Trivia: In every episode of Seinfeld there is a Superman reference somewhere.
11th Sep 2005
Seinfeld (1990)
Suggested correction: This is a myth and not true. Even if you count seeing the Superman fridge magnet or Superman statue as a reference, they didn't appear until season 4 and 5.
Season one had a few and one of them is episode 15 The Stock Tip. To quote George: "I never heard him say anything really funny." Jerry: "It's common sense. He's got super strength, super-speed; I'm sure he's got super-humor." "Either you're born with a sense of humor or you're not. It's not going to change. Even if you go from the red sun of Krypton all the way to the yellow sun of the Earth."
That wasn't the point of my correction. The trivia is wrong because not EVERY episode has a reference. I didn't say no episode prior to season 4 or 5 had a Superman reference. I only said the magnet and statue didn't appear until season 4 and 5, so even if you want to count those objects as a Superman reference, it doesn't apply to season 1-3.
16th Jan 2009
Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)
Stupidity: When Riker and Worf are searching for Geordi on the holodeck, why don't they just terminate the program, instead of looking for him in the simulated jungle? Would have made it a heck of a lot easier to find him in the relatively small empty holodeck, invisible or not.
Suggested correction: Geordi had already mutated and since one of the abilities of the mutation is invisibility, shutting off the holodeck wouldn't have helped as, without being able to see Geordi, it would be impossible to know where or if he was still in the holodeck.
The original stupidity still holds though. As the original poster said, it would be easier to find Geordi in the smaller holodeck, without the simulated jungle, "invisible or not."
No, it wouldn't. Before going to the holodeck, the computer was asked where Geordi was with the response he was no longer on board. This would indicate that any type of scanner would not be able to find him. Plus, how would shutting off the holodeck help? Geordi was now invisible, being invisible would have no shadow and shortly after Worf and Riker had even got to the holodeck, a partially mutated Geordi had already got to the transporter room and beamed himself down to the planet.
I have to agree. How would shutting down the holodeck be useful in finding Geordi since he was now invisible and the scanners on the Enterprise couldn't detect him?
Because of how the Holodeck works, turning off the program would leave him in a small room and standing on the floor, so they could at least try to physically sweep the room. Leaving the program running, he's still invisible, but now a physical sweep would be nearly impossible since he could be in trees above them or hiding below them and not on the same ground level.
24th Nov 2021
Flight of the Navigator (1986)
Corrected entry: David tells the police in the car that the date is in 1979, but near the end he wants to be taken back to 1978.
Correction: He never says "1979." He says "1978."
20th Dec 2001
The Last Boy Scout (1991)

Continuity mistake: When Wayans and Willis are chasing the limo on the freeway, Wayans draws a picture of a bomb to hold up to the guys in the limo. He draws a large circle with about 6 lines coming out of it with the word "BOM" underneath it. When he holds the picture up at the window, there is only 1 line radiating from the circle. (01:20:40)
Suggested correction: The same drawing is used, the top is slightly cropped but the lines are still visible.
It's not the same picture. In the scene (not screenshot), the top isn't cropped and you see there're fewer lines, and the circle is different. Not only that, but we see in the car "BOM" is written differently than what we see when it's against the window. Also, when he first draws the bomb, the holes in the paper are on the left, but against the window they're on the right. One could argue he flipped the page over to start again, but we already know the final drawing is different.
3rd Jan 2015
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (2005)
The Gang Runs for Office - S2-E8
Continuity mistake: When Mac is about to get in the cop's car he has a full hot dog. When he gets in there is no hot dog. (00:21:15)
Suggested correction: After we see him on the street, the scene cuts to him already getting into the cop car, and we never see his left hand or below his waist, so he could still have it with him.
3rd Jan 2015
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (2005)
Corrected entry: Frank's champagne changes from a normal gold champagne color to a see-through purple liquid and back again. Also at the same time Charlie's champagne glass switches from almost empty to completely empty and back again multiple times in the scene. (00:19:05)
Correction: This entry is too vague without mentioning which episode it comes from.
4th Jan 2015
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (2005)
Corrected entry: The pitcher behind Mac and Charlie has beer in the bottom. After Frank offers to throw the pigskin and Mac and Charlie need to come up with an excuse, the pitcher behind them is empty. (00:13:15)
Correction: This entry is too vague without mentioning which episode it comes from.
20th Nov 2021
A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987)
Character mistake: The little girl asks Kristen "what's your name?" Kristen replies "Kirsten". (00:05:59)
Suggested correction: I hear her say "Kristen." The transcript and subtitle even say "Kristen."
20th Nov 2021
The Christmas Chronicles 2 (2020)
Other mistake: At the beginning, Jack reveals that he has lots of food allergies and asks the bartender to prepare his shake lactose free, implying that he is allergic to dairy. But later he eats a snowman cookie that Mrs. Claus reveals has butter in it.
Suggested correction: Being lactose intolerant does not mean you're allergic to dairy. It means you lack the enzyme (lactase) needed to break down lactose and usually results in gas or an upset stomach. However, butter is high in fat and low in lactose, so a lot of lactose intolerant people can eat butter or food containing butter just fine.
10th Feb 2020
Replicas (2018)
Corrected entry: Just as the accident is happening and the branch penetrates the wife's abdomen, she is killed instantly. Her head is leaning back and her eyes are closed. A moment later as Keanu Reeves looks over at her she's wide awake and reacting to something that is about to happen.
Correction: After Mona (the wife) is killed, she's never seen alive or reacting to anything. You're probably confusing Mona with Sophie (the daughter) who wasn't dead yet and reacting to the crash.
21st Apr 2014
Reba (2001)
Corrected entry: In the previous episode Location, Location, Location Kyra says that she wants to move in with Brock and Barbra Jean after he tells her he will try and make it up to her for her losing her trip. But in this episode, the rehash makes it appear that she asks to move in, by adding the line "Dad, there's something I have to tell you." This was never in the other episode at all, and does not make sense considering that Brock offered to make it up to her.
Correction: She does ask to move in. This entry makes no sense.
I think you missed the point of the mistake. The beginning dialog of this episode is suppose to be the ending dialog of the previous episode. But in this episode she says "Dad, there's something I have to tell you" instead of "I already thought of a way" (in response to her dad saying he'll find a way to make it up to her).
9th Jul 2019
NOS4A2 (2019)
Factual error: When they go to 1954, the hamburger drive in says it has frappes. Not invented till '57, and not in the US public eye until at least 45 years later.
Suggested correction: What you're describing is a Greek café frappé made with instant coffee. In New England "Frappe" is what many would consider a milkshake with ice cream in it, and has been around since at least the 50's (Vic's dad even mentions getting frappes in episode 4).
11th Nov 2021
Untamed Heart (1993)
Factual error: The game was supposed to be taking place at the Minnesota North Stars' arena. But the Red Wings were wearing home uniforms, which they only wore at the Joe Louis Arena.
Suggested correction: The uniforms are correct. In the NHL, the home team traditionally wears dark uniforms and the visiting team traditionally wears white uniforms. Here, the Red Wings are wearing white uniforms, indicating that they are the visiting team.
From 1970-2003, NHL home teams wore their white jerseys, so the uniforms would be wrong. It wasn't until the 2003-2004 season did home teams start wearing their dark uniforms. The scene was shot at the Met Center, but it doesn't seem to be a real home game since during the 1992-1993 season, the North Stars were never ahead of the Red Wings 4-2 at home (but they did win 4-2 in Dec '92 in Detroit). North Stars did have a 4-2 lead at home in game 3 of the 1992 Playoffs, but were in white.
The film's Met Center scene was shot during an actual game in Minnesota in April 1992, which was the 1991-92 season. The North Stars did indeed wear their "road" black jerseys for select home games that 25th Anniversary season. I know this as I was employed by the team at that time.
9th Nov 2021
The Godfather: Part II (1974)
Corrected entry: The initials on Michael and Kay's duvet cover in the Las Vegas assignation attempt are wrong - they say MCF not MCK.
9th Nov 2021
The IT Crowd (2006)
Deliberate mistake: When Roy and Moss are in Jen's office talking about her slipping up, the computer monitor disappears from her table in the wide shots so you can see the actress.
Suggested correction: It's there the whole time. It's a thin monitor and it lines up with Roy's leg, so it might have been hard to see.
11th Aug 2021
Battleship (2012)
Factual error: When Hopper is running from the convenience store you can see Rite Aid in the background. You also see Honolulu police cars in the same scene. There isn't a Rite Aid in Honolulu.
Suggested correction: Not sure about this one. Honolulu is on Oahu, so I'm not sure what the police cars correction is, and there are Rite Aid stores on Oahu, and in Honolulu.
Where is (or at least was in 2012) the Rite Aid in Honolulu?
Rite Aid stores are in 18 states, and Hawaii is NOT one of them. I even went to the Rite Aid website and used the "store locator." When I wrote "Honolulu", the result was "no stores within 50 miles." (This would be currently, so the question below about 2012 remains unanswered).
6th Nov 2021
Parenthood (2010)
Fraud Alert - S5-E19
Other mistake: Julia receives a late night call from a credit card company with a Fraud Alert. Julia identified herself as Julia. The rep on the phone referred to her as Mrs. Braverman. The rep has no way of knowing if she is married or not. And, given the fact that she referred Julia as Mrs. Braverman, the rep might have inquired if her husband has access to the card.
Suggested correction: Individuals using the term "Ms." or "Mrs." doesn't indicated they think a woman is married or unmarried. I regularly address any female teacher as "Ms.", even if I know they're married. But I know others who use "Mrs." for any teacher, even if they know the teacher is unmarried.
Suggested correction: A credit card company would have a card-holder's marital status on file from his/her application. Credit card companies also have any authorized user (s) on file, so would know her husband was not an authorized user (if that's the case).
17th Feb 2016
Legends of Tomorrow (2016)
Character mistake: After Ray Palmer says he's an Eagle Scout, he says to Leonard Snart, "be helpful to others, scout's motto." The Boy Scout's motto (including Eagle Scouts) is "Be Prepared." "To help others at all times" is part of the Scout's oath, but that's different than its motto and not something an Eagle Scout would mix up.
Suggested correction: It was a joke, that applied to the situation. Wasn't meant to be literal.
There is zero indication of any joke, implied or otherwise, especially since he could have correctly said "oath."
25th Oct 2021
Con Air (1997)
Character mistake: When Cyrus and Johnny-23 are talking they both pronounce the Spanish version of Johnny-23's name as Juaniyo. That is not how Johnny is pronounced in Spanish. It is pronounced Juanito with a T. Normally I would have chalked it up as a language barrier but Danny Trejo is of Spanish ancestry. He should have known better. (00:20:41)
Suggested correction: "Juanillo" is another, though less common, diminutive of Juan.
I can appreciate you doing a google search but you would have noticed in your google search that the Juanillo you speak or is predominantly an Asian name and is not a translation of Johnny in Spanish. I am Spanish and can assure you that it was a mistake as Juanito is the correct pronunciation. Thank you for doing your due diligence however he was not playing the role if an Asian.
It should be pointed out that there's a town in Mexico called Juanillo and Juanillo Beach is in the Dominican Republic. So it is a word Hispanic and Latinos might be aware of.
Don't know why the previous guy said that Juanillo is not a common name in Spain... I am Spanish and know 2 guys that go by the name Juanillo. I would say that not only Juanillo and Juanito, but also Juanele are commonly used in Spain and probably Latin America as well.
28th Oct 2021
Growing Up Brady (2000)
Other mistake: Either there was or wasn't a 5-year contract from the onset. At first, Sherwood told Bob, "It's just a pilot episode. If we get picked up for a series." Narrator Barry Williams said his agent called to tell him "the network picked up the Brady Bunch for a full season." Season One ended but Sherwood didn't call "until the last minute" to tell the cast they "would be coming back to a second season." Later, Sherwood told Bob that he knew when he did the pilot that he signed a 5-year contract. (00:05:50 - 00:21:40)
Suggested correction: Those two things are not mutually exclusive and that's not how it works in the television industry. Actors usually have to sign a test option agreement with the studio prior to the pilot being picked up (sometimes even before auditioning). This ensures the studio that the actor is committed to the project long term should the pilot be picked up, but signing the contract agreement doesn't guarantee the pilot will be picked up. A 5-year test option agreement seems pretty standard.
I'm aware of such contracts - and surely Florence Henderson would have also been required to sign a five-year agreement, but there (conveniently) was no mention of this.
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