Corrected entry: The Witch of the West refers to the Jitterbug dance number omitted from the final film: "I've sent a little insect on ahead to take the fight out of them...." (01:14:30)

Corrected entry: Melanie gives birth to Beau right before they all escape Atlanta. In the interim, they return to Tara, the war ends, Ashley comes back, Scarlett marries Mr. Kennedy and starts her lumberyard, Mr. Kennedy gets killed, Scarlett and Rhett finally hook up, and have Bonnie Blue. And yet, when we see Bonnie and Beau playing together shortly before Bonnie's death, they look to be just about the same age.
Correction: Actually that's not quite true. Bonnie could be around 3 at the time, while Beau looks like he is at least 5 or 6. Not to mention he could be a weak child who looks younger than his age. Given his heritage that's not unlikely at all.

Corrected entry: Roughly halfway through the movie, when Jefferson Smith goes to see Senator Joseph Paine. When he is opening the door to enter Paine's office, he pulls it open. The next shot shows him entering the room, by pushing the door open, not pulling it.
Correction: There appears to be a short hallway connecting the outer office to Senator Paine's office with the doors on either end. You can see this in Jefferson Smith's own office when Saunders hurries him inside to avoid the crowd after he introduces his bill.
Correction: True she does. But just because we don't see it does not mean it didn't happen.