Joe Kingman: Bostun Webels, experience the heat. Buston Webels, catch the magik. Buston Webels, catch... who wites this?

Richard Williams: Venus and Serena gon' shake up this world.

Vince: Hey coach. Name is Vince. I'm just a bartender from Philly whose only dream is to play ball. It's all I got left after I lost my job teaching, and my wife left me. Like my alcoholic father used to say before he passed on, "A man can only take so much failure!" I'll give you everything I got. What do you say coach?
Lambeau "Coach" Fields: I say you can add "Did not make the football team" to your list of woes.

Bugs Bunny: Watch me paste this pathetic palooka with a powerful paralyzing perfect pachydermus percussion pitch.

Sidney Deane: Can anybody step in for this guy? Anybody? For Mr. Motherfucking March of Dimes?

Walter Gulick: Don't push me, Willy. I'm a grease monkey that won't slide so easily!

John du Pont: I'm getting Dave. And I don't care how much it costs.

Vince Boudreau: If a man builds a thousand bridges and sucks one dick, they don't call him a bridge-builder... they call him a cocksucker.