Corrected entry: Both the Yugoslav police officers Poirot is speaking to at the end are black. The chances of a black person serving in the Yugoslav police in the 1930s were zero.

Corrected entry: The children (Auggie and Jack Will) in the movie are seen using Acer Chromebooks in order to play Minecraft, especially in one endearing scene where their friendship is mended using the game. Chromebook computers use Google's own Chrome OS as their operating system, which renders them unable to run various programs which might be available on your average Mac or Windows PC, such as Minecraft.
Correction: 2017 Chromebooks support Google Play and therefore Minecraft. I can play Minecraft on my HP Chromebook 13.
Correction: If you install linux onto a non arm processor device you can install minecraft on a Chromebook.

Corrected entry: Using an EMP to disable the security at the base would render anything electrical useless, computers, cars, cameras, anything with a micro chip in it. Firing a EMP directly under something you want to steal like a submarine is completely stupid - Cypher would know this.
Correction: Unless the thing you want to steal is in a Faraday Cage, one that would be impervious to an electromagnetic radiation getting through, like for instance... the steel hull of of a submarine, which is specifically designed to be watertight, but in the process, would also make the perfect foil for an EMP.

Corrected entry: When Ana is getting dressed for the masked ball she wears a black corset, later in the night, when Christian takes her dress off, she is wearing nothing under it.
Correction: Look at the kind of corset she was wearing, now look at the kind of dress she ended up wearing to the ball. There is no way in hell that type of corset could be discrete with a dress that is low-cut, has thin sleeves, and has some of the back missing. Also there is nothing to suggest that she was actually going to wear the corset to the ball; all she did was try it on but maybe she just did it for fun/curiosity and after seeing the dress that Christian suggested, she decided not to wear the corset. Simple.

Corrected entry: At the end when PT hands over his top hat to Philip, Philip has a coat with tails. They disappear during his number. In fact they disappear mid-shot - he runs onstage and they're there when he starts sliding, but disappear in the split second he's behind a woman in a purple dress. (01:34:25)
Correction: This is not a mistake or slip-up of any kind. This shot was cut seamlessly and quite beautifully. It's a rather poignant moment, done creatively to be symbolic of Phillip's new role as the Ringmaster. Phillip rushes to the ring wearing Barnum's top hat and carrying his cane. So as Phillip slides into the ring he's actually sliding into his new role, and his simple old coat with tails transforms into a Ringmaster's elaborate coat. Phillip's new coat has full frontal gold frogging, two gold braid epaulettes, embellished black/gold accented collar and sleeve cuffs, and gold braid trim. This is an artistically brilliant shot, not a mistake at all.

Corrected entry: On the ship there are six helicopters, 1 at the front, 4 in the middle and 1 at the back, but when they take off and fly to the island there are now 11 helicopters and an infinite number of soldiers.
Correction: There are a total of nine helicopters. One in front, five on the main deck, and three on the aft deck (including the two in the hangar).
That still doesn't equal 11. I believe there are actually 11 Hueys, a Sea Stallion and a Chinook flying into the storm.

Corrected entry: After the big cannon blast to open the gate the ground turns red as the salt is blown clear, but when Luke is fighting Kylo it's white again.
Correction: The salt is falling from the sky constantly during this bit. We don't see that set-piece for about 2 minutes after or so. Enough salt has accumulated onto the ground during the time that has passed.

Corrected entry: In the movie Jack gets the compass from his former captain when he is dying in the battle with Salazar. In the second film we saw that Jack got the compass from Tia Dalma/Calypso.
Correction: At some point in time, Jack lost possession of the compass. He later bartered it back from Tia Dalma who'd acquired it.

Corrected entry: When the 2 actors are carrying the injured soldier to the ship, when crossing the sand, the camera tracks are visible behind them.
Correction: That's a Steadicam shot which requires no dolly tracks. What you can see is the wrecked and partially buried light railway tracks leading to the mole, visible in photographs taken during the evacuation and cleverly restaged here.

Corrected entry: The computer on board the ship mistakes David for Walter. This makes no sense as while a human being could be fooled by his appearance or his voice, a computer with detailed sensors and possessing the exact details of David's composition would not be fooled simply because the two "look" and "sound" alike. In fact, Walter, being a newer and more advanced model, should be composed of different chemicals and materials than the earlier manufactured David making it even less likely that the ship's computer would have mistaken the two.
Correction: Makes way too many assumptions about the manufacturing of either one.
Furthermore, we do not know exactly how the ship is supposed to be identifying the androids in the first place.
I feel like I already corrected a similar mistake. David is less advanced, but cleverer than Walter. The correction is right in saying there are too many assumption being made. Who knows what David did to be more like Walter, that might even be easy for a highly advanced android. Who knows how advanced and sophisticated the computer sensors are to detect an imposter android. I didn't think the computer or anything much is made with many defenses against sabotage. Its a peaceful universe. Also don't really remember but the first time David enters the ship couldn't he already have modified the computer? Hacked it?
Well, we do know that Walter is constructed much differently that David. David uses what he thinks is an android-lethal move on Walter, and David thinks he has killed Walter. Moments later, David is astonished to see Walter not only alive but ready to do battle again. At this point, Walter even says, "There have been a few upgrades since your day." Which means that Walter is different in ways that even David didn't imagine. So, the original post is correct: Even a cursory security scan of David would have instantly revealed that he wasn't Walter.

Corrected entry: When his car is shot down, they break open the car door with a cutting machine. Some time later he closes the door and it's undamaged.
Correction: The damage to the door does not disappear. The scavengers place the cutting machine below the window frame, and beginning sawing until the door opens. When the machine is removed, there is a visible cut below the window frame. This cut below the window frame remains there for the rest of the scene.

Corrected entry: In the beginning when John is in the car leaving the warehouse there is a yellow sticker on the windshield, when he gets home and is pulling into his garage it's a green sticker. (00:00:15)

Corrected entry: When Diana and Steve sail from Themyscira to London, the sails on the boat just hang there, indicating that there is no wind. Sailboats need wind to move and the sails need periodic adjustment depending on from which direction the wind is coming.
Correction: In the sequence at night there's no wind, but nor are they moving much - that's sailing for you - if there's no wind you just need to wait and hope. After another scene we then see them arriving in London, with a taught rope off the bow, a steamboat in front clearly towing them, and Steve says "we got lucky, we caught a ride and made some good time".
Correction: The sailboat is attached to a steamship or similar in front. That's why Steve said they made some good time.
I just watched the film again. There is no steamship. Where would it have come from?
As they sail into London they're being towed by a steamship.
There's no indication the boat is under any form of power other than the sails.

Corrected entry: In Cars, Lightning McQueen gets the nickname "Stickers" because he doesn't have real headlights, they are stickers. In Cars 3 when they are training in the forest scene, Smokey tells them all to turn off their headlights, and McQueen turns his off.
Correction: In Cars 2, there is a scene where he has real headlights installed.

Corrected entry: After the first fight scene when Logan is pulling bullets out of his body and dropping them in the sink there is a shell casing with them, showing they're unfired.
Correction: There are no casings, just the bullets. The back part of the bullets are fairly intact, giving the appearance the casings are still on them but you can see none of them are long enough to be bullets with casings.

Corrected entry: The female lead holds a gun on the President in a hallway. At first the camera is behind her and she has no gun in her hand. The shot transitions to the opposite side and she is holding a pistol.
Correction: I'm not sure what scene you watched but she always has a gun in her hand. She hits the other secret service agent with it, spins round and points it at the President then when the camera changes she still has it in her hand.

Corrected entry: When the postcard gets splattered with blood, she never cleans it off. When the kids are cleaning the bathroom, the kid who gave it to her goes in her room and sees it. No blood on the postcard. He would be able to see the blood because he is a child. When her dad shows her the card before she kills him, it has blood on it from her point of view.
Correction: Only she saw the blood.
They all saw the blood, which is why they were all able to help clean the bathroom. The postcard should have had blood on it when Ben saw it in Beverly's room.

Corrected entry: When Baby is in his boss' car, the boss puts both hands on the steering wheel, and then the sound of the car's engine starting can be heard. He could not have turned the key/ pushed the button with both hands on the steering wheel.
Correction: The scene you are suggesting simply did not happen in the movie. Please watch it again and you will see Baby start the car with the button before doing anything else.

Corrected entry: During the practice rounds, the question was asked about what was the densest element. The answer given was "Uranium" (19.1 g/cubic cm). The correct answer is Osmium with a density of 22.59 g/cubic cm).
Correction: They asked which element was the heaviest, meaning the highest atomic weight. Uranium is correct.
Neptunium and Plutonium have been discovered naturally in trace amounts as well, meaning that uranium is also incorrect if measuring atomic weight and not density.

Corrected entry: When Cruise and Wallis are in the underground tunnel beneath London they are walking along the tracks before a Tube train blasts through. The 3rd rail is missing, which carries the electricity for London Underground trains and would have electrocuted them both if it was there as it should be.
Correction: The third rail that carries the power can also be located at the side of the tracks before and after stations for safety reasons, this also applies in tunnels due to the lay out of the track (points etc).
Correction: My great-grand uncle Lionel-Joseph Yusenko was adopted from Trinidad by a Yugoslav couple. As a young man in the 1930's he served in the Yuganske Polistat - the Yugoslav police. He was black.