Corrected entry: Hades states that Zeus is his older brother when actually he was the youngest among the first twelve gods. So Hades is older than Zeus. (00:27:55)
21st Jan 2018
Once Upon a Time (2011)
22nd Jan 2002
The Waterboy (1998)
Corrected entry: While Adam Sandler is taking the proficiency test in the gym, he is told that it is a 300 question multiple choice test and is handed a Scantron sheet. The Scantron sheet he is given though only has 100 sets of bubbles, 50 on each side.
Correction: There are three sheets stapled together.
There's nothing to suggest there were 3 scantrons stapled together. The way Bobby starts filling it out, you only see one. And afterwards Vicki is holding just one scantron that had Bobby's score.
19th Mar 2003
The Waterboy (1998)
Corrected entry: In the short scene where Bobby is standing in front of his class holding a large molecule, the diagram of the molecule can be seen on the blackboard. In part of this diagram a carbon atom 'C' can be seen bonded to five other atoms. As all good chemists know however, carbon can only form four bonds and so this molecule could not possibly exist.
Correction: The carbon/four bonds statement is wrong. CH5 is methanium. That's five hydrogen atoms bonded to one carbon.
This isn't quite accurate. In Methanium, 2 of the hydrogen molecules share 1 electron which means 2 hydrogens share 1 bond so that there's still just 4 bonds. Methanium is CH5+ or CH3 (H2) + not CH5. What is on the board doesn't indicate any shared electrons and couldn't exist. That being said, there could be a number of suggestion as to why this wouldn't be classified as a mistake, but this correction isn't one of them.
15th Mar 2022
The Wedding Date (2005)
Corrected entry: Both leave for London from NY in day time. Before they arrive and Kay wakes up still on the plane, Nick says good morning. It doesn't take that long to fly from NYC even in late afternoon and arrive in London the next morning (sun up) even with the time zone difference.
Correction: You're taking the line too literally. The flight attendant even says local time is 4:22 pm. It's not uncommon for people to say "good morning" to people who wake up from a nap, especially if it's a long or unplanned nap.
15th Mar 2022
The Protégé (2021)
Other mistake: In the kitchen fight scene Maggie Q's weapon fires on automatic (without a magazine) when she is knocked to the floor by Michael K, but when she jumps over the table her weapon is and fires as a shotgun.
Suggested correction: She always has a shotgun, her weapon doesn't change.
5th Mar 2022
Three's Company (1977)
The Not-So-Great Imposter - S5-E9
Plot hole: All these characters (the bookie, policemen, the sister, the husband) were after David Miller and all come to attack Jack in some way (thinking Jack is David Miller). However, a big city like LA most likely has several David Millers so why would they all assume this David Miller is the one they're looking for? So even though Jack's name could have been David Miller, how would everyone think he is the one they're looking for?
Suggested correction: These are questions, not plot holes. First, Jack and the restaurant are in Santa Monica, not LA. At the time, Santa Monica had a population of around 88,000. While the article was printed in the LA Times, there wouldn't be a lot of famous, professional chefs, working/living in Santa Monica named David Miller.
3rd Mar 2022
The Walking Dead (2010)
Corrected entry: When Glen is pulled from The Well, Lori calls him Rick twice. Rick isn't even seen in this clip cause he's off with the farmer making plans to find Sophia. (00:19:00 - 00:19:23)
Correction: At no point does she, or anyone else, say "Rick." She says "Glenn" twice.
3rd Mar 2022
Peep Show (2003)
Nether Zone - S7-E4
Other mistake: Jeremy and Mark are locked in an apartment building. Mark calls a locksmith but is unable to get any assistance as he doesn't know the address. Several minutes later Jeremy orders a pizza to the address and it arrives with no issue. (00:04:28 - 00:10:20)
Suggested correction: Mark gives a series of addresses with the help of Jeremy who finally seems to remember the address. Although, there's no indication the locksmith wasn't willing to help. After the call Mark said they called him a "prong." And if they didn't offer any assistance, it could be because they thought it was a prank. When Jeremy calls the pizza place, part of his conversation is drowned out by Mark's voice over, but is reasonable to assume he gave the correct address now that he remember it.
3rd Mar 2022
Bob's Burgers (2011)
The Cook, the Steve, the Gayle, & Her Lover - S6-E6
Corrected entry: In this episode, the whole family is surprised that Gayle is dating Mr. Frond. But in S6-E4, they know Gayle is dating Mr. Frond because Gayle is upset he went to his aunt's for Thanksgiving.
Correction: That's because the episodes were aired out of order. This episode (production code 5ASA12) was produced before "Gayle Makin' Bob Sled" (production code 5ASA17). It's not a mistake for the show. The network decided to air the Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas episodes first so they could air before the respective holidays.
18th Dec 2007
Friends (1994)

Continuity mistake: After Chandler makes the joke about Joey cracking show business, Joey is holding the phone in his left hand. In the next shot, it is in his right hand. (00:11:20)
Suggested correction: You can actually see him switch it to the other hand before the next scene pops up if you look close enough.
Not for the shot the mistake is talking about. Throughout the scene he's switching the phone back and forth. But after Chandler's line, Joey is just standing there with the phone in his left hand, he doesn't make any move to switch hands. In the next shot, the wide shot from the side showing everyone, you see the phone is in his right hand.
25th May 2010
The Wizard of Oz (1939)
Corrected entry: I have to post this to refute the comment that denied the existence of an alternate ending. I was overjoyed to find a comment here from someone else who remembered seeing a different ending just one time in the 1960s. I've spent my whole life trying to find someone else who remembered this. In the 1960s the annual broadcast of the film had hosts. I, and two of my friends, ever since childhood always remembered that one year the movie had a different ending. I've always sensed it was the year that the hosts were Liza Minnelli and Lorna and Joey Luft. We never could remember what the different ending was, but we recalled that it was black and white and that our reaction was: It wasn't just a dream that time. Now that I've read this other person's memory of the camera's panning to the ruby slippers under the bed, in black and white, I remember that's what I saw. Another commenter says that there's no evidence that the scene ever existed. I am here to verify that someone else has never stopped wondering for over 40 years about a vague memory of a different ending from one airing in the 1960s.
Correction: This website gives some confirmation, it's one of those myths that get mixed up in people's memories to being convinced they have seen it. The WoZ original footage has been carefully preserved, it's not lost, if this footage made it to the final film for view; somebody would have posted it by now as the footage would still exist somewhere. It's possible you saw a skit or parody though that you mistook for the actual film. That would make sense.
Correction: This is called the "Mandela Effect" (aka 'collective false memory').
It's not a false memory, when I have never forgotten that night, only to find that someone else also remembered it. We may all be connected by our subconscious, but that's going a bit too far. Just because you don't remember it doesn't mean it didn't happen.
But the nature of a collective false memory means just because two people remember something happening, doesn't mean it did! :-).
It's also possible you saw a parody or a different adaption of WoZ one time and it mixed up in your memory as being a part of the 1939 movie. There is no evidence of this ending ever being in the 1939 version. It's not in the script, there is no surviving imagery of it, and no other record of it whether through cast/crew memories or having been noted as a cut scene. Since we do have records of cut/altered scenes from WoZ, more than likely there would be record of this ending somewhere.
That's the exact definition of The Mandela Effect...multiple people having the same memory of something, even though it never happened. There are people who swear that the line in "Snow White" is "Mirror, mirror on the wall," when in fact it is, "Magic mirror on the wall." Just as there are people who are absolutely convinced that Sinbad was in a movie called "Shazaam."
I also remember this ending and it has driven me crazy over the years! I would stake my life on seeing the slippers under her bed. You are not alone, and I am glad I am not either.
Correction: I do remember seeing a different ending where the camera pans down and slippers are under the bed after Dorothy says, "there's no place like home." I saw it in the 80's at a classmates house, we were watching a rented VHS of the film at her birthday party. I even remember her mother saying she had never seen that part before.
Hi everyone, I would also like to include that I too, in the '60s, saw The Wizard of Oz with the ruby slippers under the bed. I told people for years about this, and no one else could remember the ending. So, I decided since we have the internet today, I would see if anyone else saw this alternative ending and am pleased to see that you have.
I vividly remember once seeing the camera pan down to the slippers under the bed at the end of the movie. I didn't know anyone else had seen this until I just Googled it and this thread came up.
Correction: Have you ever watched the 1925 "Wizard of Oz" film? I haven't watched it and I don't know its history of being aired on TV. But it was shot in B&W and perhaps that's the version you watched (I'm not claiming it is or isn't though).
I'd say it can't be, if you peek at it (it's available on Youtube), the ending is completely different and wouldn't fit. Fascinating discussion, anyway! To the original poster; nobody means to disparage your memory, in fact we're trying to come up with possible explanations; it's pretty certain though that it can't be an official alternate ending, because we're talking about one of the most iconic and analyzed movies ever. Now it's all about figuring out what sort of clip did they play during that TV broadcast you seem to remember. And there's a gigantic wikipedia page just about the telecast alone. Perhaps it was a wraparound credits sequence?
It's not a pseudo memory at all. I remembered the same thing from the late sixties and have tried to find out for decades why it was just the one year as well and I saw it and remembered it before I ever saw others were trying to find out about it. Very strange but I have to agree that there should be a lot more people that remember it. I'm watching the movie again now and the memory came back again. When I searched I just now saw that others DO remember that different ending.
Thank you. I appreciate your saying that you're not trying to disparage my memory, but that is exactly what the responders are doing. Instead of trying to come up with explanations, maybe people should accept that they cannot prove a negative, and that just because they don't recall it and can't find a record doesn't mean I'm wrong. I don't want to keep repeating myself, I know what I saw, and my best friend (whom I did not meet until several years after) remembers it too.
No. I've never seen it.
25th Feb 2022
Santa Clarita Diet (2017)
A Specific Form of Recklessness - S3-E7
Corrected entry: When Eric is explaining the bomb to Sheila and Joel, Sheila says to push the detonator when 50 feet away. Joel says no 50 yards. Eric says that is 500 ft. It's actually 150 feet. 3x50=150. (00:23:35)
Correction: That's not quite what he says. He said "it's 500 feet", not "that is." Both of them had the distance wrong and he was giving the correct distance to detonate the bomb.
27th Aug 2001
Commando (1985)

Continuity mistake: Rae fires a rocket at the police van, first she fires it back to front then the second time she fires it correctly only this time she is knocked back by the recoil, why wasn't she affected the first time and pushed forward? Also there should be no recoil with a rocket launch. (00:57:10)
Suggested correction: She was pushed forward against the front windshield which kept her upright whereas when firing it the right way she was thrown backward into the back seat. And rocket launchers will have some measure of recoil from the propulsion of the rocket firing out of the front of the launcher, how much depends on the time and force of the rockets being firing as every weapon has some form of recoil from firing.
Rocket launchers don't have the recoil you think. The propulsion of the rocket firing out of the front is countered by the gases expelling out the back behind the shooter. But if she was pushed forward (which she's not), her waist was above the top of the windshield, so the top of her body would should still lean over, even if it didn't cause her to topple over like she does with the seat.
18th Feb 2022
Pretty Little Liars (2010)
Character mistake: Ali calls Emily "Hannah" when getting to the romantic spot that she set up.
Suggested correction: Ali doesn't call her by any name. I think what you're hearing as "Hannah" was the line "and if" (and if this is our last chance of freedom). Or before when she said "I had a dream."
18th Feb 2022
The Philadelphia Story (1940)
Character mistake: When Tracy is about to announce that the wedding is off, she turns to Dexter for help, and he says "Two years ago..." Tracy starts the announcement "Three years ago..."
18th Feb 2022
Panic Room (2002)
Corrected entry: When viewing the property, Meg's mother reprimands Sarah for riding her scooter and playing with the elevator - but for some reason, both times she calls her Kim, not Sarah, as Meg does.
Correction: She doesn't say "Kim", she says "kid."
18th Feb 2022
Valentine (2001)
Trivia: As of 2022, this is the only widely-released theatrical film to feature David Boreanaz in a starring role. His only other starring film roles have been in TV-movies, limited releases and direct-to-video movies. (Although thankfully, he is an incredibly successful television actor).
Suggested correction: Those are very narrow parameters that could describe a lot of TV actors, but how would you classify "The Mighty Macs" (2009)? He has a starring role that opened to almost 1,000 theaters its opening week and remained in theaters over a month (albeit with reducing numbers of theaters showing the film).
17th Feb 2022
Ozark (2017)
Corrected entry: Marty tells Ruth he'll pay her $1000 a week when he asks her to run the strip club. Later in the season, Ruth has demands, and says she wants to make 25k a year. Marty says "done." $1000 per week would have been $52k a year.
Correction: That's not what happened. She asked for a raise and Marty asked how much, and she says $25K. Meaning she wants $25K more, not to make just $25K.
17th Feb 2022
Foyle's War (2002)
Other mistake: Beck sometimes calls the safe breaker Harry and sometimes Malcolm, which is correct?
Suggested correction: His name is Harry Markham. He doesn't say Malcom.
2nd Feb 2020
Midway (2019)
Other mistake: At the end, it states "Clarence Dickinson became a 'Real' Admiral..." instead of Rear Admiral. (02:04:17)
Suggested correction: I just had the chance to watch the movie again. It says "Rear" not "Real" as alleged in this entry.
I watched just now and my version also shows "Real" rather than "Rear." Perhaps this was fixed only in some releases.
What version did you watch? I see "Rear." Perhaps a screenshot is needed.
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Correction: In Greek mythology, yes, but not in Once Upon a Time: The show freely adapts the source material, with numerous drastic changes to the original: The Queen of Hearts is the mother of The Evil Queen from "Snow White" and the Wicked Witch of the West, The Crocodile is the son of Peter Pan, Red Riding Hood and the wolf are one and the same, Peter Pan is a villain, etc.
Catwalk ★
Not only that, but it comes from the 1997 Disney film "Hercules" in which Zeus is the older brother. Which only compounds the mythology problem since Hercules is the son of Jupiter and Heracles is the son of Zeus. So Disney is just continuing its own mythology story.