The Wizard of Oz

Corrected entry: When you see the Horse of a Different color, [the horse that changes from purple to orange, and keeps changing colors] you can see that all the horses are totally different. One will be stocky and have its head low, and the other will have its head all collected. [For you non-horse people, that means when the head is higher and tucked in, so the nose is near the chest.] Then the next is smaller. They are all different horses.

Correction: I've noticed that too. But if this is a world where the horses are colors that real horses aren't and they can change color anytime, it wouldn't surprise me if the horse could also change shape.

Corrected entry: After the Wicked Witch melts, Dorothy asks the Winged Monkey guards if she may have the broom. One of the Monkey guards replies by saying, "Yes, and take it with you." Well, what else is she going to do with it? Of course she's going to take it with her, that's why she asked. (01:23:45)

Correction: The monkey's line is illogical, but that doesn't make it a mistake.

Correction: Well, whoever says it, the point of the dialogue phrase is to emphasize that the former subjects of the wicked witch want nothing more to do with her and no reminders of her.

Correction: The guard with the green face speaks, not the monkey, and he says to Dorothy after she asks for the broomstick, "Yes, and take it with you."

Correction: The fact that a flying monkey can talk does not necessarily mean it's logical in its thought processes.

Corrected entry: As the Lion spots the guards sneaking up behind them his mouth is moving and he's saying a lot more than we hear, that has been edited out. (01:22:00)


Correction: Not necessarily. That is an old movie tactic for demonstrating great fear; a character moves their mouth but are so terrified they cannot actually speak.

Corrected entry: When the Lion is running out of the Wizard's chamber down the long green hallway, take a close look at the face of the Lion as he is running, just before he leaps into the glass window - it is clearly NOT Bert Lahr, but a younger, thinner stand-in. (01:12:35)

Correction: That probably was his stunt double, but I'm sorry it is impossible to tell. His entire costume was heavily padded, there's no way to tell his weight. His face was a mask except for his mouth, there's no way to tell it's a younger guy. My only explanation for you is you're so convinced it's obvious as you know it's the stunt double.

Correction: Dorothy sticks her hand in front of the bubble, not into it.

Correction: It isn't until later when they get to the apple trees that he calls her "Dorothy." They could have been walking for miles after the song and dance before they reached the apple trees. Dorothy even remarks that they've been walking a long way.

Corrected entry: After the severe injuries that she received earlier in the production Margret Hamilton closes her eyes in anticipation of the orange smoke that engulfs her as she disappears from the roof after she throws the ball of fire at the scarecrow. (00:46:25)


Correction: Why exactly isn't the witch allowed to close her eyes? I haven't gotten severe injuries and I would've shut my eyes if smoke was about to engulf me. There's no reason for her not to close her eyes.

It also should be noted that the Tin Woodsman scenes were actually filmed before Margaret Hamilton was severely burned from fire. She had not yet had a bad experience with it. After she was burned, she refused to have anything to do with smoke/fire for the remainder of the film and a stunt double was used from then on for any fire scenes needed. Her closing her eyes was simply a natural response as human eyes have trouble staying open when smoke is around.

Corrected entry: It seems strange that when Glinda sends the snow to break the wicked witch's 'poppies' spell, the snow falls on the flower fields alone. After Dorothy and her friends 'wake up' and make their way back down to the yellow brick road, notice that there is no snow on the road in front of them. You can also see this as they gaze off into the distance at the Emerald City - the painted backdrop shows snow drifts in the fields but none whatsoever on the YBR.


Correction: It's not strange at all. If she can make it snow, she can certainly make it snow in a particualar location and not another. She's a witch.

Sheridan Whiteside

Corrected entry: In the scene where Glinda meets Dorothy for the first time, Glinda asks Dorothy 'Are you a good witch or a bad witch?' Dorothy says that she is not a witch at all, announcing that witches are 'mean and ugly'. Glinda states that only bad witches are ugly. If that's the case, why did she have to ask?

Correction: Glinda states "no, only bad witches are ugly." This does not describe the set of all bad witches, only the set of ugly witches: all ugly witches are bad. This does NOT imply that all bad witches are ugly. In fact, it cannot even imply that some bad witches are ugly, as Glinda's statement remains true if there are NO ugly witches (the set of ugly witches is empty). Thus beautiful witches can be either bad or good, and Glinda's answer is no answer at all.

Correction: Ugly is as ugly does. Perhaps "mean and ugly" could be about demeanor and not physical appearance at all.

Corrected entry: I have to post this to refute the comment that denied the existence of an alternate ending. I was overjoyed to find a comment here from someone else who remembered seeing a different ending just one time in the 1960s. I've spent my whole life trying to find someone else who remembered this. In the 1960s the annual broadcast of the film had hosts. I, and two of my friends, ever since childhood always remembered that one year the movie had a different ending. I've always sensed it was the year that the hosts were Liza Minnelli and Lorna and Joey Luft. We never could remember what the different ending was, but we recalled that it was black and white and that our reaction was: It wasn't just a dream that time. Now that I've read this other person's memory of the camera's panning to the ruby slippers under the bed, in black and white, I remember that's what I saw. Another commenter says that there's no evidence that the scene ever existed. I am here to verify that someone else has never stopped wondering for over 40 years about a vague memory of a different ending from one airing in the 1960s.


Correction: This website gives some confirmation, it's one of those myths that get mixed up in people's memories to being convinced they have seen it. The WoZ original footage has been carefully preserved, it's not lost, if this footage made it to the final film for view; somebody would have posted it by now as the footage would still exist somewhere. It's possible you saw a skit or parody though that you mistook for the actual film. That would make sense.

Correction: This is called the "Mandela Effect" (aka 'collective false memory').

It's not a false memory, when I have never forgotten that night, only to find that someone else also remembered it. We may all be connected by our subconscious, but that's going a bit too far. Just because you don't remember it doesn't mean it didn't happen.


But the nature of a collective false memory means just because two people remember something happening, doesn't mean it did! :-).

Jon Sandys

It's also possible you saw a parody or a different adaption of WoZ one time and it mixed up in your memory as being a part of the 1939 movie. There is no evidence of this ending ever being in the 1939 version. It's not in the script, there is no surviving imagery of it, and no other record of it whether through cast/crew memories or having been noted as a cut scene. Since we do have records of cut/altered scenes from WoZ, more than likely there would be record of this ending somewhere.

That's the exact definition of The Mandela Effect...multiple people having the same memory of something, even though it never happened. There are people who swear that the line in "Snow White" is "Mirror, mirror on the wall," when in fact it is, "Magic mirror on the wall." Just as there are people who are absolutely convinced that Sinbad was in a movie called "Shazaam."


I also remember this ending and it has driven me crazy over the years! I would stake my life on seeing the slippers under her bed. You are not alone, and I am glad I am not either.

Correction: I do remember seeing a different ending where the camera pans down and slippers are under the bed after Dorothy says, "there's no place like home." I saw it in the 80's at a classmates house, we were watching a rented VHS of the film at her birthday party. I even remember her mother saying she had never seen that part before.

Hi everyone, I would also like to include that I too, in the '60s, saw The Wizard of Oz with the ruby slippers under the bed. I told people for years about this, and no one else could remember the ending. So, I decided since we have the internet today, I would see if anyone else saw this alternative ending and am pleased to see that you have.

I vividly remember once seeing the camera pan down to the slippers under the bed at the end of the movie. I didn't know anyone else had seen this until I just Googled it and this thread came up.

Correction: Have you ever watched the 1925 "Wizard of Oz" film? I haven't watched it and I don't know its history of being aired on TV. But it was shot in B&W and perhaps that's the version you watched (I'm not claiming it is or isn't though).


I'd say it can't be, if you peek at it (it's available on Youtube), the ending is completely different and wouldn't fit. Fascinating discussion, anyway! To the original poster; nobody means to disparage your memory, in fact we're trying to come up with possible explanations; it's pretty certain though that it can't be an official alternate ending, because we're talking about one of the most iconic and analyzed movies ever. Now it's all about figuring out what sort of clip did they play during that TV broadcast you seem to remember. And there's a gigantic wikipedia page just about the telecast alone. Perhaps it was a wraparound credits sequence?


It's not a pseudo memory at all. I remembered the same thing from the late sixties and have tried to find out for decades why it was just the one year as well and I saw it and remembered it before I ever saw others were trying to find out about it. Very strange but I have to agree that there should be a lot more people that remember it. I'm watching the movie again now and the memory came back again. When I searched I just now saw that others DO remember that different ending.

Thank you. I appreciate your saying that you're not trying to disparage my memory, but that is exactly what the responders are doing. Instead of trying to come up with explanations, maybe people should accept that they cannot prove a negative, and that just because they don't recall it and can't find a record doesn't mean I'm wrong. I don't want to keep repeating myself, I know what I saw, and my best friend (whom I did not meet until several years after) remembers it too.


No. I've never seen it.


Corrected entry: While singing the "If I Were King" song, the Lion asks, "What makes the Sphinx the Seventh Wonder?" The Sphinx is not one of the Seven Wonders of the World; its neighbour the Great Pyramid of Giza is. Besides, how would the residents of Oz know about our Seven Wonders of the World? (01:07:00)

Correction: There are many points in the movie where we know Dorothy and her friends are traveling, but we don't hear what they say, because we are focusing either on the Witch spying on them, or there is a cut where they've traveled some distance that we didn't see. Dorothy could have told her friends about the land she came from during that time, especially since the Scarecrow would curious about things he didn't know about. The Lion would have been witness to these conversations during the travel, and heard Dorothy talk about those things, and it's not impossible that Dorothy would have mentioned the Seven Wonders during that time. It would be completely in character for the Lion to afterwards get the "Seventh Wonder" wrong, since he only heard about it recently. It is a common mistake for anybody to get details wrong about something they've only just heard about, and it doesn't make it an error in the film itself for the Lion to be wrong about something.

Corrected entry: The winds during the tornado were so strong that it ripped a tree clean from the ground but 2 seconds later proceeds to barely blow over whatever she set down. How is she not getting blown away?

Correction: Tornadoes are strange like that. They'll blow one house to destruction completely and then not damage the one right next to it at all. It has to do with how the clouds are formed, the direction the wind blows, and the temperature of where it's sucking up air. It's actually a pretty fascinating study if you'd like to check out how strange tornadoes behave in the sense of what they blow away and what they don't. They're not quite as black and white as they seemingly should be.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the Tin Man breaks the flower pot for Lion's crown, the top of the flower pot falls away, forming the spikes on the crown. In the next shot when the Lion is wearing the crown, the base has been cut out to allow room for his head.

Correction: No, the "base" has not "been cut out to allow room for his head" because when Tin Man lifts the flower pot to break it, there is no base at the bottom whatsoever. Tin Man's fingers are gripping the inside bottom of the pot, and we see through the center.

Super Grover

Corrected entry: Even though he left production due to serious health problems, Buddy Ebsen actually does appear twice in movie in two different roles. First time he appears as Scarecrow (role for which he was originally cast) in first scenes with Dorothy. He is shown couple of times from behind. Second time he appears when Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion come to Witch's castle to rescue Dorothy. He plays Tin Man in all shots which shows three heroes from behind, including shot of them marching into castle.


Correction: Not true. Ebsen was recast as the Tin Man before any footage was shot. And all of his scenes as the Tin Man were reshot after his departure. The hair, costumes, and makeup were all different from his time on the film so there would have been dramatic mis-matches.


Corrected entry: The Witch of the West refers to the Jitterbug dance number omitted from the final film: "I've sent a little insect on ahead to take the fight out of them...." (01:14:30)

Correction: True she does. But just because we don't see it does not mean it didn't happen.

Corrected entry: When the foursome is about to leave the poppy field, the scarecrow begins to dance before any singing begins, then stops, looks around, and starts dancing again.

Correction: The scarecrow always walks that way when they're getting ready to go somewhere together. It's just the way he moves. That was intentional.

Corrected entry: When the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion are watching the guards marching around the witch's castle, the three guards who sneak up on them throw away their spears and attempt to subdue them in hand-to-hand combat. Why would anyone throw away a spear in a fight?

Correction: Because they've been ordered to capture them alive rather than stab them repeatedly?

Gary O'Reilly

Corrected entry: It has been said in some published works that the "Wizard of Oz" would never been remade as it is, because there are not that many little people qualified to assume the role of the Munchkins today as it was in the late 1930s. This is in part due to the availability of growth hormone treatment and an improved diet in today's people.


Correction: I don't know the exact numbers but I suspect there were no more than a hundred little people used in The Wizard of Oz. In a country of almost three hundred million people, I'm sure that several thousand dwarves could be found despite improved diets or growth hormone.

Corrected entry: When the Tin Man is singing "If I Only had a Heart" it takes a close up of Dorothy. You can see a man messing with the bottom of a tree in the background.

Correction: I looked and I looked and I looked and I didn't see a stagehand in this shot.


Corrected entry: The TIN man is made of TIN. If he was made of some other metal he would be called the Iron Man or the Titanium Man or the Aluminum Man. Because he is made of TIN he will not RUST! Rust is Iron Oxide. In addition, Tin will not form oxides at normal atmospheric temperatures and pressure. If he cannot rust, then the scenes with him rusted/rusting and the oil can are totally unnecessary and factually wrong.

Correction: In its day 'tins' that contained food were in fact iron (or mild steel) coated with a thin layer of tin to stop corrosion. The tin coating would wear away with time and the iron (or mild steel) underneath would rust. This makes a rusting Tin Man completely correct.

The Wizard of Oz mistake picture

Continuity mistake: While Dorothy, Tin Man, and Scarecrow are walking in the dark and creepy forest, just as Dorothy begins to sing "Lions and Tigers and Bears" in the medium shot, Tin Man is holding up the axe in his left hand. But it cuts to the long shot, and the axe is in Tin Man's right hand between shots. (00:48:40)

Super Grover

More mistakes in The Wizard of Oz

Dorothy: There's no place like home.

More quotes from The Wizard of Oz

Trivia: "Over the Rainbow", which the American Film Institute recently named the greatest movie song of all time, was nearly cut from the film.

More trivia for The Wizard of Oz

Question: Did Dorothy really go to Oz or was it a dream? Because, in return to Oz at the end, she sees Ozma (the good witch in her mirror) or was that just her imagination/a dream too?

Answer: In the film it's left ambiguous. At the end it's strongly implied that she was dreaming. The characters she meets all look like people she actually knows. In the original book, she actually went to Oz.

Answer: Return to Oz was not a direct sequel to the 1939 film. One was developed by Disney and the other by MGM. Return to Oz is actually an adaptation-fusion of the second and third Oz books, that contains elements from the 1939 film (like the Ruby slippers and the Oz/Kansas counterparts) because that's what people are most familiar.

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