
Continuity mistake: After the man is burnt in the lava pit, Indy says the word 'diamonds'. Willy comes closer and then turns her head to the right. When the shot changes she's facing straight.


Continuity mistake: When M walks to the HQ for the first time the street is in the shadows. A shot later the street is sunny.


Continuity mistake: When the movie begins, Alice says "Nonsense" and sits the cat on the white part of her skirt. Wen the shot changes the skirt is blue. Then the angle changes and the skirt goes back to white.


20th Aug 2019

The Aristocats (1970)

Continuity mistake: When the movie begins Adelaide's gloves are grey, except for the brief shot when she steps off the carriage and they turn cream coloured.


20th Aug 2019

The Aristocats (1970)

Continuity mistake: When Adelaide is about to step off the carriage the box has string around it. A shot later it swaps to a thick pink ribbon.


16th Aug 2019

Superman II (1980)

Continuity mistake: When the villains are trapped in the phantom zone (filmed by Richard Donner) Zod, Non and Ursa (from left to right) are tightly pressed against a glass. When the elevator explodes and are about to be released (filmed by Richard Lester) not only are they not pressed, but neither in line, having changed positions (and looks, as already listed): Non now stands above Zod and Ursa.


16th Aug 2019

Superman II (1980)

Continuity mistake: In Krypton when Non breaks the guard's neck the guard presses an emergency button. In the wide angle all of his fingers are extended, but in the close-up only the index is. This changes back and forth.


9th Aug 2019

Titanic (1997)

Titanic mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Lovejoy and Jack are talking, Jack tucks his cigarette in his ear in an 11 o'clock position. A shot later it's in a 9 o'clock position and a bit of hair is covering his ear.


Continuity mistake: When the 3 baby UFOs learn to fly they rest on a counter covered with sawdust. When Frank asks Harry if he revived the UFO the sawdust is gone.


Continuity mistake: The female grey-coloured UFO swaps to bright orange coloured several times in the film whenever there's low light and a blue-screened image is superimposed against him. Check the moment it gives birth, for example.


7th Aug 2019

Superman II (1980)

Continuity mistake: At the Fortress, when the 3 villains extend their arms to send a laser beam to Superman, there's a very brief shot on Ursa and her hair style is completely different. Very short and with her forehead very clear.


5th Aug 2019

Furious 7 (2015)

Continuity mistake: During the car chase in Azerbaijan when Brian exits the car through the windshield his butt is pointing at the copilot's seat. Half a second later he's magically turned 180° despite standing on a car at 150km/h.


5th Aug 2019

Furious 7 (2015)

Furious 7 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Toretto grabs a Corona beer and strolls with Mr. Nobody. They pass by a mechanic fixing a jeep on their right, and a welder ahead facing them and the mechanic. In the wide angle not only is the jeep mechanic not there, but he is several meters ahead. The welder who was facing them is now turning his back to Toretto.


5th Aug 2019

Shazam! (2019)

Continuity mistake: In school, Billy nags about being hugged by the little girl. She says 'sorry' and a girl with a pink backpack walks by. Then she vanishes and a shot later she reappears and walks by again.


5th Aug 2019

Furious 7 (2015)

Continuity mistake: In the Dominican Repulbic Mia tells Brian "you won't" with her hand on his left shoulder. A shot later her hand is lowered and she is placing it again.


5th Aug 2019

Furious 7 (2015)

Continuity mistake: The position of the second 'Captured' stamp that Hobbs puts on a photo differs between the first and second shot. The second time it's above the picture, mostly out of it. This is not the already listed mistake about the first stamp.


5th Aug 2019

Furious 7 (2015)

Continuity mistake: When the movie begins Letty and Toretto talk inside a car. In the wide angles her hair moves a lot but in the close-ups it barely moves, this changes back and forth revealing the close-ups were shot with the car driving at a much lower speed.


5th Aug 2019

Shazam! (2019)

Continuity mistake: When Billy mimics a phone call to Shazam in front of his school mates, there's a boy with a blue jumper on the left who stands up and leaves. When the shot changes he is sitting down and stands up again.


Continuity mistake: When the ship is sliding through the white desert there's a close-up of Jack in awe putting a funny face. He's got a bang of hair on his left cheek. A shot later from a different angle the hair disappears.


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