Audio problem: The aliens that populate the planet of Geonosis have an extremely peculiar method of speech - consisting of clicks and weird ringing sounds. However, despite the fact that they make up 99.9% of the crowd in the arena, the sound of the crowd cheering is human. (01:44:10)

Audio problem: When Sam, Frodo, and Gollum are in the forest of Ithilien, when Sam says "Can't you hear yourself, don't you know who you sound like?" the shots change and you can see Sam mouthing the words again. (01:38:30)

Audio problem: When Myles is at the party in the office checking out the web broadcast, a guy and a girl bust in and intend to have sex there. What we hear the guy say doesn't match up with his mouth movements.

Audio problem: When Mary Jane is about to fall from the balcony and the Green Goblin appears in front of her, we hear him say, "Hello, my dear," but his mouth is not in sync with those words. (01:07:40)

Audio problem: When Handratty is in France telling Frank that there are 20 officers outside, you can see when the camera turns to Frank, Handratty's mouth is still moving despite the fact that he is not talking. (01:55:40)

Audio problem: When the first assassin runs out of bullets shortly after coming through the apartment window, his gun makes a series of rapid clicks as if dry firing full-auto, but real guns, even full-auto ones, don't keep on clicking when empty. It should either make a single click, or a nearly inaudible one. (00:44:16)

Audio problem: Hermione takes her wand out in the shot facing her, Harry and Ron, and Hermione's mouth begins to shout the "I" in "Immobulus!" though no sound is heard. It is in the next close-up that she dramatically shouts out the entire word, "Immobulus!" (00:37:40)

Audio problem: At the graduation in the beginning, the percussion section is playing on concert snares, but the sound those snares are making is that of Kevlar heads on a high tension snare. It is not possible to tune a concert snare to sound like that.

Audio problem: When John rips the phone out of the wall, when it hits the floor it makes a bell sound even though its a cordless phone.

Audio problem: When Adam takes a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket in the laundromat, and says "do you wanna smoke a smoke with me?" to May, his mouth doesn't move. (00:15:10)

Audio problem: When Regina's father goes crazy while chopping the potatoes the sound of the knife hitting the board is not synchronized.

Audio problem: When Simon opens the portal to discover Jerry walking upside down, Jerry is saying things like "Do you need a hand there? You're upside down", yet his mouth doesn't move at all. (01:10:25)

Audio problem: When Jimmy takes Lilly inside, the first time he gets to the trailer, you hear Greg say "What the f*ck I do?" But his mouth isn't moving at all. (00:12:20)

Audio problem: After Toula's mother hangs up the phone and continues peeling potatoes you hear a clicking sound. She stops for a second to turn the potato and the clicking sound continues while she is not peeling.

Audio problem: When J'lo leaves out the door after the big gala and Chris runs after her, he stops her and they begin to talk. when she says the line "I made so many mistakes already" you can hear her say "look" before she says that line, but you actually see her say "I" instead.

Audio problem: In the scene during the flashback of when Lestat was first created during the shot with the girl on the beach, Lestat begins to play with her. When there is a close up of the woman's face, you can see her bow strokes. However, the strokes don't match up with the audio on the song you hear. (00:26:30)

Audio problem: When Daphne, Mary-Jane, Scooby and Shaggy awake on the beach, they walk off into crowds of people playing and partying. Shaggy then says "Does anyone else think this is strange?" Shaggy's mouth doesn't move at all to this line though. (00:45:30)

Audio problem: In the scene where all the towns residents take refuge in the Prosperity Mall, the mall's janitor/caretaker guy says something to the female sheriff with the camera facing him. In mid sentence the camera angle changes to behind the janitor but at an angle - you can hear him keep on talking but you can see that his jaw is perfectly still meaning that he can't possibly be talking. (01:11:25)

Audio problem: When Spence is killed by the Licker, Matt sees this on the screen and asks, "What the f**k was that?" You can see that his jaw isn't moving. (01:17:25)

Audio problem: In the beginning when Davey is burping, the sound of the peoples' glasses breaking is a little early.