Audio problem: When Jeremy and James are playing I spy, just as Jeremy says "If you say S, I'm going to kill you!" there is a shot from outside the car and you can see that his lips aren't moving.

Audio problem: In the ballroom sketch when Janice is talking to Zoot, her mouth starts moving before we hear her even say anything.

Episode #1.4 - S1-E4
Audio problem: When John Smith is berating Weol-ju, there is a shot shown behind, where he says "You had to call me", but the side of his mouth cannot be seen moving with the line. (00:04:15)

Tricky Dick - S3-E3
Audio problem: In the epilogue when Harry is singing for the garage band, before he takes the guitar and smashes it, you can see the guitar player is strumming, but only the bass guitar and drum parts are audible. (00:21:20)

Audio problem: When Rene comes upstairs to speak to Michelle the piano player in the background is out of sync with the music being played. (00:03:00)

Beauty and the Obese: Part 1 - S1-E1
Audio problem: After the bartender himself offers a lap dance to the man who just talked to Persephone, the man walks off to the right of the screen. The bartender offers him a cheaper price when the camera cuts to a different angle after he walked away. At this point, the man would now be just off the left side of the screen, but when you hear him say "No" it comes from the right side when listening with headphones. (00:02:42)

Dreams, Schemes and Putting Greens - S1-E4
Audio problem: When Maurice exhales at the end of his sentence as he protests the Japanese businessmen walking out of his house, the sound of his exhale is spliced off mid-way through. (00:38:55)

Lust for Royston Vasey - S2-E2
Audio problem: During the Denton's song when they are bringing Benjamin back to the bed, Auntie Val is singing in the hallway but her mouth isn't moving.

Audio problem: When Judy asks "But Grandpa, why didn't you tell us what was going on?" towards the end of the episode, she is speaking with Jane's voice.

The Addams Family Meets the Undercover Man - S1-E16
Audio problem: Ted Cassidy (Lurch) was an accomplished organist. However, when he "played" the Harpsichord, he was only miming the actions. When Lurch is playing while Gomez and Morticia are fencing the music doesn't match the movements of his hands.

Arthur, the Invisible Bear - S2-E4
Audio problem: When the station wagon pulls into the mountain clearing there is no movement with the trees indicating they are on a sound studio, as some of the dialogue is acoustic. (00:24:00 - 00:24:30)

Audio problem: When Jerry goes over to open the jail cell door, the sound effect of jingling keys can be heard, however the actor isn't holding any keys. The jail cell door doesn't even have a keyhole.
Suggested correction: When the Sergeant tells Jerry to open the cell (00:18:20), Jerry reaches to his left side to retrieve keys from his duty belt (there is no "sound effect of jingling keys"). And keys were visible dangling from Jerry's duty belt when he told Philip to calm his wife (00:17:10). Secondly, the jail cell door does indeed have an old-style keyhole (00:18:30).

Audio problem: During the dream sequence, while the spirits of Christmas uses echoing sounds in their voices periodically, Fred's voice was not supposed to echo at all, but his voice can be heard echoing as well a few times.

Audio problem: In "The Robot", Gumball whimpers while his mouth is open. He whimpers again, and this whimper sounds like the first one, except his mouth is closed.

The Man They Called a Magician - S1-E2
Audio problem: Jigen shoots Pycal in the head with no results. He says that his gun is useless, but his lips don't move. (00:05:50)

Audio problem: In the final song, "This is What It's Like to Be Lovers", the lead male studio singer starts the song, not David Cassidy, then they switch to David Cassidy's real voice halfway through for just two lines, then they switch back to the male voice of the studio singer.

Audio problem: When Tori and Kwon are talking in the hotel lobby, Tori says, "Maybe you shouldn't have let him kick your ass," but as she turns her head, her lips aren't moving.

Audio problem: When Becky runs down the stairs and yells "Mom!" you can hear the echo throughout the sound stage.

The Barter - S1-E16
Audio problem: When Scott tells the Tokyo police that two kidnappers are locked in the van, we hear his voice, but his lips aren't moving. (00:42:00)

Audio problem: The kids are sitting across from an older couple in a diner. The older woman is talking about her husband. The scene cuts to a shot behind the old woman. Her mouth isn't moving but she is talking.