Audio problem: (May only apply to the original VHS release.) When Scar has Zazu locked up in a cage, Zazu mentions Mufasa's name and Scar yells at him, "What did you say?" Right before Scar's actual line, whilst Zazu is talking, you hear Scar's "What did you say?" line very faintly in the background, even though Zazu has not even mentioned Mufasa yet.

Audio problem: At the beginning, when they steal the dolphin, you hear the peel-out sound effect as if the truck was on a paved road, but they were on grass. (00:07:15)

Audio problem: When Harry and Lloyd pick up the hitchhiking natives, when they were playing the mockingbird song, the guitar was playing but his hands weren't moving at all. (00:40:38)

Audio problem: When Jack tells the bad guy he wants to get off the bus, he says "it's not against the rules." The bad guy then says "All right, but I want you back real fast." Look at his mouth while he says the line. You can see that the talking isn't similar to the moving mouth. This is because Dennis Hopper originally said "in ten minutes" instead of "real fast." Since Jack was gone longer than 10 minutes, the line was re-dubbed to something less specific. (01:10:37)

Audio problem: Right after Jackson has been dragged through the desert by the creature, it wakes him up and he says, "Get away from me," but his mouth never moves. (00:40:30)

Audio problem: At the end of the movie when Vada is singing to her new baby brother, we see a shot from over her shoulder. The movements of her mouth don't match the words she is singing.

Audio problem: At the end of the movie, when Sergeant Cass is leading the new recruits in Rago's Hamlet march cadence, there is a loud answer from the recruits he is leading. It is quite obvious that not a single recruit is saying anything.

Audio problem: During the football match when Forrest runs and bumps into the band players, we hear what sounds like cymbals crashing/dropping to the ground. But if you look at the band players he knocks over, there are no cymbals anywhere near them.

Audio problem: When Rocco is testing the bomb in the morning in the cabin, when he says, "We're going to detonate it", his mouth isn't moving with the words. (00:50:35)

Audio problem: In the public restroom fight, Arnold slams one of the bad guys head into the ceramic urinal. Although you hear two loud and clear "klonks", the urinal bends when Arnold presses the bad guy's head down. [Only visible in the pan and scan version.] (00:31:55)

Audio problem: When Buckwheat says, "It's worse than I thought", while watching Alfalfa and Darla in the boat, you can see Uh-Huh next to him mouthing that line.

Audio problem: When Kevin's young daughter is blessing things at dinner, Kevin says something about it and what he says doesn't match his lips.

Audio problem: Counsellor Troi visits Picard in his quarters after he finds out that his brother dies. Listen to Picard say "Counsellor - er". There is an audio editing mistake of some sort where you could clearly hear that his voice was dubbed over the original, the original being off by a fraction of a second. The "er" sound from "Counsellor" is repeated. (00:38:20)

Audio problem: When the kids are riding back from Miss Cavore's house on their bikes, their is some dialogue between them. In one of the shots we can see them talking, but in the next shot we hear them talking but their lips aren't moving.

Audio problem: In the scene near the beginning of the film where Charles and Scarlet are heading to the first wedding, they miss their turn off and so have to reverse on the motorway. You see that Scarlet turns her head around to see out the back of the car and can hear her swearing but her mouth never opens.

Audio problem: There is a scene where Eric is following the crow through a dark room. The camera trails off to show the crow's shadow and there is a sound as of wings fluttering yet the shadow is perfectly still. (00:10:10)

Audio problem: When Ed Wood meets Orson Welles, after Orson says his first line his cheeks keep moving, just as it does when he is speaking.

Audio problem: When Tina is tied to the palm tree with the bomb armed and Ipkiss is fighting with the goons. Ipkiss fights with Dorian and punches him over and over with Dorain on his back. The punching sounds are VERY obviously off from the action.

Audio problem: When Laurie gets a letter from Jo in which she tells him about Beth's death, you hear her reading it in a voice-over. She says "come home to us", while her handwriting says "come home to me". A small, but in this special case significant difference. (01:36:50)

Audio problem: When Shame points both his guns to the 2 guys in the beginning of the movie, you hear both guns click, but you can see that they are already cocked.