Audio problem: After Roxy, Tom, and Robert discover Eegah's footprint, Robert can be heard saying, "Watch out for snakes!" however his mouth does not move at all. (00:10:30)

Audio problem: At the end after the President gives his speech in front of the White house, you hear the crowd cheering and clapping, but looking at the crowd, they are standing still, hardly in joyous uproar.

Audio problem: In the beginning, Claudette and the other counsellors are all singing. When they get closer you can see that Claudette is playing the guitar, then she stops, but the guitar playing and singing still continues. (00:02:10)

Audio problem: When Mary Jane is about to fall from the balcony and the Green Goblin appears in front of her, we hear him say, "Hello, my dear," but his mouth is not in sync with those words. (01:07:40)

Audio problem: When Dom, Brian, and Mr. Nobody are in the car and Mr. Nobody says about trying the Belgian ale, he coughs and says another line. However his mouth doesn't move at all during this time. (01:29:25)

Audio problem: When Aunt Josephine says, " Watch the chandelier, if it falls it will impale you." she turns to face the camera about when she says "impale" and her lips aren't moving. (00:50:05)

Audio problem: In the scene where Simba is being attacked by Zira and the other outlanders, he rolls down a small cliff. Zira then says, "Yes, we've got him", but if you watch her mouth she is actually laughing and her mouth isn't moving at all.

Audio problem: When James is rushing Mollie to the hospital, the camera is down the road from the taxi. James is saying something like, "You should do Lamaze breathing. It helped my sister," yet his mouth is not moving.

Audio problem: When they're standing on the breaking ice, as Peter points his sword at Maugrim, Susan shouts, "Look, just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword doesn't make you a hero. Just drop it." In the very next shot (we still see Susan's profile, despite the side shot), Susan's lips/jaw are moving, but nothing is heard, which occurs just as Peter quickly glances at her and we also hear Beaver shout, "No, Peter!" (01:14:15)

Audio problem: When Troy and Gabriella are singing "Everyday," Troy sings with his microphone away from his mouth numerous times during the scene, yet he is still heard just as well, and not at a lower level, like he should be. (Within the context of the film, this is sung live on stage and is not implied to be pre-recorded.)

Audio problem: In the scene at the orphanage, when the boy runs down to the other boys reading the pornographic magazine, none of their mouths move when you hear "Look at those knockers".

Audio problem: In the scene where Alfred is stitching up Bruce, Bruce says "I wanted to inspire people." As he says "people" the shot changes and his lips aren't moving, but the audio track continues.

Audio problem: At the beginning when Vern comes to the tree house to share his exciting news, when he is climbing up to get inside his lips do not match what he is saying. (00:03:40)

Audio problem: When Scott fights Ramona's ex-girlfriend, Ramona holds his hands while punching her. One punch misses her but the sound of a punch is heard.

Audio problem: In the climactic scene where the 747 is taking off, the general applies full power on the throttles and the engines spool up to full power as they should. However, in the next shot from the cockpit, the general is pulling back on the yoke, nobody's hands are on the throttles at all, and yet we hear a second (apparently) identical increase in engine power. Pulling back on the yoke has nothing at all to do with the engines - the noise we hear should remain at a constant level. (01:50:15)

Audio problem: When Holmwood has the gun pointed in Van Helsing's face in Lucy's crypt, Van Helsing explains about the undead. Switch to a shot behind Helsing and his jaw is still moving even though he has stopped speaking. (01:25:35)

Audio problem: Near the end when Drake is playing Hollywood Girl and gets into the bridge (the steady drum beat part) you can obviously tell he's mouthing the words.

Audio problem: When the entire city is searching for Truman near the end of the movie, you hear everyone as if they are in step with military-like cadence. However, take a look at the group and you will see they're not even close to being in step. (01:18:25)

Audio problem: When Eddie runs in and starts singing "I Got Nothing But Love" the song is playing in the background and the lyrics can be heard ahead of him actually singing them.

Audio problem: In the scene where Todd and Jeremy are in the bedroom together and Todd is lying on top of Jeremy asking to play "tummysticks", - right before Sen Clary is about to come in and Jeremy begins to panic, watch Jeremy as he's lying on the bed talking. You hear him say about three sentences, but see his mouth move for about one from the left side view of his mouth.