Mr. Monk and the Employee of the Month - S3-E7
Audio problem: There is a high-pitched feedback noise that is only audible every time one particular camera is being shown during this scene. (00:10:35)

Audio problem: This error occurs right after Jesse enters the house after having Bullet towed home. In the kitchen, when Joey says the line, "Jess, I've never seen your face this shade of green before", Joey's lips appear to be saying something else entirely.

Audio problem: When Carrie is meeting with Sarah Michelle Gellar and she is told to guess which star is interested in being involved with her project, SMG mouths 'Warren Beatty' and not Matthew MConaughey as is heard.

Audio problem: At the end of the show when Alice is blowing the whistle, the whole family comes to the top of the stairs. Mike says "Alice, it's 6 o'clock in the morning" Watch his mouth. It looks as though he curses and the (curse) word was dubbed out.

The Secret Box / Band Geeks - S2-E14
Audio problem: At the end of "Band Geeks" when everyone is playing "Sweet Victory" at one point Mrs. Puff is shown playing the guitar. When this happens, you can see the others in the background not doing anything, even though their instruments are heard.

The One With The Routine - S6-E10
Audio problem: When Ross has finished telling everyone the story of the dreidel, we cut to Monica and Chandler's reaction shot which shows Ross' mouth moving even though he is not talking. (00:01:30)

Cheer and Present Danger - S2-E8
Audio problem: After Cherry states "phone number," as in deleting Phoebe's phone number while in a fight, Phoebe repeats it, in a more disappointed tone. But as she taps her finger on the delete button, the beep does not match up with when her finger taps the button.

Our Vines Have Tender Apes - S3-E20
Audio problem: Towards the end of the episode, the castaways read Tongo's note that he can't take them back with him due to how he behaved with the gorilla. Mr. Howell yells "we won't tell anyone!" followed by other random comments from the others for Tongo to come back. Tongo leaves and as the camera pulls away from the castaways, the same audio repeats itself even though this time doesn't match what anyone is saying.

Audio problem: After the donut delivery guy asks Carl why all the donuts are piling up, Carl responds with Lenny's voice.

Gourmet Night (a.k.a. Gourmet's Paradise) - S1-E5
Audio problem: In the first scene when Basil is trying to repair his car, when he tries to start the engine, the engine sounds are totally out of sync with Basil turning the ignition key. (00:00:05)

Audio problem: When Michael is forced to do "errands" for Brennen, they stop by Jonathan Carver's house to get numbers from him for a voice key. The code played back at the facility is 71348. He says "3" in a medium pitch (tone) at the house, but it is high pitched when played back at the facility; he says "8" in a medium pitch, and it's also high pitched later. And finally he says "9" in a low pitch and it's played back medium pitch. Also very obvious is the fact that Jonathan never says "1" or "7."

Audio problem: When Cliff asks Rudy what's her boyfriend's name, you can hear a man off-camera saying "Bud" before Rudy answers.

Audio problem: When the boys leave, Wilma says "Drop in some time to say hello" in Betty's voice.

Our Very First Show, Again - S1-E1
Audio problem: After Stephanie takes back the flash drives she gives to Max and Jackson, Max tells D.J. that he knows all the bad words. When we hear him say "Donald Trump," his lips do not match it. (00:06:40)

Audio problem: During the first scene of this episode, (the scene with Rodney and Cassandra in bed) there is a distinct echo on the soundtrack. (00:05:00)

Audio problem: As Carlos is giving his speech at the barbecue, Julie sees Zach and says to Susan "Oh God". After cutting to a shot of Zach and his father it shows Julie and Susan again. If you look to the right of the shot you will see Carlos' face is just looking in front of him and not speaking, but you can still hear him giving his speech whilst he is in shot.

Space Quest - S1-E2
Audio problem: Just before Frasier opens the door to get his paper, he says "I'll get him for this and his little dog too". However, his mouth moves when he says "I'll get him for this and his...", but his mouth doesn't move when he says "...little dog too". (00:02:40)

Audio problem: When Lister and Rimmer see Cat just after Holly explains how he evolved, Rimmer runs at Cat screaming before he passes through him and we hear a crash off screen to indicate Rimmer has just run in to something. He is a hologram and is not solid, so no sound should be heard. [The original version did not have this mistake. The sound effect was added for the now defunct Remastered series.] (00:27:10)

Audio problem: When Peter introduces the pope to his friends at work, and he is saying "Remember when we got that stripper for Charlie and it turned out to be his son? I think this is gonna top it" or something along those lines), Peter's mouth very obviously does not sync up with the words being said.

Audio problem: Jonesy is playing the organ. A pigeon 'flies' out the top of the organ and lands on the keys, so Jonesy picks it up and moves it, taking both his hands off the keys. Yet the music plays on.