
The Living Daylights mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Bond is in the jailhouse and he imprisons the guard. He then smashes his arm with the iron door and makes him bleed. After that, he pushes the guard backwards on to the bed. While falling backwards, the blood on the arm disappears.


13th Jul 2005

Minority Report (2002)

Continuity mistake: When the cheated husband says "I forgot my glasses", the lover is on top of the wife, and tries to sneak by bouncing way up and then turning to his left. The jump is cut and the angle changes to a close up of the lover, but this time he is right next to the wife, as if he had just moved aside. No bounce. You'll need to freeze the image to notice it.


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Suggested correction: If you have to freeze frame, or use slo-mo, to see a mistake, it's not a valid entry.


8th Jul 2005

Minority Report (2002)

Continuity mistake: When Anderton enters the "ball-room" for the first time in the movie, a guy behind grabs a folder and presses it against his chest. In the next shot he is repeating the movement again. (00:03:35)


7th Jul 2005

Minority Report (2002)

Continuity mistake: During the hovercrafts scene, Anderton enters a room where a kid is playing sax. The kid runs away and leans on the wall, but from a back shot he is seen close to the door. He keeps moving between the wall, door frame and aisle, in the rest of the front and back shots.


6th Jul 2005

Minority Report (2002)

Continuity mistake: During the lover-husband scene, when the lover and the wife are staring at the husband holding the knife, they keep changing positions from far away to close to each other depending on the shot.


6th Jul 2005

Minority Report (2002)

Continuity mistake: During the lover-wife-husband scene, the lamp on the night table keeps moving all the time: sometimes slightly away from the bed, others a bit of its screen touches the head rest, and in some angles half of the lamp's screen is touching the bed.


21st Jun 2005

Trainspotting (1996)

20th Jun 2005

Trainspotting (1996)

Continuity mistake: When the movie begins, the guy with the dyed hair helps Alison inject her dose. Two bits of hair appear and disappear around her ear depending on the angle of the shots.


20th Jun 2005

Trainspotting (1996)

Continuity mistake: In the opening scene where Spud and Renton are being chased by the security guards, Renton throws a red brochure away. A shot later it disappears, and reappears in the one that follows.


Continuity mistake: Chaplin spits 3 coins from the pudding. One falls and moves to the middle of the table. Another gets beneath a dish. And a third one falls off the table. A couple seconds later all three appear lined up on the table, close to Chaplin, ready for him to pick them up.


Continuity mistake: At the end of the pudding scene, when Hannah shows up, the sugar bowl left of Chaplin moves from close to a glass to the far right of the table.


17th Jun 2005

Panic Room (2002)

Continuity mistake: The girl is inside the room with Forrest Whitaker and the other guy, about the time Whitaker picks up the red thing with the needle, watch the loose hair on the right side of her head, close to her ear: It keeps moving up, down, sometimes is wetter, sometimes dryer. And the girl barely moves.


Continuity mistake: When Mrs. Napoloni gets trapped by the guards, notice the people around her from left to right: ambassador, thin man with loose hair, elegant man, man with beret. Closeup shot and the thin man has disappeared and a man with a white rounded hat appears out of nowhere, close to the elegant man.


Continuity mistake: When Mrs. Napoloni gets trapped by the guards, the suit of the handsome man behind her, with a hat and a coat hanging on his left arm, swaps from light coloured to black.


14th Jun 2005

Copycat (1995)

Continuity mistake: Hunter is in Weaver's house and Weaver types some code on a black pop-up box MS-DOS style. This box has a black background and white letters, and the computer has a blue desktop screen. However, Weaver's glasses show a big white reflection. The only white on the screen is of a pop-up window, but it is semi-hidden by the MS-DOS window.


14th Jun 2005

Moulin Rouge (2001)

Continuity mistake: Zidler starts to sing "The show must go on" and walks between two workmen. One of them pulls a rope to lift himself up. He rises above his mate's head, but in the next shot he is at waist level lifting himself up.


14th Jun 2005

Moulin Rouge (2001)

Continuity mistake: During the "Like a Virgin" sequence, when the Duke is sitting on a couch, his hair changes between the shots: From loose to perfectly brushed and straight.


14th Jun 2005

Moulin Rouge (2001)

Continuity mistake: The first time Satine faints, she is given something to sniff and wake up. The amount of sweat on her forehead and eyes changes between shots.


14th Jun 2005

Moulin Rouge (2001)

Continuity mistake: When the Duke's being healed of Chocolat's punch, in the close shots there's bits of hair loose to his right eyebrow (left side of the screen). In the long shots it disappears.


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