Best movie audio problems of all time

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V for Vendetta picture

Audio problem: When V says that he has never danced to any of the songs on his jukebox, a song is playing in the background, yet there is no record seen playing on the jukebox. This occurs even after V presses the button to activate the song.

Matt Lynch

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The Lizzie McGuire Movie picture

Audio problem: When Lizzie is performing at the end of the movie at the awards show, at the part where we see her from the back facing the blue light, her voice sounds like it's changing. It seems like it's someone much older singing, or the synthesizer went wrong. It just obviously isn't Lizzie's voice anymore.

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Fargo picture

Audio problem: When Carl is being beat up by Shep, Shep is shouting a whole bunch of obscenities and gibberish at Carl, but during several shots where we see his face, the audio is not matched up to what he is shouting.


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Hearts in Atlantis picture

Audio problem: When Anthony Hopkins is talking to the boy, the boy is sitting in front of a mirror. Anthony starts talking to him, and the camera angle moves to behind Anthony. You can hear Anthony talking, but his lips aren't in sync to the reflection in the mirror.

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The Wolf of Wall Street picture

Audio problem: Jordan and Donnie are talking about Jordan's money. Jordan then says "technically 72 thousand last month. Something like that." When he says "something like that", the camera is very close to Jordan's head with Donnie in the background. You hear the words "something like that", but Jordan's mouth is not moving, it is closed. (00:23:00)

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Dragonslayer picture

Audio problem: During the climax of the film, the maiden takes the stone from Galen and attempts to smash the amulet. Galen pulls the stone away and says "NO! He said I'd know the time". However, his lips do not match the words. He appears to say "NO! It is not yet time!"

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West Side Story picture

Audio problem: During the opening overture, right when the orchestra starts "Maria", you can hear someone sneeze in the background. It's easier to hear on the soundtrack but you still can hear it in the movie.

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Stargate picture

Audio problem: Right after Jackson has been dragged through the desert by the creature, it wakes him up and he says, "Get away from me," but his mouth never moves. (00:40:30)

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Blade Runner picture

Audio problem: Deckard investigates the maker of artificial reptiles; an Abdul somebody. It's obvious that the dialogue was added as neither actor is in sync with the sound. The end of the scene has the storekeeper's voice telling Deckard the information he was seeking while Deckard's mouth is the one moving. Deckard's mouth continues to move even after Abdul's lines are finished and the scene cuts. This has been corrected in the 2007 Final Cut of the film, but exists in all previous versions. (00:48:45)

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The Wedding Singer picture

Audio problem: In the scene where Robbie is sitting outside and Linda walks up to him to tell him about why she called the wedding off, she firstly walks on the concrete and you can hear her footsteps, then she walks on the grass, but you can still hear her heels clicking.

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Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace picture

Audio problem: Before the Trade Federation Droid Control Ship starts exploding from the inside, a Neimoidian says, "Nothing can get through our shield". But his mouth doesn't move until after he's said it. (01:57:45)

More Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace audio problems
Beauty and the Beast picture

Audio problem: When Mrs. Potts is talking to Belle for the first time, in her bedroom, Mrs. Potts says "It'll turn out alright in the end. You'll see." However, when she says "'ll see" her mouth remains closed. (00:30:50)


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Ghost picture

Audio problem: At the end of the movie, Carl is chasing Molly and Oda Mae. He says something like "Molly she's a thief!" and something else, but his lips don't move.

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Dirty Dancing picture

Audio problem: When Penny and Johnny are teaching Baby their dance routine, Penny puts on a record. Look closely and you can see that Penny moves the arm to place it on the record, then she takes it away, even though the music is still playing. Even if it's a directorial device for us to hear different music than they do, it's still a mistake because she's not actually playing the record, meaning there isn't any music for them to dance to. (00:36:35)

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Napoleon Dynamite picture

Audio problem: When Napoleon knocks on Trisha's door he knocks four times but you only hear three knocks. (00:38:05)

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Surf's Up picture

Audio problem: At the scene where Mikey asks the elder penguin if anyone surfs in Shiverpool, when he says,"You know you're standing on thin ice," his beak never moves.

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The Running Man picture

Audio problem: Just after Dynamo kills Weiss, the next shot shows Dynamo approaching the camera. You can see Dynamos lips moving, and he's speaking, but you can't hear anything.


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The Purge picture

Audio problem: In the scene where the polite leader is addressing the Sandins for the first time he takes his mask off and starts talking to the camera but he is muted until James unmutes him. If you watch the polite leader while he is muted he mouths the words "Mr. And Mrs. Sandin" before he is unmuted. However when he is unmuted we hear him finish that statement by saying "Mrs. Sandin" again. (00:33:25)

oddy knocky

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Goodfellas picture

Audio problem: When Henry asks Karen who assaulted her, she says "this guy who lives across the street from me that I've known all my life", but when she turns to face toward the camera her lips moving don't match what she's saying.

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Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer picture

Audio problem: At the end of the elf concert, when Mrs. Claus walks right out right after Santa does, we hear the sound effect of a door slam before she even closes the door. (00:13:40)

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