Corrected entry: When the trio first attempts to go to The Movie, Jerry is wearing a blue shirt and green pants, but a few days later when the man comes to pick up his dog, Jerry is wearing the same outfit.
24th Apr 2004
Seinfeld (1990)
Correction: I mostly wear the same outfit for 3 or 4 days.
Correction: This is wrong, but the corrections don't even say why. The blue shirt/green pants Jerry is wearing is NOT from the first attempt to see The Movie. The first time he's wearing a pinkish sweatshirt and blue jeans and he stays home. The second time is when he's wearing the outfit described and Elaine stays at Jerry's. The man with The Dog calls when Elaine is there and she tells him he better pick The Dog up that night. Which is he does and it's why Jerry is wearing the same thing.
23rd Jun 2007
Seinfeld (1990)
Continuity mistake: In this episode, George asks Russell if his last name contains a "y" and Russel answers that it doesn't. However, Russel is credited in this and subsequent episodes as "Russell Dalrymple."
11th Dec 2007
Hot Shots! (1991)
Audio problem: Topper is driving in to the base beside the running troops on his bike. When they recite the Brady Bunch part, none of the soldiers' mouths are moving.
Suggested correction: That's simply not true. While some weren't moving their months, you can see many moving their mouths, including the drill instructor.
27th Aug 2001
Hot Shots! (1991)
Continuity mistake: When Adm. Tug Benson is talking to the troops, they're all acting out certain activities. It shows one man with a football, then cuts to Adm. Benson talking. When it cuts back to the men, the one who had the football is in the same position he was in earlier (as if he was throwing it), but no longer has the ball in his hand. (00:20:45)
Suggested correction: The whole thing was a joke. It's not just Wash Out with the missing football. Kent's flowing white scarf is gone, the guy in front of Kent has his flight suit instantly zipped up, and one of the guys in the back doesn't have his jacket.
21st Apr 2023
Star Trek (1966)
Requiem for Methuselah - S3-E19
Corrected entry: Mr. Flint grabs the Enterprise out of orbit and transfers it onto the table. We assume, because the ship is small, it doesn't weigh much. However, Star Trek canon states the Enterprise weighs 190,000 metric tons, size not withstanding. There's no way that small table could hold such a massive weight.
Correction: We have no idea of how the technology he uses works. If he can shrink the ships down to a miniature size and instantly put everyone in suspended animation, there's no telling if he can alter the weight as well. Not to mention the fact that if he has such advanced technology, he could have a table that's able to bear the weight.
The old "Fantastic Voyage" problem. There are only 2 ways to make something shrink - either you reduce the physical size, and the mass stays the same, in which case the Enterprise on the table now has neutron-star level gravitational pull, OR you delete 99% of the atoms and keep 1 out of every 100 (sampling), like reducing a bitmap image in size. And just like that image, when the Enterprise went back up to full scale, everything would be "chunky."
10th Apr 2023
Three's Company (1977)
Upstairs Downstairs Downstairs - S5-E1
Corrected entry: Jack's nurse date wears a wedding band.
Correction: Doreen is wearing a ring with a raised dark center stone - it glistens as she moves her hand. It looks like a regular fashion statement ring that women wore/wear on either their right or left hand; nothing indicative of a "wedding band" at all.
Explain? Alright. I watched the episode, and Doreen's ring does not look like a wedding band. It appears to be just a normal ring with at least one raised dark gemstone.
Correction: Generally the idea of seeing a character wearing a wedding ring as a mistake is because in real life the actor or actress forget to take off their wedding ring. In real life, Lee Crawford (who plays Doreen) was divorced in 1978 and wasn't married or engaged at the time of shooting the episode. So it's just a character choice to wear a ring on her left hand and doesn't mean she's married or engaged.
The very point being, that she is wearing on one on her hand, when she's supposed to be single in this episode. So the mistake stands.
No, because it's a character choice. People who are single wear rings on their left ring finger for a variety of reasons, none of which indicates it's a wedding band or that they're married.
7th May 2021
Smokey and the Bandit (1977)
Other mistake: Bandit and Snowman are traveling to Texarkana, TX to pick up the beer. Texarkana is in the extreme East border of TX. When you see Sheriff Justice pull up to the guys trying to steal parts off Frog's broken down car, you see "Montague County Sheriff" on his police car door. Montague county is in Northern TX, about four hours away from Texarkana. Bandit and Snowman didn't travel that far into TX to pick up the beer, why would Sheriff Justice be so far away from his jurisdiction?
Suggested correction: Sheriff Justice and his son were chasing after Carrie when she let his son at the altar, which is why he would be out of his jurisdiction. She fled from where ever they were getting married at until her car broke down and the Justices were following her the whole time.
2nd Apr 2023
World War Z (2013)
Factual error: The first time Brad Pitt leaves the aircraft carrier he is on an Antonov An-12. I haven't been able to find any evidence of an Antonov An-12 being able to take off or land on an aircraft carrier. The minimum runway distance for takeoff is 1500 m, and A Nimitz class carrier is only 325 m. (01:22:00)
Suggested correction: Most planes, if not all, that don't have vertical takeoff capabilities can't land or take off on aircraft carriers. That's why systems are in place to launch planes up to speed for take off and to catch or stop planes upon landing. Even jets that are 5 times faster than a An-12 need help with take off and landing.
A C-130 did multiple take-offs and landings aboard a carrier WITHOUT any assistance, so yes, an AN-12 might have been able to do the same thing:
2nd Apr 2023
Ghosts (US) (2021)
The Christmas Spirit, Part Two - S2-E10
Corrected entry: Thor can see the ghosts while possessing Sam when Hettie couldn't while possessing Jay.
21st Apr 2005
The Rock (1996)
Corrected entry: When Hummel's marines are breaking into the naval weapons depot, the guard inside the control tower isn't wearing a hat. When he falls through the window, he is.
Correction: It does not appear to be the same guy. He looks to be from a different race.
It definitely is two different characters. The first guy, without the hat, is attacked first and kicked down, you see him fall down without a hat on. When the second attack is shown, it's a different tower and guard. The second guard has his hat on and is standing before getting shot and falling out the window.
Then this is not a mistake. Clearly 2 different characters.
25th Mar 2023
A Royal in Paradise (2023)
Continuity mistake: In the front view of Olivia when she sits at her desk and opens her laptop, the clear LED globe lightbulb to her right is illuminated with a visible filament, but the bulb looks solid white when the camera shifts to a rear view. (01:22:22)
Suggested correction: It's still a clear bulb in the rear view, you're just seeing the white curtains behind the clear bulb.
Filaments should still be visible because they are darker and in front of the paler background.
The filament is still visible.
Didn't look illuminated on my screen.
It definitely is illuminated. It might be hard to tell with so much lighting already present in the scene, especially coming through the window.
I seriously doubt there's enough background light to make what is supposed to be a clear illuminated LED bulb several feet in front of it to fade away. (This will be my last response).
Then you're talking about two completely different lamps altogether because the bulb is in front of a giant window with light coming through the thin curtain and it's inches away from the window, not feet. And it's not faded away at all.
3rd May 2019
Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Continuity mistake: While Hulk eats breakfast with Cap, Nat and Scott, the crepe on the top is cut in two. In the next shot it's in one piece, then in two again. (00:38:30)
Suggested correction: The crepe is cut in two in every scene. The angle in the middle scene, does not show the cut as prominently as the first and last scene.
The mistake is valid. It's after the kids wanting the picture are leaving that you see the crepe is intact. You see the crepe from the same camera angle when the Hulk agrees to the picture and it's in half. In fact, in the shot of the crepe intact, it's completely differently coloring with less browning spots, so it's a different prop altogether.
21st Mar 2023
Law & Order (1990)
Character mistake: McCoy asks his witness, an expert geneticist, what the odds are that a DNA sample presented in evidence does not match that of the defendant. He answers "About one in two hundred." That is idiotic. If the DNA samples are identical the chances that the the sample presented in evidence does not come from the defendant is about one in two billion, not one in two hundred! A bright high school senior would know that, never mind an expert geneticist.
Suggested correction: If the odds are 1 in 200, that means the accuracy of the DNA is 99.5%. If the odds are 1 in 2 billion, that means the accuracy of the DNA is 99.9999999995%, which simply isn't true.
In fact as any geneticist (i.e, anyone like me) will tell you the chances of two identical DNA "fingerprints" coming from two different and unrelated individuals are around one in two thousand million. Two billion. In fact the odds are much higher than that but we scientists don't like to make claims that sound unlikely or fantastic. The accuracy of DNA fingerprinting is, as you point out, 99.9999999995%. You correction is wrong and the posting is correct.
Except that's not what happened in the scene or what happens in real life. You simply don't understand what you're arguing. You're not a geneticist.
12th Feb 2020
Delirious (1991)
Continuity mistake: Janet goes back and forth from needing to wear glasses to seeing perfectly fine.
Suggested correction: Janet wasn't real. She was a character in Jack's delirious dream. In Jack's dream, he was saying the things Janet was doing was written by Federman, and sometimes he controlled the scene. Not to mention the fact that some people only need glasses to see certain things and can see without them in other incidents or she was wearing contacts.
12th Feb 2020
Delirious (1991)
Factual error: A football game is shown playing on TV at one point. Impossible as the movie is taking place in spring - football games, both college and the NFL, are played in the fall/winter.
Suggested correction: This is during Jack's delirious dream and he wrote it that way to distract Carter who was waiting for the cable repair man. It wasn't something that was meant to be happening in real life.
6th Aug 2021
Delirious (1991)
Factual error: In the deli, which is obviously not a kosher one since one of the items on the menu is "shrimp salad," a Chassidic Jew can be seen eating there. This would not happen in real life, as Chassidic Jews keep the laws of kashrus and would not be eating in a non-kosher restaurant.
Suggested correction: You seem to be referring to the deli in Jack's delirious dream when he wrote the deli into existence. Being a New York delicatessen, he would have simply written about the Jewish person being there. Of course, the Jewish person seen isn't real, he's part of the dream. The real deli at the end doesn't have a Chassidic Jew in it.
21st Nov 2015
The Green Mile (1999)
Continuity mistake: When Del finally dies his jaw is slack, but when it shows his body on the gurney his teeth are clenched tight.
Suggested correction: How can you tell his jaw is slack when he had a hood over it the entire time?
I have the movie and during Del's execution, the hood is partially burned off. After he finally dies, his jaw is completely slack.
I also have the movie and can confirm that not only is Del's jaw slack but, when the hood is burned off it looks like most of his face has been burned off leaving nothing but a skull. Https://
Suggested correction: Rigor mortis can occur as quickly as 2 hours after death. One of the first muscles of the body to stiffen is the jaw. It also depends on the age of the deceased and calcium amount.
Suggested correction: The guards would have done what they could to make his remains less grotesque. Closing his jaw is probably one of their regular duties.
Once the body dies, muscles can not constrict, and they relax. A guard could never close the jaw or mouth after death anymore than he could close a dead man's eyes shortly after death. That's a movie myth.
18th Mar 2023
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Corrected entry: The film is supposed to take place in Maine, but the city Buxton where Red is looking for the hay field is actually in Ohio.
Correction: This is not news. Nearly every movie made in the past three decades is filmed "on location" which could be anywhere.
Correction: There's a Buxton in Maine too.
While true, that's not what the mistake is saying. The mistake is pointing out that filming took place in Ohio, so the scene of Red in Buxton, ME is actually him in Ohio. There is no Buxton, OH.
1) If that was the intention, then the mistake is badly worded. I also would interpret it to mean there is a Buxton in Ohio and not one in Maine. 2) If that is the intent, it is not a mistake. Movies shoot in locations different from their intended settings all the time. Unless there is something obvious on screen (like a sign reading Cincinnati 20 miles) it isn't an error.
The mistake is very clear that the scene that's suppose to be Buxton, Maine is actually Ohio. What's not clear is what revealing evidence there is, other than knowing the filming location. But the correction of pointing out there's a Buxton, Maine isn't a valid correction either.
11th Feb 2016
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013)
Continuity mistake: When Katniss and co get attacked by the monkeys, she fires all her arrows or loses them in the water. We then see her run to the beach with the others. Still her quiver is empty. However, when Peeta gives her the pearl, she now has arrows. (01:42:00)
Suggested correction: When they're on the beach eating, almost an hour has elapsed. Plenty of time for her to get arrows, especially if they're by the cornucopia.
16th Dec 2013
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013)
Continuity mistake: In the training centre, after Brutus throws the spear and after Katniss has shot arrows at the enemies made of orange light (when the shot pans out) the weapons they used have disappeared and are not on the ground. (00:59:10)
Suggested correction: That's not a mistake but intentionally done to show the technology. It's not explained how it works, but the weapons disappear as it hits the targets.
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Correction: If it has been a few days, it shouldn't strike anyone as unusual that he could be wearing the same outfit. It certainly could be that no items were changed during shooting, but it is believable as a real life situation.
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