Prof. Ned Brainard: Let's see, flying rubber... Flubber.

Branch Rickey: A box score - you know a box score is really democratic, Jackie. It doesn't say how big you are or how your father voted in the last election or what church you attend. It just tells you what kind of a ballplayer you were that day.
Jackie Robinson: Well, isn't that what counts?
Branch Rickey: It's all that ought to count, and maybe someday it's all that will count.

Sonny Vaccaro: A shoe is just a shoe until someone steps into it.

Harold: Is it true that with your new mechanical arm you can shift gears in less than a twentieth of a second? Would you care to comment on that?
Frankenstein: No.
Harold: How do you feel about going into the race with a navigator you've never met?
Grace Pander: You'll love Annie. She's a red-hot sexpot.
Frankenstein: She'd better be a red-hot navigator.

Kurt Warner: Do what you can do, till you can do what you want to do?

Chick Gandil: You go back to Boston and turn seventy grand at the drop of a hat? I find that hard to believe.
Sport Sullivan: You say you can find seven men on the best club that ever took the field willin' to throw the World Series? I find that hard to believe.
Chick Gandil: You never played for Charlie Comiskey.

Eden: These waves are for the big boys.

Bud Alexander: I'll have the lambchop luncheon.
Lou Francis: Um, I know what I want. Spaghetti.
Tommy Nelson: And a steak.
Waiter: [to Lou.] What do you want?
Lou Francis: Spaghetti.
Tommy Nelson: And a steak.
Waiter: [to Lou.] You said you knew what you wanted. Do you want spaghetti or steak.
Lou Francis: I'll have a spaghetti.
[Then Lou immediately raises his hand to signal Tommy not to speak.]
Lou Francis: [to the waiter.] And a steak.

Jake Shuttlesworth: I want you to go to Big State, Son.
Jesus Shuttlesworth: Aw, Man, you just like everybody else.
Jake Shuttlesworth: No I'm not like everyone else, Son. Everyone else ain't your father.

Darcy: He said you're a hard man. Just how hard are you, Mr. Jones?
David Sloan: Um... hard enough.

George Foreman: Anger was my answer to everything. I couldn't stop myself from fighting. It was the only thing I did well.

Sergeant Kesuke Miyagi: Ambition without knowledge is like a boat on dry land.

Jack Morris: You know I.C.? Colored fellow at the service station?
Ellen Morris: Sure.
Jack Morris: His son came back from Europe today.
Ellen Morris: Wonderful.
Jack Morris: In a box.

Malcolm Moore: You know you're an idiot, right?
Sean Porter: I'm making progress. I used to be an asshole.