
7th Mar 2021

Lost in Space (1965)

The Mechanical Men - S2-E28

Character mistake: Dr Smith who has some of The Robot (ie, bravery and courage) quotes The Fall of The Light Brigade but mistakenly says "into the valley death rode the five hundred" when it is actually 600. Both Dr Smith and the Robot would know this very famous poem's most well known line. (00:44:45)

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Suggested correction: There's nothing to suggest they would know the poem exactly, especially since you yourself don't even know the actual name of the poem. It's "The Charge of the Light Brigade."


1st Jun 2006

Christine (1983)

Corrected entry: The restored Christine has yellow and black late '50s standard California license plates with the number CQB 241. The only time the letter Q was used at that time was on special plates for ham radio operators, and even then it was a different style; the type of Q they used on Christine wasn't introduced until the late '60s.

Correction: Filmmakers have to use fake numbers to avoid lawsuits (just like fake adresses and phone numbers).


The CQB stood for close quarters battle.

While true, they have to make fake plates, it doesn't invalidate the mistake because the mistake is saying the Q seen wouldn't have been used. It would be like using a fake phone number that started with "0."


8th Jul 2019

Monk (2002)

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Suggested correction: After he wrote his name, he says "what's up with that k?" and erases it. He started to re-write the k when he got hit by the eraser, leaving it unfinished.


31st Dec 2016

Monk (2002)

Mr. Monk and the Red-Headed Stranger - S1-E12

Plot hole: When Monk explains to Miss. Mass how she had murdered Sonny, a flashback of the crime shows that she isn't wearing gloves when she leaves the note to get him to go to the alley. Had the cops checked the note for prints, they would have shown Miss. Mass' fingerprints on it and knew she was responsible for Sonny's death.

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Suggested correction: Just because they lifted fingerprints off the note, there wouldn't be a way to identify them as belonging to Ms. Maas if her prints aren't in the system. As a witness (and ruled out as a suspect because they thought she was blind), they wouldn't have fingerprinted her just because the found unknown prints and wanted to rule her out.


What about gun residue on the hands?

4th Apr 2005

Monk (2002)

Mr. Monk Takes a Vacation - S1-E10

Corrected entry: When Monk is being heckled by the hotel comedian, he admits to bringing his own towels and blankets to the hotel; however in an earlier scene we see Monk reeling in horror as he examines all the bodily fluids with an infra red light. The blanket on his bed was not his own but a "dirty" hotel one.

Correction: Just because Monk brings his own towels and blankets to the hotel, it does not mean the room did not have hotel towels and blankets already in the room. Monk was looking at the hotel's blanket, not his own.

Mark English

This seems like a correction without watching the scene. Monk didn't use the IR light before sleeping in the bed. He was already a guest at the hotel and brought his own sheets. Monk didn't bring his own sheets and towels just in case the hotel didn't have any, he brought them to use and wouldn't have the hotel's blanket on his bed.


6th Mar 2021

Lost in Space (2018)

Resurrection - S1-E9

Corrected entry: When the Jupiter blows up, the explosion is red, but in the next episode when Will is trying to contact John, he asks Penny and Judy asking if the explosion was red, and they say no.

Correction: I didn't see any red in the explosion. It was orange.


3rd Mar 2021

Big Hero 6 (2014)

Factual error: When the car goes to the bottom of the ocean after the chase, the water in it is raising as if leaking in, despite the fact that the door on Hiro's side is missing and the water should be rushing in. (00:50:15)

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Suggested correction: I watched the scene and it looks like it's filling up the way it should. It's looks similar to the way a car fills up after being submerged with the windows open.


Not true, water is still filling up the car way too slow for an opening like this. The car should be filled up immediately.

You're wrong thinking it would fill up immediately. But even so, it fills up in about 10 seconds (even less if the shot of it filling up is meant to be a simultaneous shot and not continuous).


18th Jun 2014

The X-Files (1993)

Trivia: Rebecca Toolan plays David Duchovny's mother in the series, even though in real life she's only a year older than him.

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Suggested correction: This entry is actually incorrect. There are records that prove she is much older than what's stated. By 1968, she married her first husband and was a university professor. Https://

While there are many conflicting reports about Rebecca Toolan's age, it seems the Wikipedia entry is the most incorrect (which is where you got your source). It seems more probable than not that whoever edited her Wikipedia page linked a article about the wrong Rebecca Toolan.


14th Jan 2021

The Sweeney (1975)

Ringer - S1-E1

Character mistake: After Regan and co jump out the back of the police van and a punch up ensues, Brian Blessed quietly walks away to a white car to make his escape. Regan clocks this and goes after him. Brian Blessed lashes out and pushes Regan away, but growls "Carter..." instead.

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Suggested correction: Brian Blessed growls 'cozzer', not 'Carter'.

What does cozzer mean?


"Cozzer" means "copper."

27th Feb 2021

Gladiator (2000)

Factual error: Early in the film Maximus walks through a cereal crop trailing his hands against the heads of grain. Except that dwarf varieties of cereal were only bred in the 20th century. Before this a crop would have been up to a man's shoulders.

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Suggested correction: No doubt the scene was shot with a modern variety, but it turns out that it is a good approximation of the wheat grown at the time of the story. Two varieties of wheat grown in ancient Rome, the Emmer and Eikorn varieties, reach only 2-3 feet at maturity. These were originally wild wheats that had been cultivated for 8-10 thousand years BCE.

Suggested correction: The crop may not be fully grown yet.


Heading occurs right before ripening. It wouldn't be at various heights. It might grow a few inches before ripening, but not a couple feet.


27th Feb 2021

Forrest Gump (1994)

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the movie, before meeting Jenny, Forrest is sitting on a bus bench wearing the Nike shoes he received from Jenny and ran across the country in. When he arrives at Jenny's and crouches down to meet little Forrest, he's wearing brown loafers.

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Suggested correction: It's certainly possible that he brought a nicer pair of shoes in his suitcase to change into when he arrived to her place.


Except nothing in the film suggest he had a chance to change shoes. He was so excited to see her and when he found out he's only 5 or 6 blocks away, he runs all the way to her apartment. It wouldn't be in his character to then stop and change shoes before knocking on her door.


If we look closely, those are just dirty shoes. Same ones Jenny gifted him.

Of course it would be in his "character." Forrest Gump was always a tuck in your shirt and straighten your tie kind of guy.

27th Feb 2021

Superstore (2015)

Olympics - S2-E1

Corrected entry: Cheyenne is still pregnant in season 2 episode 1, but she gave birth in the last episode of season 1.

Correction: That was intentional. The episode is not meant to be continuous from the end of season 1. It is a stand-alone episode that takes place at some point before the walk-out. It was even aired during the break between season 1 and 2.


Corrected entry: Despite it being the writer's creative imagination to have 16-year-old son Tyler kill his serial killer father, Don Burnside, Tyler was reared in what can be considered a highly religious Christian family. Due to his religious, family - and community - oriented upbringing, Tyler undoubtedly was well aware of the Ten Commandments, so suddenly violating at least three (i.e, "Thou shalt not kill", "Honor thy father" and "Though shalt not lie") is too far-fetched. Trusting Kassi also wasn't rational.


Correction: This is in no way a mistake. This is you thinking a character should act differently. Plus, the rifle Tyler had hadn't been loaded, and he only killed his father after his father attempted to shoot him with the unloaded rifle. Plus, your mistake suggests Don would never have committed any crimes in the first place.


23rd Feb 2021

The Game Plan (2007)

Factual error: In all the scenes where the team is on the field playing football, the ball has white stripes. It is understood that the movie is based in the NFL. However, NFL footballs are a solid color; no stripes. Striped balls are used in College and HS football only.

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Suggested correction: The movie is not based on the NFL, it's a fictional league, the American Football Federation. However, it's wrong that only college and high school footballs have the white stripe. The Canadian Football League (a professional league), USA Football, and the International Federation of American Football all use footballs with white stripes.



Other mistake: When Lewis looks at the cup that he got from the coffee machine, the cup has two Jacks and two Aces. When he looks at the bottom of the cup, it has a Queen underneath giving him two pairs, but he tells Gwen the receptionist that he got a full house.

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Suggested correction: There are more cards displayed on the right side of the 2 aces, we can't see them. There are probably 2 queens there.


No there aren't. There's only 4 cards on the side of the cup. That's the whole point of Wildcard Poker cups, 4 cards with one on the bottom.


Well actually there are 5 on the side of the cup, but indeed that still wouldn't be enough to get a full house with a queen. But still, he is allowed to be wrong.


There's only 4 cards on the side of the cup and the card at the bottom. Https:// and go to the 00:36 mark.

It's possibly because multiple takes were made of this scene and different cups were used. This can be evidenced by the cup that falls to the floor being different to the one seen in his hand. Presumably, in one take he did have a full house, but they forgot to use the correct cup in the shot that was used.

27th Aug 2009

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Family - S2-E8

Plot hole: Huge plot error: Apophis and Clorell (Skara) should not have survived the explosion in Season 2, Episode 1 (when they attack Earth with two ships). In "Family" they explain that Apophis and Clorell survived by escaping through the stargate aboard Clorell's ship moments after Daniel Jackson did the same. However, when Daniel Jackson escapes through it, Apophis and Clorell are not even on the right ship, and there is 1 second left on the C4 timer when Daniel escapes. They actually show Daniel Jackson escape, and then cut to Apophis and Clorell still aboard their ship. So apparently, Apophis was able to "ring" from his ship over to Clorell's ship, make it to the stargate room, dial an address, and escape through the stargate all within literally 1 second. Is this guy related to The Flash?


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Suggested correction: That's not what happened or what was said. Daniel suggested Apophis and Klorel used the rings after he did, not that they used the Stargate after him. In "The Serpent's Lair", we see Apophis and Klorel use the rings BEFORE Daniel uses the Stargate. But we don't actually know how much time is meant to be left on the C-4 when they use the rings. They ended up using the Stargate before Daniel did and they never cut to them on board after Daniel escapes.


1st Jan 2011

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Correction: This has been corrected before; she is not dead.


I am rewatching SG1 and I saw a weird movement then I saw some sort of distorted effect and then you see the (assuming) stuntwoman transitioning out of the room. So of course when I watched this I wondered is she still alive, but she does not appear later in the ep, so I assumed it was a goof.

The transition out of the tub does looks odd (intentionally) and then you see someone that looks like they're walking pass the shot. But Hathor does appear later in the episode, she's seen leaving through the Stargate.


22nd Feb 2021

X-Men (1992)

Reunion: Part 1 - S2-E12

Character mistake: When wondering how close they are to the top of the cliff, Xavier asks Magneto "How much further?" The word "further" is used for non-measurable or figurative advancement. He should have asked how much farther, as that refers to actual distance between objects. An educated man like Xavier would certainly know the difference between the two. (00:02:44)


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Suggested correction: While "farther" is used for physical distance, further can be too, especially in British English. Farther also tends to be used for a measured physical distance, so if the actual distance isn't known, further can be used. What Charles said is grammatically correct.


You learn something new every day.


16th Sep 2002

The Parent Trap (1998)

Plot hole: The parents meet and get married on the QE II and then we jump to the girls getting to camp 11 years and nine months later. We learn their 12th birthdays are on October 11, so at the time of the camp (which must be around July/August) they are 11 years and around 9 months old. They should only be 11, given it takes 9 months to grow a baby, but instead they're nearly 12.

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Suggested correction: Elizabeth James got pregnant sometime within the 11 years. Their parents sent them to camp in July because in October they both turn 12. So they are 11 years 9 months old.

The mistake is valid, but perhaps not specific enough about why. The opening scene takes place Jan 8, 1986 (as seen on the marriage licence). Then it says 11 years and 9 months later, which would mean in the next scene it's October 1997 (when it's July 1998). It's 11 years and 9 months after the twins' birth and/or the parents' divorce. But we're not actually shown that part.


5th Jul 2002

A Bug's Life (1998)

Corrected entry: This may seem like nitpicking, but the drunk mosquito that Flik approaches which drinks a round of blood is a male, when, in reality, only female mosquitos suck blood. Males actually consume flower nectar, like many other insects.

Correction: Really? Just because it looks like a male doesn't mean it's a male. Frances the Ladybug looks like a female, but he's male.

Correction: There's a difference between sucking blood and drinking blood like it's alcohol for a gag. In reality, bugs don't hang out in bars and perform in circuses for other bugs to watch. In real life, the male mosquito's proboscis isn't strong enough to pierce skin, but here, there is no skin to pierce, so the male can easily drink the blood.


Correction: Well the mosquito has to be a male because right after he finishes drinking the blood Flik asks the mosquito if it is all right, and he calls the mosquito "sir."

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