Jon Sandys

8th Jan 2024

Archer (2009)

7th Jan 2024

Archer (2009)

Stupidity: Kora and Gunnar arrive at the town to find the rebel Bloodaxes via a contact of Gunnar's. They literally see this contact being hauled out of a bar by bounty hunters who work for the Imperium...and then walk straight into the same bar and start openly talking about needing to find the rebels right in front of the bartender and other patrons, who for all they know are all Imperium-aligned.

Jon Sandys

15th Dec 2023

Reacher (2022)

What Happens in Atlantic City - S2-E2

Trivia: O'Donnell references "James Barr" as someone who might have a grudge against the 110th. Reacher says he "ran into him in Indiana last year - he owes me now." That's a reference to the book "One Shot", which was also the basis of the Jack Reacher film starring Tom Cruise, where James Barr was falsely accused of sniping civilians. That story's presumably canonical in this series but is now in the past.

Jon Sandys

15th Dec 2023

Reacher (2022)

ATM - S2-E1

Trivia: Reacher's PIN is 8197, the same as used in the book this series is based on. Chosen because 97 is the largest two-digit prime number, 81 because it's only number whose square root (9) is also the sum of its digits (8 + 1).

Jon Sandys

7th Dec 2023

New Girl (2011)

6th Dec 2023

New Girl (2011)

Ready - S6-E6

Continuity mistake: When CeCe looks at the contract, she has it flat in front of her when she says, "he's really screwing you." But in the reverse angle, she's got it raised off the table.

Jon Sandys

5th Dec 2023

New Girl (2011)

Wedding Eve - S5-E21

Continuity mistake: When Jess thinks Sam's about to propose, he sticks his hands in his pockets, then stays quite still in a closeup where it doesn't look like he's moving his hands at all, then in a cut to a wider angle both of his hands are by his sides.

Jon Sandys

29th Oct 2023

Friends (1994)

The One With Joey's Award - S7-E18

Trivia: The original script for this featured a subplot with Ross seeing Chandler exiting a male strip club, with obvious confusion and assumptions, with Chandler later admitting he only goes there because he likes the sandwiches. Matthew Perry shut the idea down. He's barely in this episode, possibly as a result of this subplot being excised and it being simpler to expand the existing scenes rather than write a whole new Chandler-centric section.

Jon Sandys

27th Oct 2023

Scream 2 (1997)

26th Oct 2023

Vexed (2010)

Episode #1.3 - S1-E3

Kate: You wouldn't have a problem if this was your daughter?
Jack: She's not my daughter!
Kate: She's someone's daughter.
Jack: Every woman I've ever had sex with was someone's daughter, it's never stopped me from playing daddy.
Kate: Urgh.
Jack: I think that might have come out wrong.
Kate: OK, if your daughter was a stripper.
Jack: Why is my daughter a stripper?!
Kate: Ah, so you would mind!
Jack: What if your son...was a rapist?
Kate: How is that relevant?!
Jack: You started it.
Kate: I want you to acknowledge how you'd feel if your daughter made her living by having men leering at her.
Jack: OK, how would you feel if your rapist son attacked my stripper daughter, threw acid in her face, she's disfigured for life, can't even work!
Kate: I wouldn't defend him.
Jack: Your own son?! Some mother you'd be.

Jon Sandys

Theater of Pain - S1-E3

Trivia: The name on Jenkins' disguise is "Chuck Spadina." When Keanu Reeves first came to Hollywood, he was told his name was "a little too exotic," and it was suggested he should change his name. Chuck Spadina was one option he considered, although apparently not very seriously.

Jon Sandys

Stupidity: When the flying snowmobiles attack, Bond tells Elektra to go into the gully, and he'll lead them into the trees...completely ignoring the fact that these bad guys are here to kill her, so why would they follow him instead? Of course they all do. Either a plot contrivance or a blatant set up, which he doesn't remotely consider.

Jon Sandys

Trivia: As Bond is rolling down the Millennium Dome, he misses the first set of wires he tries to grab, and saves himself on a second set. The stuntman was actually meant to hold onto the first set, but couldn't. The director, Michael Apted, chose to keep that miss in as a tribute to how challenging the stunt was to achieve.

Jon Sandys

10th Oct 2023

No Time to Die (2021)

Trivia: Has the longest pre-credits sequence of any Bond film to date, coming in at 23 minutes and 45 seconds.

Jon Sandys

9th Oct 2023

Ahsoka (2023)

Show generally

Stupidity: Recurring issue when Ahsoka is fighting with dual sabers - there are often times in a duel when one saber is clashing with the other person, but she still has a hand free with her shoto that she could use to stab/slash and win the fight easily. Would make for shorter battles of course.

Jon Sandys

9th Oct 2023

Ahsoka (2023)

7th Oct 2023

Licence to Kill (1989)

Factual error: Bond has been thrashing for his life in a cloud of powdered cocaine. He should be high as a kite, but shows no signs of being affected by the drugs at all.

Jon Sandys

7th Oct 2023

Licence to Kill (1989)

Stupidity: The "$32 million" facility for processing the gas/cocaine apparently doesn't have a sprinkler system or any real fire control. The second the fire starts, which is still fairly small, in a single room, and could easily be contained, basically everyone evacuates the entire complex and just leaves it to burn/explode.

Jon Sandys

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