Audio problem: In the final fight scene between Liu and Shang Tsung, Liu hits Shang in the face repeatedly, but there is one extra hit sound for which there is no motion.

Audio problem: When the Knights deploy their missiles with no results, we see in close-ups as they respond that Steven is Knight 1, Jimmy is Knight 7, and another Marine is Knight 3. After Steven says, "Knight 1. Sweet Luck. Echo, Fox 2," we see a close-up of Knight 3 and hear his voice (not Jimmy's) say, "Knight 7, Fox 2", though he is in fact Knight 3, and Jimmy is Knight 7. (01:00:45)

Audio problem: When Jack tells the bad guy he wants to get off the bus, he says "it's not against the rules." The bad guy then says "All right, but I want you back real fast." Look at his mouth while he says the line. You can see that the talking isn't similar to the moving mouth. This is because Dennis Hopper originally said "in ten minutes" instead of "real fast." Since Jack was gone longer than 10 minutes, the line was re-dubbed to something less specific. (01:10:37)

Audio problem: A soda can that is supposed to be full hits the man. When the can hits the ground you can hear that it's empty.

Audio problem: Right after Joseph Buquet is killed, Raoul runs and finds Christine. When she says, "Raoul, we're not safe here", her lips do not move; her mouth is merely agape. (01:05:35)

Audio problem: At the very end of, "We Welcome You to Munchkin Land," at the very last 'fa la la la la laaaaaa' right before the Wicked Witch interrupts the song with her explosive arrival, you can hear someone scream before the explosion even occurs. (00:29:04)

Audio problem: Murph's dialogue doesn't sync with her mouth at the lines "you hate farming, Dad." (00:17:43)

Audio problem: At the start of the movie, when Clint Eastwood says "You're making a mistake," his lips don't seem to be moving.

Audio problem: When they scream at the cupcake shop, Gru sounds like he's behind the glass dome, while Lucy gives off a regular scream. But as we can see, Lucy is behind the dome, making a silly face, not Gru.

Audio problem: In the opening scene when the band Black Plague is performing, the audio is out of sync and the drums aren't playing what they should be. When playing the cowbell the drummer is hitting the hi-hat, and so on. Also when hitting the snare it's out of sync, Bobby Black is also missing some notes. And when the backing vocals are heard no-one is singing. (00:01:45)

Audio problem: Alexis confirms in a conversation with his brother that it's Valentine's day 2006, but if you watch his lips he says 2004.

Audio problem: At the climax of the film when the Turtles are about to face Shredder for the first time, Raphael says, "I got him" and then runs to fight. When Raphael falls to the ground, his pair of Sai hit the ground but make no noise. There should be a metallic sound against the rooftop. (01:19:00)

Audio problem: When Miss Orchid is making dinner for Wong Kei-Ying, she turns to him and tells him about a special chili that is made. When she turns back to her cooking, she tells him how hot it is but her mouth doesn't move.

Audio problem: When Sam, Frodo, and Gollum are in the forest of Ithilien, when Sam says "Can't you hear yourself, don't you know who you sound like?" the shots change and you can see Sam mouthing the words again. (01:38:30)

Audio problem: As Playmate of the Year Carrie Foster is brought out to the audience carried by two Green Berets watch the band behind her closely. The bass player stops playing as he scratches his head but the bass on the soundtrack keeps going. (01:07:55)

Audio problem: When Ariel's sisters are singing in the beginning of the movie the yellowish sister's mouth doesn't move when she says her name.

Audio problem: As Fred slides down the banister he cries out "Whee!" but his mouth remains closed. (00:16:50)

Audio problem: Towards the end there's a firefight between Matrix who wields a shotgun and El Presidente who is armed with a Steyr AUG. The weapon sounds used for the Steyr AUG however are from a MAC 10 or an UZI and don't sound a bit like it. (01:18:13)

Audio problem: When the Ancient One is explaining to Bruce that taking the Time Stone will affect their reality, there is a shot from behind the Ancient One where she says "Millions will suffer", but her mouth doesn't move when she says the line. (01:24:20)

Audio problem: When Dewey is being stabbed up against the soundproof glass, you see a shot of Gale shouting "No." You can see a reflection of the killer in the glass standing motionless, but you can hear Dewey being stabbed. (01:18:45)