
7th Jan 2005

The Fugitive (1993)

Continuity mistake: When Kimble is calling his lawyer close to the EL-train, he says something and then you hear the "clang" from the train's bell. You only hear it once. However, when the police records the call and plays it, the clang sounds almost constantly during the conversation.


7th Jan 2005

Ice Age (2002)

Continuity mistake: During the long sequence when the two animals are racing downhill through the snow, the weather suddenly changes from very snowy to extremely sunny.


Continuity mistake: When Austin has just come back from the future and has been in the party with all the shooting, he and Felicity jump in the car in the middle of the night. One second later there's a back shot inside the car and it's dawn light. Two seconds afterwards they're driving down the road and it's broad daylight. Furthermore, the light changes from sunny, to a bit cloudy in each shot.


Continuity mistake: During the first scene of the movie with the robot android, when Austin's been blown up by the explosion, his glasses change from broken to perfect between shots.


Continuity mistake: When Edward eats at Kim's house for the first time his lips have makeup only on the middle, to make his mouth look smaller. On further shots throughout the movie his lips are fully painted and his mouth looks normal size.


Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the film, the Avon lady is at a customer's door. In back shots a piece of her hair on the right is loose and looking messy. On front shots it's straight.


12th Jul 2004

The Ladykillers (2004)

Continuity mistake: Mrs. Munson hands Professor G.H. Dorr a flute. At the end of that scene there are two shots. Close up shot: the flute's holes look up; immediately after: Wide Shot and the holes face sideways towards Dorr.


22nd Mar 2004

Forrest Gump (1994)

Continuity mistake: Young Forrest is about to step in the bus. He says to the bus driver, "My name's Forrest, Forrest Gump." That moment we have a back view of the bus driver's head and she exhales a big puff of smoke. A split second after we cut back to a front view of her and there's no smoke, instead she immediately exhales the smoke again.


22nd Mar 2004

Forrest Gump (1994)

Continuity mistake: The first time that Forrest runs across the football field, a front view of the coach's head shows him following Forrest without moving his head, coach just moves his eyes. But a back view of the coach's head shows the head moving, following Forrest's movement. Back to the front view and the head is still. (00:20:30)


14th Jan 2004

Charlie's Angels (2000)

Continuity mistake: When the Angels are driving in the tunnel, before they make a U turn they stop the car and cause a terrible traffic jam behind them. When the car has turned around, camera changes angles and the lane that was jammed with cars is now completely empty. (01:06:30)


Continuity mistake: At the "bed time story" scene, the granddaughter of older Kim is covered all the way to her neck. A couple of shots after, she's suddenly covered just below her chest.


Continuity mistake: When Lansbury and Dr. Brown finish dancing, there's a wide shot of Lansbury giving a very small step forward to finish the dance. A second later, in a closer shot of her face, she moves as if she was repeating that very same movement.


Bedknobs And Broomsticks mistake picture

Continuity mistake: One of Mr. Browne's apples falls on the gravy when he is juggling, splashing his face and shirt. Later his shirt is spotless.


Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie, during the famous speech, right before Chaplin says "Hannah, can you hear me?", Chaplin raises his left hand, lowers it to touch his hair, then the scene changes to a shot of Hannah and when back to Chaplin his hand is up again repeating the prior movement.


Continuity mistake: During The dictator's first speech, the back side of his tie changes from long to short between shots.


Continuity mistake: During the middle of the film, a butler comes in and out of the Dictator's office several times repeatedly. The door is open and shows the corridor outside the office, casting the shadow of a window off-screen. The shadow changes from small to big bewteen shots.


Continuity mistake: During the famous "flatable world" scene, the Dictator climbs up the curtains. His leg changes from bent to straight between shots.


Back to the Future mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Michael J Fox's parent kiss and the family picture (with everyone standing on the grass) gets fixed, Michael places the photo on the guitar, gets very happy and starts playing the guitar enthusiastically. Seconds later, a brief shot of the guitar shows the picture with Marty only, his brothers are missing. (01:26:18)


Continuity mistake: When Clooney and the 2 other guys enter the political meeting, there's a close shot of Clooney where he addresses Hunter. Meanwhile, the music is playing and the others are singing. Behind Clooney you can see, out of focus, a man playing a guitar along with the music. When the music stops, we go back to Clooney's close shot (where he is still talking to Hunter) but the man behind him is still playing the guitar. (01:24:10)


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