Corrected entry: When the score is 8-0 guards, the cons score and go for two and get the two-point conversion. However, the scoreboard shows a score of 8-7 and this is also announced by the radio announcer. It is never corrected as more points are added. The score should have been 8-8.
6th Jun 2005
The Longest Yard (1974)
Correction: Because they had a score, missed conversion and a safety.
23rd Dec 2003
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989)
Corrected entry: Some things in the chamber of Russ change from the scene where you see the grandfather in the bed and Clarke passing through the floor. (00:29:05 - 00:33:05)
Correction: That's not very specific. Does the bed change positions? Are there different posters on the walls? Is the wallpaper a different color? At least give one example of something that changes between the two shots.
The scene itself is specific enough. When multiple things move around, it's easier to say "some things change position", especially when it's obvious. While an example would make it easier, it's not necessary in all cases. Corrections should only be made when the scene has been observed so you can validate or invalidate the mistake. If you've watched the scene and didn't see anything change, then you could suggest an example be given.
No but there's a hole in the ceiling from clot going through it and then the scene where they're in bed which is after that the ceilings were peered as a poster up another mistake in the movie.
12th Dec 2019
Joker (2019)
Corrected entry: When Arthur is suffocating his mother, she is still connected to the tube of oxygen that runs directly to her lungs, so she wouldn't suffocate. (01:21:05)
Correction: Hypercapnic is when there's too much carbon dioxide in your blood, even if there's a normal amount of oxygen. Hypercapnic leads to acute respiratory failure where the lungs can't release oxygen into the blood. This can result in death fairly quickly.
Arthur's mother DID NOT die from suffocation, she died from a heart attack. I was very specific in explaining how, since this was an act of passion, how his character would not remove the nasal cannula set at 6liter flow before attempting to suffocate her. Pay attention to the heart rate and O2 SATs on her monitor and how her pulse (audibly) abruptly stops. Her death is 100% accurate! I know, as I was the Medical Tech Advisor. Michael-Scott Druckenmiller (IMDb me).
Normally we should have heard the asistoly (line) and some alarms as she was connected to the monitor.
9th Dec 2019
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (1996)
Corrected entry: This episode started with Zelda trying to cheer Hilda up after she supposedly returned Daniel Boone to the time clock; however, she only met Daniel Boone 2 episodes later when she needed a date to Salem's Daughter's wedding. Proof she hadn't met him earlier on is that she thought he was Davy Crockett when he first came out.
Correction: This episode was simply aired out of order. "Love in Bloom" (officially episode 92) was filmed after "Salem's Daughter" (episode 91).
9th Dec 2019
Kingpin (1996)
Factual error: There is no Brimfield in Pennsylvania. The Lancaster Bowl employee tells Roy that Ishmael is from an Amish community in Brimfield. (00:19:39)
Suggested correction: Films, TV shows, and books regularly make up city names that don't constitute mistakes.
19th Jul 2019
Captain Marvel (2019)
Factual error: Vers hit Earth at night in California. Dawn comes, and the Skrulls are coming out of the surf with the sun low on the horizon. The sun rises in the east, not over the ocean.
Suggested correction: There are west-facing bays in California.
That would still make Earth's rotation in reverse. West-facing bays always feature sunsets, not sunrises as the OP notes.
A "West-facing bay" means the bay (body of water) faces the west. Those standing on the shore looking out into the bay would then be facing East.
15th Oct 2019
Captain Marvel (2019)
Factual error: The red songbook on Rambeau's piano is Cajun and Zydeco Classics, first published in 2005, ten years after this scene is supposed to have taken place. (01:20:00)
Suggested correction: First released in 1997.
You're confusing the album (released in 1997) with the songbook (published in 2005). However, the film is set in 1995.
30th Jul 2019
Superman II (1980)
Plot hole: Lois Lane and other people see Clark Kent unhurt when a taxi hits him and suffers damage, but don't draw the obvious conclusion that there's something extraordinary about him.
Suggested correction: I always took this as an intentional jab at how the people of Metropolis, and Lois in particular, were so oblivious to the fact that Clark was obviously Superman. Still a plot hole, just an intentional one.
Suggested correction: Maybe the cab-driver thinks that Clark is extraordinary, but he is shocked in the first moment, worrying about his damaged car. Later than he realises that this guy is maybe Superman, but cannot find him anymore. Just a guy of millions walking around the big apple.
13th Jan 2013
The Big Bang Theory (2007)
The Bakersfield Expedition - S6-E13
Corrected entry: At the end of the episode Sheldon's sat nav voice asks "Can you name the four state capitals that are not served by the interstate system?" In fact, there are five, according to the Interstate System's website. Juneau, Alaska; Dover, Delaware; Jefferson City, Missouri; Carson City, Nevada; and Pierre, South Dakota.
Correction: Although there used to be 5 state capitals not served by the interstate system, the completion of I-580 means that Carson City is now served, hence there are only four, and the sat nav was correct. 580 was completed in 2012, the episode in question aired in 2013.
What about Hawaii?
Honolulu, HI has an Interstate Highway. Not all Interstate Highways physically go from one state to another, the name just indicates it receives federal funding as part of the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways initially set up through the Federal Aid Highway Act.
Honolulu Hawaii is served by H1, H2 and H3, all part of the U.S. Interstate system.
19th Mar 2003
Die Hard (1988)
Corrected entry: Towards the beginning of the movie, Bruce Willis notifies the cop outside that there are 12 terrorists. However, if you tally the numbers as he takes out each one, you wind up with 13.
Correction: When does he say 12? He says "unknown number of least 6." Later he says " They're down to nine now, counting the skydiver you meet."
Correction: John only sees twelve of the terrorists. The 13th is the Computer Expert, Theo.
As a point of fact, John sees Theo in the scene where Takagi is killed. Karl and Theo are both in the room during that scene.
5th Jul 2005
Toy Story (1995)

Trivia: The carpet design used in Sid's house is the same design used in the hotel featured in The Shining (1980). (00:48:55 - 00:50:10)
The design is spot on. The color is just different.
So it is identical, except for how it is different?
No one said it was identical. The trivia is the pattern is the same. Color has no bearing on the trivial fact. The fact that they animated the carpet means the design was intentional. Although, it's possible they copied the design from a 70's carpet pattern that "The Shining" also used, rather than copy the design in "The Shining."
1st Apr 2014
The Blues Brothers (1980)
Corrected entry: When Jake and Elwood first walk through the lobby of the flophouse, an older man asks Elwood for his "Cheez Whiz"; Elwood then tosses him a metallic can of an aerosol cheese product. Cheez Whiz is a processed cheese spread that is sold, and always has been sold, in glass jars.
Correction: Though Cheez Whiz is a spread, the name has come to encompass any aerosol cheese products. Similar to how Band-Aid refers to any adhesive bandage products.
I disagree, Easy Cheese is the aerosol product. The words "Cheez Whiz", do make for a snappier script line, but are incorrect based on what he tosses over. If you walk into a grocery store and ask for Cheez Whiz, you will be shown a glass jar of cheese product spread. I truly believe your correction is incorrect.
Well the guy asking for the cheese isn't exactly a formal guy. To him that can is cheese wiz.
Yes what he tosses him is not the brand name cheeze whiz, but that does not matter. Aerosol cheese, somehow, became called cheeze whiz. If I ask you for a band-aid, are you going to go to the store to buy band-aid adhesive bandages, or are you going to the medicine cabinet and giving me the generic bozo brand?
Cheez Whiz also comes in a "spray" can, not just a jar.
There are internet pictures of Cheez Whiz in a can, and even if it's available today, it certainly was never available in a spray can in 1980 or before.
Cheez Whiz was never a generic term for any cheese in a can product, and certainly not in the 70's and 80's. Not only that, you can tell it's a can of Easy Cheese. Here's an article people can read to decide if this is a valid mistake.
14th Apr 2004
Taking Lives (2004)
Corrected entry: While the movie is set in Montreal, many locations are in Quebec City. The worst example of this is the Chateau Frontenac, which is very much not in Montreal. They even make a point of showing Mrs Asher being put up in the Chateau.
Correction: While it is not subtitled that we are in Quebec city (like it was for Montreal the first time), it is said that Mrs. Asher lives in Quebec city and she saw her son on the ferry going to Quebec city. So all scenes involving her may take place in Quebec city (like for putting her in a hotel for her protection).
Actually, the ENTIRE movie is filmed in Quebec City, every street, every church, every hotel, etc., NONE of it was in Montreal. And I know this, because I live there!;-).
This is incorrect. Several scenes were shot in Montreal, as well as a few other cities in Quebec. Not to mention some scenes were filmed in a sound stage in Burbank California.
15th Nov 2019
The Big Bang Theory (2007)
The Platonic Permutation - S9-E9
Continuity mistake: In episode 16 of season 1, Penny is talking about making a cake for Leonard's birthday and states she knows his birthday because she was checking a horoscope for him. But in this episode she does not know when his birthday is, which leads to Leonard revealing he was secretly reading Penny's diary. (00:40:00)
Suggested correction: It's certainly possible to forget something you knew eight years ago.
This is perhaps true for two people who rarely have contact, but I would list this as a character mistake. Penny and Leonard are in a serious relationship and are married at this point.
This is also a couple who BOTH forgot it was their anniversary.
I forgot my wife's birthday on a number of occasions. It's one of the reasons she is now my ex-wife.
There's a difference between forgetting and not knowing.
15th Nov 2019
Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero (1998)
Plot hole: There are 17 possible donors for Mrs. Fries. Of all of them, instantly and with no explanation, the doctor chooses Barbara Gordon. She was not the first alphabetically, from the phone call they find out she has a roommate, a boyfriend, she is out for dinner at the moment and is going out of town and of course, REALLY huge warning sign, she is the daughter of the police commissioner (hard to ignore that in Gotham, and Freeze certainly knows him first-hand!). There's no reason why to kidnap her, plenty of reasons not to, and zero reasons given why they did not try any of the other 16 names on the list.
Suggested correction: They did explain exactly why they picked Barbara. The names on the list weren't all perfect matches. They were looking for someone "who's approximately the same weight, height, and female." When he sees Barbara's file, she's a perfect match. The fact that it's Jim Gordon's daughter is of no concern to them, assuming they know it's his daughter since Gotham is said to have a population of 10 million.
You are quoting the movie but then describing something radically different from what is shown (which I understand, since what is shown makes little sense). The list of 18 people (one being Mr. Freeze's wife) is the one that appears exactly *after* he has refined it for "approximately the same weight, height, and female." Everyone on that list should be a perfect match, otherwise there was no point at all in showing him writing F, 5'2", 116 lbs, AB Negative in the search fields and get search results for it. If it's not, he has no way to tell at first glance.
12th Dec 2018
The Golden Girls (1985)
Revealing mistake: When Mr Ha Ha is talking to Dorothy, the little boy is in the background waiting for his cue to smash the cake in Mr Ha Ha's face.
Suggested correction: In the context of the story, perhaps he was simply waiting for the conversation between Dorothy and Mr Ha Ha to end before he addressed anyone. Some people do that.
A correction for this was already attempted. In certain instances, it's obvious that an actor (especially a child actor) is waiting for a cue, mouthing the lines, or suppose to be off-camera. Sometimes their actions can be explained as normal for the given scene, but evidence for their actions need to be based on viewing the scene, not just guessing. Bobby is making a movement to get up, and starts to lean forward waiting for his cue because he's not even looking at Dorothy and Mr. Ha Ha. And he stands up while Dorothy is talking, so he's not waiting for their conversation to end.
Considering that I was watching this scene when I replied, I stand by it. Mr Ha Ha was acting arrogantly towards Dorothy and the kid was close enough to overhear the conversation. Proof is when he gets up as Dorothy is talking, because that was the moment she said she couldn't do it. As soon as she said it, that's when he committed himself to do it because since Mr Ha Ha mentioned a lawyer to Dorothy he'd never have the nerve to threaten a child, and the kid knew it.
13th Aug 2019
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Trivia: The film took inspiration from the Star Trek saga - the last episode of Star Trek Voyager was named Endgame as well and involved time travel.
Suggested correction: It should also be pointed out that "Endgame" as a term has been around a long time. It's a chess term and refers to the final stage of a process or event. "Voyager" might have taken inspiration from Marvel themselves since Marvel Comics have had at least 16 stories titled "Endgame", starting in the 60's. Stories involving The Mighty Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America, Black Panther, Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man, The Incredible Hulk, and Thanos.
Suggested correction: Not to be confrontational, but has this actually been confirmed? As in, did any of the filmmakers say that they were inspired by "Star Trek: Voyager"? The fact that the word "Endgame" appears in both titles doesn't mean that one was inspired by the other.
It was confirmed by the producers.
Kevin Feige confirmed that Star Trek: The Next Generation inspired elements of the film. At no time did he mention Star Trek: Voyager.
The episode is also about time travel. Caption Janeway goes back in time to get her ship home faster and save member of her crew.
The fact that 2 things involving time travel also involve the term "endgame" does not mean that one inspired the other.
9th Nov 2019
Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979)
Factual error: There were no gourds in Ancient Judea, of that type. The 'gourd' mentioned in the Bible refers to a colocynth plant, which yields only a small fruit, 5 - 10cm diameter. The gourd in the film is from a pumpkin, and not from a watermelon, as others have suggested. Pumpkins originated in the Americas, and there weren't any in the rest of the world before Columbus.
Suggested correction: This is a movie where Brian falls inside a flying UFO with alien pilots. I seriously doubt that the filmmakers had any intention whatsoever to be historically accurate.
Regardless of the random UFO scene, this is still a factual mistake. It doesn't matter if a film maker sets out to intentionally make a historically accurate film or not. There's nothing to suggest this film was set in an alternate past or that it was a sight gag as if it was a Mel Brook's film.
2nd Nov 2019
Deep Blue Sea (1999)
Corrected entry: Carter calls Scott "Tom" twice after calling him Scott prior, when in the wet lab trying to calm him down after the rich suit gets eaten.
Correction: He never calls him "Scott", he calls him "Scoggs." The character's name is Tom Scoggins.
13th Oct 2006
Hocus Pocus (1993)
Corrected entry: When the witches follow Mary into the alley after singing I Put A Spell On You, Mary Sanderson said she smelled Scrod, a bottom feeder that would be good with margarine. 300 years prior to that, butter would be the topping of choice as margarine hadn't been invented until the 1800s, when the sisters were dead.
Correction: She doesn't say margarine. She says marjoram, which is a herb.
The official subtitles on a retail copy of the movie says "margarine."
I agree she did say margarine; though it should be pointed out a subtitle should never be used as confirmation to what a line is saying. Just about every movie has incorrect subtitles at some point as the script is not used to create the subtitles. It is determined by watching and going off the audio ridiculous as it is.
The mistake is correct. She does say margarine, not marjoram. She even follows this up with "Or oil. Olive oil works", so she's talking about cooking with some sort of fat, not an herb.
Correction: Mary watched 10-30 minutes of television commercials at "The Master's" house earlier in the evening, so she could have learned about it from TV.
I half agree. Even witches can learn anything from TV. But some how they would have put something in the script to say that.
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Correction: Until recently, the conversions were 1 point no matter what. Since this takes place in the 70's, the score is correct.
Then why did the guards have 8?
The guards scored a touchdown and had the extra point blocked. Then they got a safety. That's 8.
The guards scored 2 on a safety.
Safety= 2 points.
While the NFL adopted the 2-point conversion in 1994, the 2-point conversion has been around long before that, and throughout the 70's. College football adopted the 2-point conversion in 1958. The AFL used the 2-point conversion in the 60's prior to the NFL/AFL merger. In the film, it was a semi-pro team and they could have chosen to adopt the 2-point conversion.