Corrected entry: When Corbin Dallas, with the others, are trying to open the stones at the end of the movie, once they figure out how to open it, they gather around the wind stone, which is upside down from the rest.
28th Oct 2006
The Fifth Element (1997)
Correction: While I agree with the concept that wind is above because it's in the sky, water would be too. As the scene plays out, there's nothing to suggest the wind stone should be upside down. It appears to be a deliberate mistake so we can see the stone opening. The mistake should be considered a valid deliberate mistake.
14th Jul 2019
Ready Player One
Other mistake: Digital version: Wade claims to be 18 in the year 2045; he was born in 2024. He is actually 20 years old and yet still in high school. The paper version has the correct birth year of 2026.
Suggested correction: In the paper book (print version), Wade was born in 2026, making him 18 in 2044, the year the book is set in. The year was changed in the Kindle and Apple digital book version to 2024, but that's Kindle's or Apple's mistake (whoever digitized the book first), not a mistake for the original book.
This was Audible's digital copy which is an exact copy from the text.
Audible is owned by Amazon, which runs the Kindle platform. The Audible version is the same as the Kindle version and wrong. I've read the physical paper book and in chapter 14, Sorrento says "Wade Owen Watts. Born August twelfth, 2026."
16th Jul 2019
Star Trek: Voyager (1995)
Equinox (2) - S6-E1
Corrected entry: Toward the end of the episode when Seven is speaking with the Doctor she references his musical error earlier in the episode. She says he was off by "decibels." Decibel is a unit of volume, not pitch.
Correction: Seven says "your vocal modulations deviated by 0.30 deci-hertz", not decibels. Hertz is a measurement of frequency, or pitch.
16th Jul 2019
The Karate Kid (2010)
Corrected entry: No kid ever uses karate in this movie. Kung Fu is used, which is a different martial art.
Correction: This isn't a film mistake and would be more suited to a forum discussion to address the question "why isn't it called The Kung Fu Kid?" Since this is a remake, they decided to keep the original name. Plus, karate, which means "Chinese" "Hand", later changed to "Empty" "Hand", can be used to describe kung fu, and some people use the terms interchangeably. Questions or comments like "Why is it called Karate Kid III when Daniel's not a kid?" or "Why is it called Home Alone 2 when Kevin isn't at home?" are not considered mistakes and neither is this film's title.
When a movie title is inaccurate including getting a martial art wrong it is a movie mistake. An alligator even though it has similarities to a crocodile is not the same animal.
Kung Fu is not interchangeable with Karate if that were true most persons would be saying Bruce Lee created Karate.
And these are all good points to make in a forum discussion. Perhaps Jon can weigh in on if film names constitute a movie mistake (perhaps mis-titling films/shows can be listed in the common mistake section or trivia for the film). There are already "mistakes" that are not valid, like mistakes needing slow-motion to see, so I think it should be an invalid mistake.
Yeah, I'm with you. Sometimes a title can be a mistake, like Krakatoa, East of Java, which is actually west of Java. But there has to be some leeway, and especially if something's a remake or sequel the understanding of the title is what matters more than the literal meaning. I mean Reservoir Dogs or A Clockwork Orange or The Haunting In Connecticut 2: Ghosts Of Georgia. Sometimes you've got to give some leeway. But as ever it's a grey area and there's not always a one size fits all approach.
14th Jul 2019
Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981)
Other mistake: Vicki enters the darkened cabin and flips a switch on a nearby lamp, to discover the power is out. But as she grumbles and crosses to another table lamp that is unplugged, she plugs it in, and suddenly the whole cabin lights up.
18th Jun 2014
Lone Survivor (2013)
Factual error: In the scene at the evacuation hospital doctors are seen administering shocks to Marcus Luttrell (Mark Wahlberg) with paddles. The EKG shows a flatline. In reality, medical personnel do not give shocks for a flatline - a "shock" is to correct Ventricular Fibrillation into a normal sinus rhythm, if you have a systole there is no muscle activity in the cardiac area and a manual shock will not achieve anything.
Suggested correction: That's not true. If ever you do a first aid course they will point out that on arrival, paramedics will replace your AED with their defib precisely because their defib will shock no pulse, whereas an AED that you might find in public spaces will not.
No professional medical professional would shock a flatline patient. They would start chest compressions until they could determine why the heart stopped. Ventricular Fibrillation or Ventricular Tachycardia, where shocking may help, does not register as a flatline. The mistake is valid and doesn't need to be corrected.
4th Jul 2019
Army of Darkness (1992)
Corrected entry: When the army of the deadites arrives at the castle, Evil Ash says something along the lines of "Bring me forth into that castle." A few moments later, he says "Sally forth!" only not being able to say forth because of his decayed mouth, despite being able to say it only moments before.
26th Jun 2019
Rugrats Go Wild! (2003)
Corrected entry: This is perhaps the only Nickelodeon animated film to earn a PG rating, while all the others are rated G.
Correction: There have been at least 7 other Nickelodeon animated film with a PG rating (one was even PG-13) plus one with a TV-PG rating. For example, "Hey Arnold! The Movie", "The Wild Thornberrys Movie", and the SpongeBob movies.
19th Jun 2019
That '70s Show (1998)
Corrected entry: Donna says that the Statue of Liberty was a gift from the British to the US. It's actually a gift from France. (00:08:00)
Correction: Donna never says "the British." She indeed does say "the Statute of Liberty was a gift from the French." To which Kitty replies, "the French? I didn't know that."
11th Apr 2016
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 (2016)
Corrected entry: In the beginning they show an Illinois license plate with OPA! on the plate. There are no punctuation marks on Illinois license plates.
Correction: The front plate seen isn't state issued. It's a novelty plate he put on the front. While it would be illegal for him to drive without a state-issued front plate, there isn't anything otherwise preventing him from having a novelty plate on and cops probably wouldn't harass him about it. I drove my last car for 10 years without a front plate in a state that required it and never got a ticket for it, even when I was pulled over for speeding and the cop told me I had to have one.
Correction: They could have gotten one that says "OPAI" and just used a little paint to touch up the I into an exclamation point. Probably illegal, but doable.
After reviewing the scene, there's no possible way it was done with just some paint (nor is it possible in real life to do). Illinois license plates don't use any letters or numbers that resemble a lowercase "l."
14th Jun 2019
Halloween (2018)
Corrected entry: When officer Frank comes from behind the grandmother she tells him Frank is here instead of Michael.
Correction: She says "Frank, he's here."
6th Oct 2004
Three's Company (1977)
Jack Bares All (a.k.a. Oh, Nurse) (2) - S6-E2
Corrected entry: In the party scene, Jack and Larry give Terri glasses to put on that give her black circles under her eyes. Jack calls Terri Tammy when asking if she's been getting enough sleep.
Correction: Jack is supposed to call her Tammy because he is trying to get rid of her.
Correction: That reasoning doesn't sound right. He was trying to get rid of her-yes, but it seems more likely John Ritter simply made a mistake in the script but it was not spotted or corrected due to the fact the producers of the show rarely allowed retakes so many ad-libs and errors were sometimes left in.
Correction: I agree this mistake is valid. While there was a line in the beginning where he jokingly says "what's your name again", that was part of the act as if she was a random volunteer. But then he calls her his "lovely assistant, Teri", then called her Tammy, but then once again calls her Teri during the "act", before he shot ink on her dress.
30th May 2019
Step Brothers (2008)
Corrected entry: Toward the end of the film when Derek flashes back to Brennan helping him fly a kite, the two little boys are roughly the same age - about 6 or 7. They are 3 years apart, Brennan would be quite a bit taller at that age.
Correction: The actor playing 9-year old Brennan (Bryce Hurless) was in fact 9 years old at the time (or close to turning 9 depending on when his scene was shot), while the actor playing 6-year old Derek was 7 at the time. While in real life, Hurless isn't very tall as an adult, children experience different growth rates, especially during puberty. So a short 9-year old that looks 6-7 to you could grow up to be 6'3", which I feel was part of the reason they cast the young actors as they did.
12th Sep 2007
Shooter (2007)

Continuity mistake: When Memphis is tortured, he gets water poured in his mouth from a bottle. When they're done pouring, the water level in the bottle is almost full. (01:07:00)
Suggested correction: Before this frame, there is a shot showing multiple water bottles on a nearby table... it could easily have been the next bottle of water?
No, it could not because the shot was meant to be continuous. After Memphis spits out the water, we see the guy holding a half filled bottle start pouring water into Memphis' mouth. When the camera angle changes (i.e. continuous shot and not a jump cut), we still see the guy holding the bottle up to Memphis' mouth. It's at that point the bottle has changed and is now almost full.
It's even worse than that. It refills at least twice between those quick successive shots.
24th May 2019
The Big Bang Theory (2007)
The Big Bran Hypothesis - S1-E2
Other mistake: Leonard is awoken by the apartment door closing. When he walks into the living room the door is open. (00:08:55)
Suggested correction: He's awoken by a door closing, not necessarily the front door. He could have heard Sheldon closing his door.
10th Oct 2017
The Office (2005)
Continuity mistake: In one episode Angela says she hasn't talked to her sister in years over an argument that she doesn't remember. When she's engaged to Andy and they're touring Dwight's farm he mentions she has multiple sisters. In the finale she only has one sister and apparently they are incredibly close.
Suggested correction: In the finale the "Sister" is Angela's best friend. Do you recall them each saying this is my older sister?
That's a common joke among siblings that are close, they're joking about which one is older. Rachel is Angela's sister, not just a friend. They even go on to say "we're very close. We even have our own special language", which is something common among siblings that are close. The mistake is valid.
5th May 2006
Phoenix Nights (2001)
Continuity mistake: During the last episode of the first series doorman Paddy uses his hair spray to give him fuller locks. But at the start of the second series his hair is back to its normal style even though the second series starts where the first series ended with the club on fire.
Suggested correction: The start of the second series takes place some time after the fire of the first season. Many of the staff of the Phoenix have moved on and got new (proper!) jobs. For example, Jerry is now working for Asda, a job he didn't have before. The spray maine (sic) is, as the name suggests, spray-on hair and would undoubtedly come straight off again the first time it gets wet! Plus after a couple of weeks or months, even a slightly more resilient hair spray 'treatment' would have fallen off.
15th May 2019
Hustle (2004)
Other mistake: In a number of episodes Mickey Bricks takes great pains to explain (usually to bent coppers) that he and his team are not thieves, making it plain that as a talented grifter he takes the high moral high ground over common criminals. The trouble is, he and every member of his team ARE thieves. In the very first episode "The Con Is On" Three Socks Morgan cleans out the bank accounts of a number of innocent people by rigging an automatic teller machine. He is stealing money, either from them or the bank. Stacie Monroe is shown picking pockets in a number of episodes and in "The Henderson Challenge" both Mickey and Danny Blue steal wallets from bystanders, a trick Mickey repeats in "The Return of the Prodigal." He also steals the victim's car. There are too many other examples to list here, but Mickey's pride in his exalted position as a master conman is definitely misplaced.
Suggested correction: It would be hard to call a delusional criminal's self aggrandizing a mistake (character or other). Many criminals (fictitious or real) display this same type of character. Plus, Mickey is suggesting common criminals aren't as skilled as his team, for example, at pick-pocketing, or that there's an art to his crimes only a conman can pull off.
Nonsense. He isn't delusional or self aggrandizing - he's far too smart for that. He states "We are not thieves!" on a number of occasions when, by any definition of the word, they are.
It should also be noted that the entire plot of Episode 6 of Season 2, "Eye of the Beholder," concerns the grifters' attempts to steal the Star of Africa, the centrepiece of the Crown Jewels, and sell it to the highest bidder. That is theft, and they are thieves by any definition of the terms.
14th May 2019
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013)
Corrected entry: There is so much gold in the mountain, in real terms it would have been worthless.
Correction: First, we shouldn't use phrases like "in real terms" for fantasy films not based on reality. Additionally, just because an item is abundant doesn't make it worthless if there is a need, desire, demand, or if it's difficult to obtain. For example, iPhones are abundant and still have value.
14th May 2019
Green Book (2018)
Corrected entry: Don Shirley asks Viggo Mortensen who is singing a certain song on the radio. He replies something to the effect that it's Aretha Franklin, and that she's really something. But it is highly unlikely that Aretha had sufficient (or any) airplay, popularity or name recognition in 1962 to make this scene credible. Columbia Records had her under contract and did not do a particularly good job with her. It wasn't until 1967, after she signed with Atlantic Records, that she became known much at all and her career really took off.
Correction: While Columbia Records might not have promoted her as well as Atlantic Records, the fact was that in 1961 her single "Won't Be Long" was #7 on the R&B chart and #76 on the Billboard Hot 100. Later in 1961 her version of "Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody" hit #37 on the Billboard Top 100. One of the factor these charts use to determine ranking is airplay (how often the song is played on the radio).
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Correction: This is intentional. Air is above you, the others aren't. It's supposed to be symbolic.
Fire and wind are indeterminate with respect to above and below so that logic fails. It's upside down.
Nonsense: it's a fictional artifact in a fictional future. You have no way of knowing whether that's the way it's supposed to be or not.