Audio problem: Murph's dialogue doesn't sync with her mouth at the lines "you hate farming, Dad." (00:17:43)

Audio problem: When Jonas first shows Lily how to dance, then caught and asked what he is doing, Lily responds with "Jonas says it's called dancing." The audio is added in in post production. Lily is smiling at Jonas without moving her lips. (00:37:00)

Audio problem: As Beatrice and Caleb are walking through the streets, Caleb asks Beatrice "What if she'd been blind or an amputee? Would you have helped her then?" and Beatrice replies "I was thinking about helping her." Neither their lips nor jaws ever move during both these lines. (00:05:35)

Audio problem: When Dr. Norton disassembles RoboCop to demonstrate to him the reality of his situation, the movement of his lungs do not match Murphy's speech. (00:33:30)

Audio problem: In the scene where Kevin Costner teaches his daughter to ride her purple bike, we hear her say "how do you even get on it", but her lips don't move at all. (01:08:55)

Audio problem: During Electro and Spidey's final battle, after Spidey breaks the yellow pipe Electro says "Is that all you've got?" but his lips aren't moving. (01:51:15)

Audio problem: When they are playing "Whiplash" it shows a hand playing piano. When the hand is going up the piano (to the right) the music goes up, then down. Going up the piano should only play higher notes. (00:18:20)

Audio problem: Jay's friends are playing Old Maid on the porch at night. Her sister asks the guy to pass her the spiked soda. She drinks and then puts the can down. Several seconds pass, but in the next shot Paul retrieves the can reacting to it as if the girl just put it down - in fact there is even a metallic sound, which is impossible consider Kelly's movements and Yara talking between shots. (00:22:00)

Audio problem: When Dawson and Amanda are at the Vandemere House, there is a nighttime scene where they are in the living room. Dawson is by the fire, and Amanda is on the couch. You can see Amanda's profile, and you hear her say something about turning on the radio last time they were there, and how she knew a song would come on. And you hear her laughing, but her lips and chin do not move. (01:18:00)

Audio problem: At the end the soldiers can be heard cheering and clanking their gear, yet they're all kneeling motionless.

Audio problem: After Alexander Pierce discovers Nick is alive, Pierce starts explaining the intention of his plan to him. A reverse angle of Pierce is shown where he says "You didn't ask. You just did what had to be done. I can bring order to the lives of seven billion people by sacrificing 20 million." His jaw doesn't seem to be matching up with his speech. (01:42:00)

Audio problem: In a shot during the scene with "Big Girls Don't Cry," when Frankie Valli sings, "Baby, I was cruel," the soundtrack is going, they're dancing, but Frankie is not singing - or at least, his lips aren't moving. (01:00:20)

Audio problem: When Christmas and the Spanish man narrowly miss being hit by a shell, the Spanish man falls through the floor and says he loves it. Christmas then replies with "good keep it up" or words to those effect. However his mouth doesn't move. (01:35:00)
Suggested correction: It did move, checked it.

Audio problem: When Norm tells the crew about the SS Battalion, Coon throws his wrench into the mud. However, a metallic sound like a wrench hitting concrete is heard. (01:29:10)

Audio problem: Winston asks John if he has returned to the fold. In this shot, the camera is over the shoulder (of Winston) and Winston's audio is overdubbed. (00:40:25)

Audio problem: When Aunt Cass offers to make wings, the voice actor says, "with the hot sauce that makes our faces melt", but the animation reflects, "with the hot sauce that melts our faces off."

Audio problem: When Jeffery is reading the letter from his mother, you can see the words on the first line "words cannot explain" but the woman's voice over reads "words cannot express" (01:31:00 - 01:32:00)

Audio problem: When Brian is rehearsing with his band, the flautists are heard playing whilst their instruments remain on their laps. (Moments later, the same phrase is repeated, but this time the flautists are playing it).

Audio problem: When the Russians fire at Mrs. Brown after jumping into the river we can see the slide lock back on the gun indicating the gun is empty and stopping the hammer from hitting the firing pin. However the gun still makes the click sound of the hammer hitting the firing pin. (01:16:10)

Audio problem: When we see a close up of the LP playing on the gramophone, you can occasionally see the needle is not actually touching the LP but sound is still heard.