Corrected entry: When Mike and Sulley are stuck in the Himalayas with the Yeti, the Yeti says that you can get milk from a Yak. This is not true as the Yak is the male of the species and the female (which would produce milk) is actually a Nak.
14th Apr 2007
Monsters, Inc. (2001)
22nd Jan 2006
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
Corrected entry: When the Hobbits are in the woods and Merry has asked Frodo who the Black Rider was looking for Pippin says "Get down". Though if you look you see that it is actually Sam who says it, but Pippin's voice is heard. You can tell because the one speaking is the one to the left, and when the Hobbits duck Sam is to the left and Pippin to the right. Plus it is the chubbier Hobbit who speaks, which would be Sam.
Correction: It sounds like Pippin but it is Sam. In the Extended Edition cast commentary, Sean Astin explains how in one take of that scene, he said the line with an American accent.
I watched the film and I am sure it didn't sound like Pippin saying get down.
I've seen mistake entries for other film where characters say a line without their established accent or in the actor's real life accent. Perhaps then this would still be considered a mistake with a a different wording.
29th Dec 2020
Fantasy Island (2020)
Character mistake: Near the end while in the caves Maggie is the first to go missing, but they use the name Gwen multiple times, the actress' actual name.
Suggested correction: Maggie Q is the actress and she plays the character Gwen Olsen.
9th Jun 2018
Guns of Navarone (1961)
Plot hole: Maria describes in lurid detail how Anna was arrested by the Germans and tortured by being severely whipped, leaving her with gruesome scars all over her back. She also says that Anna hasn't spoken a word to anyone since she escaped from captivity. How, then, does Maria (or anyone else) know about the scars? Nobody saw them (they don't exist) and Anna obviously didn't tell anyone about them.
Suggested correction: She is probably able to write.
This correction is too speculative and offers no in-film evidence or further proof.
Anna was a school teacher.
Wasn't she a school teacher? So probably could write.
If she "wrote" about the scars wouldn't someone want to see them, perhaps get her to a doctor? Making up silly, deux ex machina explanations for film mistakes does not invalidate them.
Your assuming a lot like when the Germans release here. She could have "recovered" and had a fit anytime anyone touched her.
As was noted above, making up silly, deux ex machina explanations for film mistakes does not invalidate them. You cannot 'recover' from scars. It is ridiculous to think that nobody ever thought to get Anna to a doctor for treatment.
1st Sep 2020
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)
Corrected entry: In the final scene, he takes off his tennis shoes, but it doesn't seem that he ever puts on another pair of regular shoes.
15th Dec 2020
Crossroads (2002)
Trivia: The poem Lucy reads to Ben at the campsite are lyrics to the Britney Spears' song, "I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman."
Suggested correction: I'm not really sure this would count as trivia considering how obvious it is. Ben even turns it into the song at the end of the movie.
14th Oct 2020
H2O: Just Add Water (2006)

In Too Deep - S1-E23
Continuity mistake: When Ms. Chatham is at Emma's house, she puts her hand on Cleo's arm. It's not there in the next shot. (00:10:35)
Suggested correction: Ms. Chatham's hand is barely visible in the next shot but it's there.
The fact that it's barely visible (as seen in the screenshot) confirms the mistake. It's on her arm and then it's not on it, she's just barely touching.
16th Dec 2020
Constantine (2005)
Corrected entry: Constantine threatens demon Balthazar with the last Rites, so Balthazar goes to heaven where he for sure doesn't want to end. However, if it is so easy and possible even for a demon to go to heaven, why is occult expert Constantine still searching so desperately for the big way out of hell? He only needs to find a catholic priest who gives Constantine the last Rites.
Correction: Constantine mentions to Balthasar afterwards you have to ask to be forgiven before you are accepted into heaven. He needs to believe, it only a bluff. Constantine himself is too stubborn to ask to be forgiven and instead feels the need to buy his way into heaven, he does not believe in the grace of God (who he feels is a hypocrite). The demon can not be sent to heaven just because he was read his last rites, he doesn't believe in the grace of God either.
Constantine himself is too stubborn to ask to be forgiven and would rather go to hell where the devil would so love to meet him? To be honest, that's even a bigger plot hole. The whole story is about Constantine being too selfish and now him being more stubborn than being selfish is the problem? I don't think so.
The problem is he doesn't believe in the grace of God. Thats bigger than his stubbornness. He knows he is going to hell, but he doesn't think that's fair and should be admitted to heaven regardless of his believes. He won't submit to the hypocrisy of God. He doesn't like God, almost as much as he doesn't like the devil. But naturally he doesn't want to go to hell so he tries to buy his way into heaven by fighting the devil's spawns. But he would never bow to God to get to heaven. At the end of the movie he does find a way though, by sacrifice, but an opportunity like that needs to present itself, he can't create one, unlike being forgiven. It's not a plot hole, it's the plot.
I am really upset with "corrections" like this. With stubbornness people could "correct" any movie mistake caused by any protagonists. And it also makes no sense. I think the entry is valid and should be published without any "corrections"! Constantine for sure would believe in the grace of god if he would get some AND he would for sure get some, if he would call a priest which gives him his last Rites. Problem solved. You are creating a problem where no problem is, just pure assumption. And for sure he would bow to god cause he doesn't want to bow to devil even less.
The correction is valid if you ask me. Constantine specifically refers to God as being a kid with an ant farm, and doesn't really believe God cares that much for humanity. At the end of the film, he acknowledges that God does indeed have a plan for everyone and that he had to die twice to finally understand that. That's Constantine's arc. As lionhead said, that is literally the film's plot.
Problem with the correction is, that he escapes hell not because he has lost his stubbornness or because his relationship to god has changed (which has not). He indirectly escapes hell cause he commited suicide to save Angela from being killed by Gabriel. Which wasn't even awarded by god, only the devil was so nice (!) and asked him unnecessarily for a quid-pro-quo wish. And that's not even suicide, it is martyrdom and that alone should buy him a ticket out of hell, plus he saves a woman he loves, plus he keeps the balance in balance. 3 tickets in once, he doesn't even has to trade his soul for the soul of Isabel, he has already done more than enough. There are many plot holes.
You assume those 3 tickets are enough, but they aren't. All of them are him still trying to buy his way into heaven. It's about love for god, not love for another person nor fighting the devil. Plus he was dying anyway. But the self-sacrifice, not his life saved by the devil but the twin sister send to heaven, is the one thing he could do to be admitted.
He already sacrificed himself for one sister, second sister is unnecessary. The devil's him granting a wish is just a feelgood moment for the audience to save the second sister. That's unnecessary and therefore a plot hole.
He didn't sacrifice himself for the first sister. He did it to stop Mammon, not for the love of Angela.
"Stubbornness" is a valid correction when people submit mistakes, especially plot holes, because they think a character should act in a different way than they would. Nothing about Constantine's behave or believe goes against his already established character (which is based on the comics). Having him act the way you want him to could also be seen by some as a plot device and thus a plot hole.
However him committing suicide a second time, is an act of love, maybe not for god but for Angela (so she doesn't gets stabbed by Gabriel). This is martyrdom cause he also prevents Mammon to conquer earth and shows the love for an other human being. The one or the other way he has got the ticket out of hell already. Saving Isabel which he also does, isn't even that much compared what he has already done. So why should god forgive him after saving Isabel but not before (after saving Angela). The devil offering him a wish like a jinn is silly and unnecessary for sure.
He commited suicide the second time to stop Mammon because he knows Satan will show up and wouldn't like it when he finds out his son is trying to take power on Earth. He doesn't do it for love of Angela, nor would God see that as good enough to admit him into heaven (as he would still be buying his way into it). God and Satan are bound to certain rules (according to the "game" they play as mentioned by Constantine) so in exchange for helping Satan, Satan grants him a wish, not realising it is a wish that will admit Constantine into heaven. He is admitted into heaven not because he is forgiven, but because of his self-sacrifice (as Gabriel mentions, and the bible). I think you really need to rewatch both the conversation between Gabriel and Constantine at the church as well as the conversation between Constantine and Satan to understand the reasoning behind it all.
He already self-sacrificed himself for one sister, second sister is unnecessary. The devil's him granting a wish is just a feelgood moment for the audience to save the second sister. That's a plot hole.
Correction: Constantine was bluffing when he threatened Balthazar with the Last Rites. "True contrition" is required as well. This is different than just asking for forgiveness, something Constantine shows not to have. Of course, the Devil heals him in hopes that Constantine will once again damn himself to hell.
20th Dec 2007
Friends (1994)

The One Where Underdog Gets Away - S1-E9
Continuity mistake: At the end of the episode when Chandler makes a toast, he is holding the glass in his right hand. In the next shot, the glass has jumped to his left hand. (00:21:05)
Suggested correction: He switches the glass from right to left, so, unfortunately you're wrong.
The mistake is valid. While we do see him switching his glass between hands during the scene, when he says he's glad everyone's Thanksgiving sucked, he raises his glass in his right hand. In the next shot it's switched to his left and lowered a bit. Since this happens between shots (and he's not off camera), it means no time elapsed, so there's no time for him to switch hands again (in the submitted pictures, the bottom picture is the first shot and the top picture is the 2nd shot).
10th Dec 2013
Memphis Belle (1990)
Factual error: When the radio operator was asking for a radio check he used a phonetic alphabet. He use the word Tango, representing the letter T. Tango is the modern and current phonetic representation for T. In the 1940's the word was Tare. Able, Baker...Roger, Sugar, Tare, Uncle...Zebra.
Suggested correction: British forces adopted the American phonetic alphabet in 1942.
American forces weren't using "Tango" until 1956. When the British and American forces coordinated calling alphabets in 1943, they used "Tare", not "Tango."
3rd Oct 2005
The Lizzie McGuire Movie (2003)
Continuity mistake: When Lizzie was at the Trevi Fountain, she didn't have a bag, but in the next scene at the gelato shop, she had a black bag.
Suggested correction: I looked and looked but I did not see that particular mistake.
Suggested correction: Unless you have a different cut, when they're at the fountain, you don't see below her waist and it's possible she's holding her bag at her side in her left hand. She's seen holding the black bag to her side when walking to the shop, but you also see below her waist.
26th Aug 2003
Top Gun (1986)
Trivia: The "MiG-28s" in the movie are actually all Northrop F-5E Tiger II's, an American plane used for training and sold to other countries. In reality, there is no MiG-28.
Suggested correction: It could be argued that in the alternate reality of Top Gun the fictional "MiG-28" was an improved reverse-engineered F-5 (VPAF gave the Soviets access to ex-VNAF F-5:s for evaluation after the fall of Saigon) explaining their similarity.
This isn't a valid correction for a trivia entry. There is no mistake being suggested, just letting viewers with limited plane experience know MiG-28 isn't a real plane.
17th Dec 2020
The Queen's Gambit (2020)
Middle Game - S1-E4
Corrected entry: As Beth describes her game where she played black, she says she plays pawn to queen bishop four, but black can't play this on the first move. (00:20:20)
Correction: How is this an illegal move? P-QB4 is two squares ahead of her pawn and pawns can move 2 spaces on their opening move. Notation always takes place from the player's perspective, not the White's perspective.
17th Dec 2020
Downton Abbey (2010)
Corrected entry: At the welcome back dinner for Rose and Atticus, Mrs. Crawley mentions Tim and Amelia living in Cavenham. But Larry Grey was the one married to Amelia, not Tim.
Correction: She said "Let him and Amelia..." She doesn't say Tim, and they just mentioned Larry, so "him" refers to Larry.
16th Dec 2020
Countdown (2019)
Stupidity: Dr. Sullivan not only put unwelcome moves on Quinn, he mentioned the good or lush letter of recommendation he wrote for her - implying he deserved or was entitled to a sexual favor in return. For "Doctor" Sullivan to do and say what he did in this day and age isn't merely a "character mistake", it is outright stupidity. (00:25:50)
Suggested correction: Stupidity entries are not for when characters do something stupid, otherwise everything in "Dumb and Dumber" would be mistakes. Stupidities are minor plot holes that extend beyond character mistakes. The fact that in real life people in power behave this way means it's something the character of Dr. Sullivan could do.
Dumb and Dumber is supposed to be stupid; a medical doctor is not.
You missed the point entirely. It's not a stupidity that a man in power thinks he can get away with sexual harassment, despite being a doctor.
I didn't assert that he thought he could get away with it - he was being stupid for even saying such a thing.
Regardless of if you asserted it or not, unless someone thinks it's not wrong, people do questionable or illegal things because they think they can get away with it. But characters are allowed to do stupid things without it always being a minor plot hole (i.e. a stupidity). A quick news search of doctors accused of sexual harassment will show half a dozen stories this year alone, showing that doctors in real life act this way, therefore, it's not a mistake for a character to do it.
It is still stupidity... and the doctors in your search were also stupid.
I'm not sure how you're not getting this, or if you're being pedantic on purpose. There was no plot hole for his actions. Therefore, no mistake exist and the correction is valid. Being stupid isn't a valid stupidity entry. Being stupid to serve the plot is though (e.g. writing a drug name on the arm instead of telling someone your plan). People submit mistakes incorrectly and as long as it's not wildly inappropriate or nonsensical, it will be posted. Which is why there is the option to submit a correction. To clarify, being stupid, not a mistake. A character doing something they wouldn't (possibly because of the writer's lack of knowledge), character mistake. A character doing something that doesn't make sense that mildly serves the plot, stupidity. Something done that contradicts the plot or what's been established in-film, plot hole.
I'm willing to modify "stupidity" to "utter stupidity." [I'm too ignorant to be insulted.].
Then you're on the wrong site and you should create your own site.
I'd like a second opinion.
I'll give my opinion and I agree with Bishop73. This sounds more like a character exerting hubris than stupidity. If he sexually harassed an underling in front an attorney or a judge, or even other employees, then I think it would rise to the level of being a stupidity. The current President of the United States has openly admitted to sexually assaulting women, and he did so out of hubris because as he claims, his celebrity status gives him carte blanche to do so.
Sorry to say I concur with Bishop73, in that people do stupid things all the time in films, and we can't list them all! The stupidity section is just for plot-related issues - sort of "movie logic" things, like running upstairs in a horror film when they should run out the door. Yes people might do that in reality, which would be stupid, but they do it in a movie solely because it helps the plot / narrative. It's not strictly a plot hole, and it's arguably even a "mistake", which is why they're listed separately. In this case yes what he does is stupid, but it's a stupid thing which people in authority in reality do often, it's not solely an unreasonable or unlikely stupid action for the sake of the plot, if that makes sense. I've also realised that's not made clear when submitting a "stupidity", which is an oversight on my part - I'll amend that.
15th Dec 2020
Invincible (2006)
Corrected entry: They say eagles are punting to play for overtime. There was no regular season overtime in 1976.
Correction: Overtime in the NFL was established in 1974. There were at least 5 OT games in '76, including the Eagles OT loss to the Redskins in week 3 on Monday night.
15th Dec 2020
The Good Place (2016)
Corrected entry: They say that no-one has got into the Good Place in 521 years, but in the Pilot Eleanor is told by Michael that all the US presidents are in the Bad Place except for Lincoln. He's not lying - Abe Lincoln's name is also put on the chalk board when they are coming up with people to be the first to go through the system (season 4 episode 11). (00:13:08)
10th Dec 2015
Home Alone (1990)

Continuity mistake: When Kevin goes outside the first time and sees the cars in the garage, the light isn't on. When it shows the garage again in the next shot, the light is on. (00:20:25)
Suggested correction: The light could be motion activated. Either Kevin's movement or passing vehicles could have turned it on, regardless of the time of day. I have motion detector lights in my carport and they constantly go on and off in the daytime if it's low-light and cars pass by fast enough. People walking their dogs can also activate it if they are close enough. They sometimes stay on until I have to manually turn the power off, then on again.
That would explain it only if the light came on when Kevin "activated" it. It stays off during the first scene, and he doesn't make any motion towards the garage when the camera is on him. Nor do we see any vehicles or people pass behind him.
How likely is it that this movie - taken in 1990 - had access to the developed technology that we have today, to make automatic lights turn on?
Infrared motion sensors were around in the 80s.
31st Dec 2008
Yes Man (2008)
Continuity mistake: After handing out oranges to the people in line at the bank, Carl goes into his office, approves a loan and then walks back out to talk to Norm. As the shot switches during their conversation, you will see the line of people appear and then suddenly disappear to be replaced with a Security guard talking to a woman.
Suggested correction: The line of people never disappears. The line is to the right of Norm, the man (not a security guard) talking to the woman is behind Norm, so it's not the same angle. The other group of people at the tellers would also not be visible from the angles seen. Also, Carl talks to Norm BEFORE approving the loan. After he approves the loan, he and Norm talk to the VP.
3rd Jan 2009
Yes Man (2008)
Corrected entry: When Carl arrives at his apartment, it says "Allen" (his second name) on the door. However, when he comes out of his apartment later on in the movie, just as his neighbour asks to put up some shelves, the sign is gone.
Correction: This is because his mate moves in and starts living there too.
When his neighbor asks for help with the shelf, he's living alone.
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Correction: "Yak" is an English word borrowed from the Tibetan language. In English, "yak" is the species of animal with "bull" and "cow" being used for male and female, therefore, saying you can get milk from a yak is correct. If the Yeti was speaking Tibetan or Balti, then you might consider it a mistake.