Audio problem: When Tommy replays Jamie's call about Michael, there's an announcement at the bus station, when Jamie makes that call, you don't hear that announcement.

Audio problem: When Smokey is spanking the boy who knocks over the trash cans with his belt, notice he only spanks him a few times yet the sound of the spanks is double the actual amount.

Audio problem: In the final fight scene between Liu and Shang Tsung, Liu hits Shang in the face repeatedly, but there is one extra hit sound for which there is no motion.

Audio problem: When Cher and Tai are at the party and Travis comes up to them he has 2 cups of some kind of drink and all of a sudden you hear a sound that is supposed to be something spilling. I guess they assumed that it was supposed to be the beer spilling on Cher's shoes. Well as you can see nothing falls/spills from the cup, it is just sound effects.

Audio problem: In the DVD version, before Brodie says to TS, "I suddenly want something very bad to happen to you," you can hear Kevin Smith or someone say "Action."

Audio problem: When Nomi is dancing at the Crave Club with the bouncer, she kicks him for making a suggestive comment and the bouncer stumbles backward into another guy on the dance floor. The bouncer tells the guy to "be cool", and the guy responds with "you be cool, buddy", but as we hear him say this, he's already punching the bouncer and his lips aren't moving along with the words. (00:17:35)

Audio problem: At the beginning of the movie when the employees start singing after Mark puts his song on, Renee Zellweger is supposed to be singing while she wipes the CDs but you hear her singing and her mouth is not even moving.

Audio problem: In the scene where Lucy first enters Peter's hospital room, you can hear a respirator, and he is not hooked up to one. Also, the respirator noise is much faster than an unconscious human should be breathing.

Audio problem: When the girls enter the fortune-tellers home, the fortune-teller says "I know," however her mouth says something else. (00:48:35)

Audio problem: When Dade is typing on Kate's computer at the party and she is leaning over her shoulder, we hear "I hope you don't screw like you type", but Kate doesn't actually say 'screw', she mouths a certain 4-letter word that starts with F.

Audio problem: There are several times throughout the film when Miss Minchin is playing her harp and her finger movements does not match with what we hear.

Audio problem: When Josh is telling Ben Stiller that the candy belongs to Seymour Butts, his lips don't match the words he's saying. In the next shot, Ben Stiller responds, and his lips don't match the words he's saying either.

Audio problem: When the grey mare has escaped and Lancelot begins chasing her, watch her footfalls and listen to the hoofbeats - the two are totally out of sync.

Audio problem: When Judge Dread and Rob Schneider are running to escape from oncoming guards they are stopped by one guard right before they leave on the motorcycle. The guard says "I knew it was you Dredd." The camera focuses on him before he is done saying that but his mouth is not moving.

Audio problem: When Cole and Railly discover the twelve monkeys symbol on the walls, Cole grabs Railly's arm and shouts "Hey!" twice, but his lips don't move the second time. (00:57:45)

Audio problem: On the way back to the house, in the back of the horse cart, Babe and Fly are talking to each other. They never open their mouths while they're talking.

Audio problem: In the beginning of the film, Sly is on the computer telling his employers that the mark has been retired. If you listen to the keyboard strokes compared to what's typed on the screen, you'll notice that no sound is made for the space bar or the enter button.

Audio problem: When boiling acid starts spraying inside of the bank vault that Batman and a security guard are in, the security guard shouts "It's boiling acid." But his lips does not match with what he is saying. It happens again when the guard yells to Batman, "Don't let go." (00:08:15)

Audio problem: All Air Canada employees speak with a very pronounced French accent rather than the expected French-Canadian accent.

Audio problem: Between 1:12:26 and 1:12:37 into the film, as the chopper lands near the outer perimeter of the cordon for Cedar Creek, the audio has mixed into it civilian ATC conversations from a commercial airport, instead of military center. Specifically, ".cleared to land 24R.Delta 1781 cross runway 24L.". The chopper should not be on civilian freq at an airport far from his operating area or landing zone. You can compare the audio at 1:25:20 when the army loach leaves the flight line, ATC audio is presumed to be on the right freq and is ordered to RTB / land. (01:12:25)