Deep Blue Sea

Corrected entry: When the female doctor strips out of her wet suit to shock the shark, she grabs the flexible metal tubing and yanks it off the wall with no problem. Two problems here. It would take more than a struggle to rip that of the wall. Second, the wires should be in "non-flexible" metal tubing. (However, I am not accustomed to electrical codes for underwater oceanic bases and perhaps the code calls for flex.) Either way, though, it would be impossible for her to simply pull the wires out without much struggle.

Correction: These are both assumptions. It is unknown how well secured the flexible tubing is to the junction box or how strong Dr. McCallister is. Remember that people in extremely intense situations can muster more strength from the adrenalin rush than they could under normal circumstances. Flexible metal tubing is an acceptable alternative to non-flexible tubing; unknown why the submitter would even think that it could not be used - especially in an oceanic base operating in international waters.


Corrected entry: If the crew acknowledges the fact that these sharks have been modified enough to possibly swim backwards, why are they so shocked when it happens?

Correction: Only Dr. McCallister knew that the sharks had been genetically altered. Everyone else just thought that they were breeding them for the protein complex which would not necessarily mean that they could swim backwards.


Corrected entry: The female lead says that when her father was suffering from Alzheimer's, she had to tell him every day that his wife was dead "and watch that knowledge hit him like a train wreck". If he had no memory, why make the poor man suffer like that? Why not just tell him she was down at the shops every time he asked where she was? (00:05:10)

Correction: That is a moral dilemma. Obviously the character didn't want to lie to her father and thought it would be best if she just told him the truth. It would would also avoid further questions like "why is she taking so long down at the shops?"

Corrected entry: If these sharks were herding the people to the top of the structure to get them to flood it, why did they keep killing them off? If no one was left who would flood the building?

Correction: The sharks kept attacking to get the people moving.

Corrected entry: The sharks can break through metal, but not the glass in the oven where one of the characters is "hiding". Must be some strong glass...

Correction: Because the sharks don't have any legs, the only way they can put any real force behind a blow is to ram their target. The kitchen is so cramped that the shark can't swim around and gather any momentum, so he can't hit the oven with full force.

Corrected entry: Doesn't anyone watch the Weather Channel? Why was this storm a surprise to anyone? At the very least, the pilot who flew Samuel Jackson to the site would have been made aware of it before he left the airport. Also, why would a facility of this size and type not have a full-time medical provider on-site if they were going to continue to perform experiments through the weekend? Stupid from start to finish. (00:23:20 - 00:34:50)

Correction: The storm wasn't a suprise. What did the pilot care who flew Sam Jackson to the facility? That pilot was being paid by the hour for a quick turn around. The facility had sophisticated weather monitoring equipment (or at least a decent link up) as shown by many shots of the woman in the control tower who is watching the storm develop. She tells everyone in advance that there is a storm coming and they shut down the fuel pumps. The storm has no effect on the facility whatsoever, UNTIL it has been damaged by an exploding helicopter. Not stupid at all.

Corrected entry: Near the start of the movie during an underwater shot, we see a teddy bear sink like a lead weight when it would ordinarily float. (00:02:40)

Correction: It may have a weighted base so that it always sits upright.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the cook is trapped by the shark, the water in the kitchen is about waist-high. When Preacher jumps out of the oven, the shark turns to get him and you see that the shark is completely underwater. Those sharks are supposed to be really big, so you should at least see the fin when it's underwater.

Correction: The water surface and the fin are offscreen in that shot, so it's impossible to say that the fin is not showing. Furthermore, in almost every other shot, the fin is shown above water.


Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, Dr. Susan McCallister cuts her hand and jumps into the water to bring the shark closer. All she had to do was stick her hand in the water so the shark could smell the blood and would come closer. Has she done this, she might have lived.

Correction: The shark is super-smart, so if it didn't see anything there to chase after, it wouldn't go after the scent of blood. Dr. McCallister knows this.

Corrected entry: At the very end of the movie, when the shark is getting out through the fence, it (the shark) backs up. Correct me if I'm wrong, but sharks can't swim backwards, no matter how much gene therapy they've had. Swimming backwards would cause water to surge into their gills, thus killing them.

Correction: Well, the characters comment earlier in the film about the super-sharks swimming backwards (when they recoil from seeing the gun), so its safe to assume that their modifications have given them the ability to do this.


Corrected entry: When the female doctor gets off the table after electrocuting the shark, she left the wires in the water, therefore when she got off the table she would have been electrocuted through the water too.

Correction: Electrocuting the shark would have shorted out the wires, hence there'd be no more electricity flow.

Corrected entry: Carter calls Scott "Tom" twice after calling him Scott prior, when in the wet lab trying to calm him down after the rich suit gets eaten.

Correction: He never calls him "Scott", he calls him "Scoggs." The character's name is Tom Scoggins.


Corrected entry: When McCallister cuts herself and jumps into the water, you see blood in the first shot. Then when she is swimming and wading etc., there is no sign of blood at all. (01:32:25)

Correction: As soon as she jumps into the water you can see a red pool around her, that's the blood from her hand.

Corrected entry: Sharks can swim quite fast (some up to 65kmph). How does Preach, wading at a relatively slow speed, escape the shark the first time he sees it? (00:51:20)

Correction: It's a massive shark, in shallow water, around tight bends for the animal. You try sprinting full pelt round a bend and you'll see why.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the remaining crew are climbing the maintenance shaft where the debris is falling from the elevator blocking the full way up, why doesn't the elevator itself fall? It's in a bad enough state as it is, so why does it not fall? (01:03:10)

Correction: It may have become jammed in the shaft.

Corrected entry: All winches on choppers have an emergency release in case something like the shark grabbing it happened - why didn't they use it? (00:38:30)

Correction: It was a rescue team. They would do anything to rescue Jim, and in this case things happened too fast, so the chopper was pulled without the crew being able to do anything about it. Also it would make the rescue team look bad if they just cut the wires and let Jim fall into the ocean. So I guess they stood up against a dilemma and weren't thinking straight.


Corrected entry: They are searching for batteries for this real big flashlight and finally find some in the clock. 1. How can such small batteries provide enough energy for the flashlight? 2. How do they fit in? I'd say you need bigger batteries! (01:11:00)

Correction: They don't. The batteries come from a varity of sources, the clock provides just one (maybe 2). That is why he is looking for a sex toy, for extra batteries.

Corrected entry: Anyone notice the shark could break through a steel door in 4 or 5 hits that's made to withstand tons of water pressure, but it takes 6 or 7 direct hits to get through a chainlink fence at the end and never succeeds? (01:29:30)

Correction: The door the shark is trying to batter down already has tons of water pressure behind it, the shark's added attempts were more than they were designed to withstand.

Corrected entry: Didn't anyone think it strange that after initial shark attack that no one of the group wonders where Preach is or mentions him, yet they don't seem a bit surprised when he saves them all? (01:08:05)

Correction: Actually, when they hear noises at one point earlier in the film, they call out "Preach?", so they know he might be around, but they probably assume he's dead - if the second floor was flooded they would assume the third floor was too.


Corrected entry: Towards the end of the film when Carter is being dragged along by the shark, the shark rams into a wire fence. You can see that half of Carter is dragged through the hole in the fence. When you see the underwater shot of the shark exploding, Carter is to the left of the whole and is within the compound. When Preach calls out to him, he is outside the compund. How did he move so fast? (01:35:40)

Correction: The force of the shark exploding blew him around underwater.


Revealing mistake: When the shark first attacks and bites off Jim's arm, you can briefly see his real arm under his shirt as he's screaming in pain. (00:34:10)

More mistakes in Deep Blue Sea

Russell Franklin: You think water moves fast? You should see ice. It moves like it has a mind. Like it knows it killed the world once and got a taste for murder. After the avalanche, it took us a week to climb out. Now, I don't know exactly when we turned on each other, but I know that seven of us survived the slide... And only five made it out. Now we took an oath, that I'm breaking now. We said we'd say it was the snow that killed the other two, but it wasn't. Nature is lethal but it doesn't hold a candle to man.

More quotes from Deep Blue Sea

Trivia: Director Renny Harlin has a cameo as one of the employees of Aquatica who are leaving the facility for their weekend break in the opening scene.

More trivia for Deep Blue Sea

Question: Was there supposed to be some more of the scene between Carter and Susan after she had killed the third shark?

Answer: I assume you are referring to the scene after Susan killed the second shark (she was killed before the third shark was killed). The comments LL makes to finish that scene do seem a little out of place with what they were talking about but the film does have a number of scenes cut out. Most of the deleted scenes on the DVD deal with character development and dialogue but there is no evidence the scene was cut as the DVD's deleted scenes dont have any extra footage on that scene or alternate dialogue.


Answer: Yes, Susan and Carter actually share a kiss in the original ending. They grew smitten with one another in unreleased deleted scenes leading up to it. The kiss is interrupted by Sherman "Preacher" Dudley clearing his throat, who's still recovering from his wounds. This, of course, was part of the unreleased original ending that was changed at the last minute due to test audiences wanting Susan to die. The footage was never released but there are stills from said kiss and this was how it was scripted to end. Fans started a petition on the Change site asking Warner to release the original ending and even Thomas Jane is promoting it on his Instagram account. But as of now, the ending has yet to be released.

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