Audio problem: Right after Bert kills the second graboid he gets on the radio and says "we killed that mother-humper". Val replies "...be advised there are two more mother-humpers". However Val's lips don't seem to be saying "humper". This occurs even in unedited versions of the film. (01:01:40)

Audio problem: In the opening scene when the band Black Plague is performing, the audio is out of sync and the drums aren't playing what they should be. When playing the cowbell the drummer is hitting the hi-hat, and so on. Also when hitting the snare it's out of sync, Bobby Black is also missing some notes. And when the backing vocals are heard no-one is singing. (00:01:45)

Audio problem: At the climax of the film when the Turtles are about to face Shredder for the first time, Raphael says, "I got him" and then runs to fight. When Raphael falls to the ground, his pair of Sai hit the ground but make no noise. There should be a metallic sound against the rooftop. (01:19:00)

Audio problem: At the end of the movie, Carl is chasing Molly and Oda Mae. He says something like "Molly she's a thief!" and something else, but his lips don't move.

Audio problem: When Henry asks Karen who assaulted her, she says "this guy who lives across the street from me that I've known all my life", but when she turns to face toward the camera her lips moving don't match what she's saying.

Audio problem: In the scene where James Caan is lying in bed, practising grabbing a large knife from his arm sling, there is the metallic sound as he pulls out the knife. In the sling are his arm and the knife. There is nothing metal the knife could be pulled against to make that sound.

Audio problem: In one scene Tom Cruise's accelerator gets stuck - you see him pounding on the accelerator while telling his crew chief Harry Hog "the accelerator is stuck" but Tom Cruise's mouth never moves when he speaks.

Audio problem: When the terrorist at the church goes inside and asks "where's Cochrane", the other replies "he didn't make it." His mouth isn't moving.

Audio problem: Bruno's mouth is out of sync when he says "I really do hate margarine," as he is talking to the waitress about what are in the sandwiches that day.

Audio problem: When Kevin is going through Buzz's private things he finds a picture of his girlfriend. Sickened by her appearance, he smashes the picture. But the smashing sound starts before he hits it. (00:22:05)

Audio problem: Throughout the final sequence, when Harry and Nora are in the jeep and being chased by the police cars onto the field by the gym, many of the words Harry says are out of sync with his mouth.

Audio problem: Near the end, just as Robocop2 has locked onto Robocop, Lewis holds up a container of nuke, she starts to say something, but the editor decided to cut that bit out and move on.

Audio problem: Just after Arnie accepts the cab driver's offer and the other one complains, Arnie's driver gives him the finger and says something like, "Eat this", but his lips don't match what he's saying. (00:52:45)

Audio problem: When Kyle takes the knife from the closet and pulls it out of the leather, it makes a sound like metal scraping on metal. (00:50:45)

Audio problem: In the scene where Kid N Play are freestyle battling, you hear mixing in the background. But Bilal is not mixing, but in fact watching Kid N Play.

Audio problem: In the shower scene, one of the girls says "today is my birthday" but her lips say "tomorrow is my birthday". This is also noteworthy because other circumstantial evidence suggests that an extra day has been edited out of the film.

Audio problem: Near the middle of the movie, in the scene when Van Damme's friend Joshua is taking Helene money, you see that the military police have set up a surveillance across the street. They show the policeman's point of view as he is looking through binoculars. You can hear Joshua spray breath freshener into his mouth. The window is closed and they are too far away to hear this on a busy street.

Audio problem: When the very first song ends during the Festival scene, keep an eye on the guitarist to the right. His hand is still moving but no sound is coming out of his guitar. (00:56:55)

Audio problem: When Bastian puts Auryn under his shirt, there's a "bling" sound like Auryn hits another piece of metal, like a medallion or necklace. However Bastian isn't wearing any other metal. (00:11:55)

Audio problem: When the Predator is about to shoot Gary Busey, just before Danny Glover blows the door in, listen. The actor playing the Predator is counting to three before the explosion, preparing himself for the effect. Easily heard if you turn your tv up. (01:16:15)