Anteaters. They're Just Crazy-lookin - S4-E23
Audio problem: In the episode with Enrique Iglesias, Charlie comes out to the deck to get his girlfriend and asks, "Isn't there something you could sand?" His lips say, "Isn't there something you could saw?"
Audio problem: The prison minibus has a deisel engine when heard from inside, but when Mr Mackay borrows it to go to the pub it has a petrol engine.
Totally Spaced Out / The Switch Glitch - S2-E8
Audio problem: In Fairly Odd Parents, "Switch Glitch", Vicky forced Timmy to do her chores and homework, and stretched a dress on Timmy. He said "I can't do chores in a dress.". Vicky, however, was recording Timmy's voice on a tape, the "in a dress" part, and played the tape, but the tone of voice for "in a dress." was normal, not angry. Shouldn't it be the same?
Audio problem: The computer's voice says "golf shoes" while the screen says "golf cleates".
Audio problem: When Violet is singing in front of the audience at the final Glee Club performance, her voice does not match her lips.
Audio problem: When Candice falls in the mud when talking to Stacy, she sees Phineas and she says "Hey, Phineas.", and her mouth drops open, but when she says Phineas again her mouth does not move.
Audio problem: After "Peanut Butter Kid" retrieves the baseball Vince hit (presumably all the way to China) Spinelli screams rather loudly. However her lips don't move when she does.
Audio problem: After Al tells Rusty that his infomercial products won't help his baseball mitt, Rusty can be seen mouthing Al's lines.
Audio problem: When Val is smacking Adam's bottom the audio is over dubbed.
Goodbye Mrs. Slocombe - S10-E1
Audio problem: At the end when Capt. Peacock comes onto the floor in his maintenance garb, Mr. Harman points him to a spot on the floor and tells him to mop it up. In the initial shot Harman is indeed telling him, but when the camera cuts to another angle Harman is visible and still talking but his lips aren't moving.
Audio problem: When Deep Thought is describing how he's going to create a new computer, he describes it as "a computer that can calculate the answer to the ultimate question." This is wrong: Deep Thought himself just did that. The new computer is supposed to calculate the question, not the answer.
Audio problem: When Tori is on the stage singing, Robbie walks up to Tori and says "I deserve it!" When he says "ow!" his lips don't match.
Audio problem: When Daisy is at the bar (acting), she gives Walter "5 reasons men come to a bar." When she says "Three: They wanna see that they're missing," her lips are not in sync with the words. It's tricky to see because they used a shot with the camera behind her.
Monkey See, Doggie Do / Mommy Fearest - S1-E2
Audio problem: In "Mommy Fearest", Ima Goodelady asks the Powerpuff Girls where they are going. Blossom tells her they're fighting crime, Buttercup speaks and then Bubbles adds, "Duh." However, her mouth doesn't move.
Audio problem: After Alf calls the radio station and tells the station to give Jody his phone number, Alf walks to the towards the table saying "Friend...wish I had one" with the phone in his hand. Right after Alf says "Friend..." listen closely in the background and you can hear a far off phone ringing about 2 seconds before the one Alf is using starts. (00:04:55)
Audio problem: During the final run to the Boar's Nest, Luke is driving General Lee. There is one final jump, and you hear Bo's rebel yell, but Bo is at the Boar's Nest.
Rallying to Keep the Game Alive - S1-E4
Audio problem: When the couple is having dinner there's a shot from behind him saying "but you're right." The movement of his jaw and mouth are totally out of sync.
Audio problem: While Pickles is sniffing the ground, she asks Bob "Did you know vomit tastes bad?", but her lips don't match what she is saying.
The New Car - S4-E6
Audio problem: When Felix and Oscar are driving around looking for a parking space, Oscar says "let's sell the car." Felix then begins talking but no audio is heard, then an overdub of him saying "Are you crazy?" which doesn't match his lips.
What Have I Done To Deserve This? - S2-E20
Audio problem: When Alex pages Izzie and she comes outside, he presses her against the wall and then gives her a cupcake. When she takes it she goes "Oooh!" but her mouth is closed.