to 'weightlessness' would be able to pose in such a manner simply by leaning at the right angle.
Corrected entry: The sergeant makes a comment about getting "Private widdle" a hot water Bottle to wit Widdle shows he has one. However, the type he shows wasn't patented until 1939 by Ms. Earla M. Roberts. The era the film was set would have had water bottles that were very different indeed. (00:06:10)
Correction: They also wouldn't have had field artillery that could audibly play gramaphone records. This is a silly comedy film and it is perfectly acceptable in a Carry On film for anachronistic props to appear for the sake of a sight gag.
Corrected entry: At the beginning of the chase scene, when the cars are in street traffic, the rearview mirror shows the driver's face, then, a moment later, it shows the passenger's face. When the Charger crests the "stepped" hill, the mirror shows the Mustang, which is following. The passenger's face is seen a few more times, too, but the view from the camera's POV should show only the driver.
Correction: The mirror could easily have been moved during the driving. Alternatively, the camera angle may have been changed to show the passenger. If you are in a backseat, and move around the seat, you can change the angle of the reflection to see the other passenger.
Corrected entry: When the heroes have jumped off the cable car into the water, they climb out and run for cover. As they are running they pass a large window and you can clearly see the camera crew reflected in it.
Correction: I've just watched the film. Once out of the water, "our heroes" are seen (briefly) from above and then from behind. At no point do they pass a large window.
Corrected entry: When Cornelius and Taylor are talking over the canyon, the river at the bottom is obviously a photograph. The whitecaps don't move at all.
Correction: Firstly, it's normal for the "white caps" in rivers to not move as they're caused by the interaction between rapidly flowing water and stationary obstacles. The "white caps" won't move unless the obstacles move. Secondly, if you watch the river between the cliffs as Cornelius says, "You can't ride along the shore at high tide," you'll see several birds flying back and forth. This may well be a process shot with the actors superimposed on a filmed background, but it's certainly not a still photograph.
Corrected entry: When Felix enters the Flanders Hotel at the beginning and asks for a higher room, the man behind the counter puts his pizza on the counter, but in the next shot, it's in his hand again.
Correction: The man puts his pizza on the counter and later on, while he is talking, he picks it up again.
Corrected entry: Near the end, Clint Eastwood is sneaking up on a house at night. The old guy (Ed Begley Sr) shoots at Eastwood repeatedly until his gun is empty as Eastwood dodges from tree to tree. Just before running directly to the house, there is a strange black circle that completely covers Eastwood for a few seconds. It is very obvious and no reason why it should be there.
Correction: It sounds like you're describing a cigarette burn. This is an indicator to the projectionist that a reel change is upcoming, and not a mistake.
Corrected entry: At the end of the Toot Sweet number when the dogs are rushing into the factory, there is a shot of the dogs running down the stairs and then the scene is cut to a shot of the entire factory to show dogs running along the catwalk. In the upper right corner of this shot a dog can be seen falling from the catwalk and immediately 2 of the factory workers turn and rush to check on the animal.
Correction: This is not a mistake. Maybe it wasn't planned in the script, but within the film itself why shouldn't the workers show concern if an animal gets hurt?
Correction: This was not in the script and the dog died a week later unfortunately. Back in those day I guess the safety of the animals was not that important.
Corrected entry: When Darryl is trying to convince Helen to go on the blind date and she gives him a shot, the shot should have been in the shoulder muscle, not the vein.
Correction: Depends on what kind of shot is being given. Some kinds must be given intravenously.
Corrected entry: In the opening brawl scene, Tybalt stabs Benvolio in the right eye but he never bled nor had a cut, not even in the following shot as Benvolio is talking to his uncle about Romeo's depression.
Correction: In the opening brawl scene, Tybalt stabs Benvolio in the forehead. In the following shot as Benvolio is talking to his uncle about Romeo's depression, a bloody cut can be seen.
Corrected entry: Paratroopers attach a 'static line' to a cable inside the aircraft before jumping from the aircraft. This releases the parachute from a deployment bag strapped to the parachutist's back. During the movie scene where John Wayne and his soldiers parachute into enemy territory, John Wayne's static line is draped over his shoulder.
Correction: Just before John Wayne steps in line on the ramp behind Peterson, he reaches off to his left and hooks up his static line.
Corrected entry: As the Soviet MiGs rush towards Ice Station Zebra, we see five close-ups of the obvious models of the jets. As the actual aircraft fly over the party with the camera on the ground looking up, we see only four jets.
Correction: The 5 Russian (model) jets in formation are MIG-21's. The 4 jets (actual) are US F-4 Phantoms, not MIGS.
Correction: They were SU-7 in formation.
Corrected entry: The air in Henry's bedroom is so cold that there is a layer of ice on the washing bowl, but his breath makes no clouds. (00:11:30)
Correction: It is often cold (below freezing) and yet breath won't be seen unless other conditions are just right for it. It is a matter of humidity, not just temperature.
Corrected entry: When Minnie comes over to talk to Rosemary for the first time, right after Terri's death, she says that she was buried the day before. But when she is inviting Rosemary and Guy over for dinner, she says it's the first night they have been alone since her death.
Correction: Actually Terri was cremated that means she's burned and turned to ashes and put in an urn. The following morning that Minnie goes into Rosemary's apartment, is the next day following Terri's death. So that night is the first night the Cassavettes are actually alone, meaning without the cops or anyone.
Corrected entry: After the two girls throw the snowball at Barberella, which knocks her out, the amount of snow on Barbarella's face and hair changes, and once they start being sledded across the ice, the snow on her has completely gone.
Correction: Which can happen as the snow melts from body heat.
Corrected entry: In the scene where the doctor smashes the glass on the sliding door near the lock when setting up his alibi he correctly does so from the outside but leaves the door open. With the door closed It would have been obvious to anyone seeing where the glass had fallen that the door was open when the break-in was done so making it an inside job.
Correction: You smash the glass and use the hole to open the door. Then you can just walk in there. You do not have to crawl over the splinters.
Corrected entry: When in the opening scene at the station the train starts moving Frank's men hear Harmonica's tune. He appears behind the leaving train, but in the wide shots he has both hands down while he is heard playing. Only in close-up he is holding the harmonica to his mouth. (00:10:50)
Correction: This is incorrect. Throughout the whole scene, Harmonica has one hand holding his bag and the other holding the harmonica. At no time does he have both hands down.
Corrected entry: Near the end where Nancy has just been murdered by Bill Sikes, as Bill runs off with Oliver, they switch to a shot of policeman and other people running up and finding Nancy's body. When they do this, take a look a Nancy - both of her legs move. You won't even have to look very hard, it is quite obvious.
Correction: This is Nancy writhing in pain as she takes her dying breaths and there is nothing that can be done to save her. It's too obvious to be unintentional.
Corrected entry: At the cemetery, there is a very loud, coming-at-the-most-annoying-time chiming clock. Every time it goes off, we are shown the sight of the hammer hitting a largish bell. Count the chimes - there are 14.
Correction: It isn't a clock. It's a tolling bell, as a burial is about to take place.
Correction: This "mistake" wrongly assumes that the camera views a character's every action. For example, we also never see Johnny take the keys from the ignition, but it's obvious that he has them when Barbra flees to the car only to find there are no keys. Following their exit from the car, Johnny is in fact seen stuffing something in his pocket as he walks up to Barbra. He later retrieves the gloves from this same pocket. So although it is not explicitly shown, both the keys and gloves were put into this pocket while he held the flower arrangement with his other hand.